One's trace


"So Jesper," Magnus said, "What can you do with your blessing of time?"

Jesper looks away. He scan his eyes around the room, pick up an apple from the table top and played with it.

"I can do this," he straighten his palm and let the apple reside at the center. His left hand swish, first towards the right, and then the apple withered, like a decayed vegetable left out in the trash to rotten. He swipe to the left, then the apple turn from super red to light red, getting smaller until it becomes so small my eyeballs is probably bigger.

"I can control the time of a specific object. Have it undergo the 'past' 'present' and 'future' phase. Like this apple, it's past is when its hatch in the vines, then it grew bigger get redder - the present. In future it decayed."

Magnus lean closer to him and gaze at the apple.