
Lucien takes pride on his accomplishment. Although Marcus congratulated him for his successful feat, Lucien cannot escape his sermon.

"Whether you succeed or not, the matter remains unchanged. Young Master, what you did is reckless! You could die! What's the use of enhancing your blessing if you will die in the middle? You think anyone will benefit with your death?"

Lucien flinched at Marcu's outrage. That was the first time Marcus ever reprimand him. Of his practices. Of Lucien's ways. Marcus always chose to stay silent. To observe. To see how far will Lucien's progress if he keep trying out things. But this time Marcus see the danger, the risk. Lucien is aware Marcus care about him more than Marcus let on.

Lucien sighed and pat Marcus in the shoulder. "I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

Marcus finally calmed down and bowed to him. "I apologize for raising my voice to you, Young Master. I'm sorry I let my emotions get the better of me."