One and his faeries


I take a deep breath and calm myself. I think back on the first time Magnus told me about the Faeries. Telling me the Aufs are slaves of them.

Back then, I didn't reflect on how strange it was.

"Yeah, Faeries. Faeries." I said.

"Okay, Faeries. Faeries." He repeats. "Are you saying those tattooed cannon guys are Faeries?"

"Uh huh."

"So not a chick?"


"No sexy leaf costumes and big boobies?"

"What? No!"

"No small wings and pixie dusts like Tinkerbell?"

"What the -"

"No sexy leprechauns and hot goblins in two piece bikinis?"

I put a hand up. "Sorry to break it up to you but Faeries we're up against aren't sexy. They're too deceptive and cunning, doesn't have boobies like Tinkerbell - wait last time I check Tinkerbell is flat chested."

"No she's not -"

"They also don't wear sexy costumes. Anyway, forget about your fantasies about them and learn to accept the truth."