Switching soul


"You…what did you do to her?" I demanded. Meira looked past me and stare at Seven's uncomprehending face. 

"That's my prey." She said, flashing us her teeth that grew longer and sharper. Like a vampire. "I got her first. Her blessing, her youth is mine. Lista, Dylantino, and the others can't deny me of that right."

"But we can. She's an Eklektos. And she's one of ours." Magnus said. I nod in agreement. Her lip turned up.

"Eklektos? Are you sure you did your job right puny Seeker?" Her head started to shake, or spin, I don't know. It's just too fast my eyes can't keep up. Around her, fleshy thick white substance fell down, like a snake's skin. As if she's in the middle of hibernating.

She stops. Her face has taken a time travel downtown she aged in three hundred years in just fifty seconds. It's rude but I actually gagged seeing her true face. Magnus smirked in my direction.