
Getting to Know Each Other

Briony didn't wait longer. When she found out that her father talked to Aldrich and made him come back to help her overcome her sensory overload which was predicted by her twin, she knew that she doesn't have any reason to act angry or play hard to get. 

As much as her supernatural senses could be very helpful not just in hunting but in her profession as well, it was taking a toll on her. So she admits that Aldrich would be a great help. And she doesn't want to wait any longer if that means she could control her supernatural senses sooner. 

On Briony's next break, she only took a couple of hours of sleep before she left their house and headed to Aldrich's laboratory. 

Even if Aldrich's laboratory is in the basement of her house, according to Aldrich, it just feels odd to call it her house. Technically, the laboratory was hers because it was inside her house but it doesn't feel right to call it hers, she would rather call it Aldrich's laboratory.