He's back


"Wait you're the - " the girl, Ava, didn't let me finish. She walked past me and joined the others. 

"Hey, wait!" I grabbed her hand and separated her from the crowd who went to the end of a white fluorescent lit hall. I grabbed her shoulder and slip her back to where the receiving counter is. 

"You're from yesterday right?" I stared right into her eye. Trying to see past the motionless, expressionless face staring right at me. There must be some resemblance. The more I look closer, the more I'm convinced she has the same air Moon rose has around her. 

"Yesterday wasn't the first time we met, isn't it?" I prodded further. She didn't bat an eye. "Are you perhaps..."

"Ava!" I was startled by  the voice of Meira echoing from the other side of the corridor.

"What are you doing Ms. Henna? I don't have enough time to waste here. We'll leave you." The campus tour guide scolded.