Reeling it up.


It's not me who's crazy. It was them. All three of them. They could've warned me when they've been planning for a two storey feet dive to the ground. Or the spot where we'll land is actually a horde of rats and cockroaches sharing the basement together.

We crash right into an old battered king size bed. The sheet has been chewed off by rats and something is crawling under our butts. I did my best not to scream. I already overwork my voice when we fell.

Magnus was immediately on his feet. Sam is promptly tuck on his right shoulder. He's swinging and carrying him like he's used to running and escaping crazy horde of monsters while lifting someone on his shoulders. 

I find that amazing. I looked down at my hands. My thoughts traveled to my stomach. Trying to discern some weird alien energy flowing in my veins.