They impaled him


The first thought that run through my head is 'Impossible.' Lista understood it from my expression. 

"Oh, no, clearly it's not." He produced a long molten stick out of nowhere. Magnus was still as a statue in front of me. His eyes now trained at Seven's peaceful face. Lista tapped the molten stick to Magnus' cheek. Smoke rise from the contact, the skin singed and there's a smell of burnt flesh in the air. 

I attempted to squirm under my binding. Magnus shot me a look. A warning look. 

'Don't move.' 

'Don't react.'

'Don't show weakness.'

'Don't let them have the satisfaction seeing you suffer from their inflicted pain.' 

He told me. Directly in my head. I don't know how that happened. I heed his warning. I stiffen my facial muscles. I bite my tongue. I pierce my skin using my nail. So hard I made it bleed. Making me numb from other pain I'll have to experience today.