The night I lost my virginity


"He's fallen." A man said.

"Let's wait." A girl said.

"Shouldn't we rushed in and take down that girl? I mean look at her. She's clearly twirling him under her charm." The man insisted. 

"Let's wait. He's not that weak to fall down to a charming girl." The girl said.

"Yeah, but he's stupid to be swept off his feet like this. Can't he see this is a mmpf-" the man's voice got muffled.

"Shh. He can hear us." The girl shushed him up. 

"So what? Let him hear for all I care. We're in this cursed mess because of this stuck up boy who's too worried he's already in highschool and still a virgin. Now she's taking advantage –"

An out of nowhere zapped, like an electricity cut off and there's nothing. My eyes flutter open. Blinking at the strange light from a lamp and pink fluffy decorations around the room. I got up. Feeling panic striking my chest. Doubling my stomach.