too late

When the matter finally calmed down and the Engross family went home, all three malicious eyes turn to Lucien. He grinned.

"What's up?" The first to respond is Lucy. Her hand flew straight to slap Lucien. His cheek sore. His teeth are about to come off from the force of this woman. She's petite in size and delicate in her physique but her arm strength can conjure force not expected from her.

Lucien received her slaps in silence. He can't understand how his body can withstand it. Or more like, his body is so used to be beaten up, it does not come to mind how many pain it has been inflicted with. At that, Lucien laughed it off.

"You're stil laughing?! You damn wretched of a brother! Useless! Shameless! Who wants to have a sibling like you?! You are nothing! Nothing! How dare you disrupt my engagement?! You think beating you up and whipping Liathma lash on you is enough?!"