Announcement that echoed on the World Channel

World Radio is a kind of radio that everyone can hear in the game world

Yang Xiaofan never thought that the first broadcast would appear because of him

And, old man, what do you mean by this announcement?

What a crime? Killing people?

I just killed a chicken!

Peeping at the village head's wife's bath? What a fart! I have such a strong taste?

The last one is more hateful. Where did I rob you? Where did I beat you? Did you throw your crutch into my hand and fall down?

Yang Xiaofan reluctantly looked at the crutch in his hand. "My elder sister taught me not to rob other people's things when I was young. I recognized the first few, but I didn't recognize the last one. This crutch is returned to you. You can cancel the information of robbing and beating you."

He handed the walking stick to the village head on the ground

"It can't be undone! I know you outsiders can be resurrected. You'll be hunted to death forever!"

The village head got up and hit his head on the crutch

A huge hole appeared on the head of the village head, and a line of numbers floated out of the head

Life - 99999

Yang Xiaofan

[congratulations on killing 999 village head, experience + 99999]

[congratulations on player's level increased to level 10, congratulations on player's attribute point + 90]

World Radio: "congratulations to player 'your cat was picked up by me when you went out for a walk.' the first one who reached level 10 is awarded the 'level 10 pioneer medal'"

The broadcast was repeated three times in a row

Then, the third world broadcast appeared: "player 'your cat was picked up by me when going out for a walk' is suspected of killing the village head. The Yamen has filed a case and officially wanted him. At the same time, a wanted order is issued: seize this man and reward him with 10000 experience, 10 gold coins, yamen favor degree + 10, and several of them have won rare missions and titles."

The players in the whole "dream" game are stunned, or most human beings are stunned, because the vast majority of human beings are among them

When they are still wandering at Level 3 or 4, this guy is at level 10!

Also broadcast three world news in a row!

The main guilds and family groups brush their ranks crazily in order to make their names appear in the world broadcast, so as to advertise and increase their fame

But I don't know this cat is in the limelight!

President of the immortal Dynasty guild: "check! Find out who this cat is!"

Master invincible guild: "find this person and see if there is a trade union. If there is no trade union, pull in quickly! No matter what the cost is!"

"Kill! If you catch this guy, you can get a lot of rewards from the Yamen. Now the major guilds haven't got a gold coin! It's a huge sum of money!"

"My eyes are red. The favor of the Yamen is very important. I have a chance to get a lot of tasks."

For a time, the whole world of players boiling, crazy towards 999 novice village

Yang Xiaofan scared chrysanthemum a tight, his instinct will be offline, but he immediately thought, this terrible reward will be here squatting him

Then he will be rounded up or even killed as soon as he goes online!

Once killed, under the effect of 100% drop probability, his artifact will be gone!

Never go offline!

Meow, why not trade!

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he went the opposite way and rushed out of the novice village

"There! Get him!"

Everyone's nicknames are on top of their heads. It's hard not to see him

The nickname "your cat went out for a walk was picked up by me" is so dazzling that it's impossible to hide

A pile of things hit him, and a pile of red symbols appeared on him

Miss (no injury)

Life: - 1, - 2


Yang Xiaofan's level has been raised to level 10, and his upper limit of life has been raised. Although the damage of these people is not high, they can't stand too many people. He waves [the village head's crutch] and rushes out

[you have killed 'love you silly', experience + 1]

[you've killed 'do you think I'm handsome', experience + 1]

[you have killed...]

With the blood flowing, a player is killed by him with crutches. After all, the level is suppressed there. Killing them is the first thing

He didn't want to develop rapidly with rank advantage, but he thought that the Yamen would pursue him

He thought of ways to protect the crutches, but before that, he had to hide them

All the way bloody, crutches were dyed red, a player into light disappeared in place, after resurrection, and then to kill Yang Xiaofan

For half an hour in a row, half of the blood on his body was worn away by these players

He didn't know how many people he had killed. His crutches and white clothes were all dyed red

Ding, congratulations on killing 100 people and winning the title of "100 people chop."

[World Radio: player 'I picked up your cat for a walk' and won the first title. The title system is on.]

[World Radio: player 'I picked up your cat when you went out for a walk.' it's a terrible crime. The captor has begun to hunt

Two more world broadcasts, or about Yang Xiaofan!

"Ah, who is this' pick up a cat '? The name is so abnormal!"

"Damn, the world channel can be changed to his own channel!"

"Kill him, I can't help it. This guy is boss. It must be like this. Kill him!"

Yang Xiaofan, who is killing people, hears that the captor is coming to catch him. He knows that he can't go on like this. He must leave quickly!

With the advantage of running in the forest, people no longer pay attention to the level of attack

He didn't stop until he ran to the cliff. He quickly looked around for a place to hide his crutches

As soon as his eyes brightened, he thought of a good place to hide things. He squatted and carefully stuffed his crutch into the crevice of the cliff. It looked like a tree root

[the system prompts that the village head's crutch has been discarded and may be picked up at any time.]

After hiding the artifact, I was relieved at last

Death is OK. This artifact must be kept

This is his chance to change his miserable fate

Yang Xiaofan stood up, his hair was flying, and his eyes were burning with fighting spirit. "In this case, let me kill you. If you dare to attack my treasure, you will die... Ah."

At the foot of the sudden collapse of a piece of soil, one did not pay attention to the body toward the cliff fell, screamed Jinghong

[over scared, life - 1, - 1, - 1...]

"He jumped off the cliff. Hurry back to the revival point of the novice village to stop him!"

A group of players who just catch up see 'pick up a cat' jump off the cliff, angry to death, there are several ruthless directly wipe their necks into a white light back to the village

System: [you have been scared to death and won the title of coward]

Yang Xiaofan has not yet fallen to the bottom of the cliff. He is scared to death

He can guarantee that he is the first one to be scared to death in the whole game

But it's better than falling to the bottom of the cliff and feeling pain

Although his game warehouse only has 50% experience, it's a good thing not to hurt

It turns into a white light and disappears in the air. When it reappears, it is at the revival point of novice village. Its level has changed to level 9 and dropped one level

He just appeared, a group of people flocked to, all kinds of things, bricks, stones, underpants

"Damn! Which thief threw his clothes at me!" Yang Xiaofan is not afraid to die now. He picks up his fists to slaughter and flashes white light

[you have killed 'I love you baby', experience + 1]

[you have killed...]