Have fun talking, I'll be in here, trying to get the fire to confess who's hotter.


I looked down at the pile of pens rattling in the floor. Lista tossed them aside, seeing he doesn't need any of them. I peered at it. Once I saw one blink out of existence. Figured it was just my eyes playing tricks on me, I gawked at the others.

I couldn't mistake how one by one evaporates in thin air or got swooshed by the wind and boom. Gone. Poof. This was blessing. I swallowed hard. Lista was able to make pens danced and shoot like knives at me by his 'blessing'.

Which was better? Mine or his? Observers will say mine because it can destroy enemies by touch. Yet, the chosen Eklektos slash useless wielder me, deems this power useless. I can't protect anyone with this. I don't know how I'll play hero like Thor with his lightning hammer to save the day. Nor become Horus with his shining shimmering all knowing eyes. I'm probably the villain that rob banks and got his brains spilled by reckless security guards.