
Novice village is full of blood. No matter who the people are, male or female, they all come to kill him. In this case, kill them back

White lights flashed by, and more and more people died. These people were more and more brave, just like attacking him as a novice village boss

Ding, congratulations on getting the title of "thousand people chop."

A louder sound sounded in his ears. Yang Xiaofan looked at the main page. An hour later, his physical strength was in short supply, and his blood was almost worn out

At this time, Yang Xiaofan saw a group of people in the same uniform rushing in the distance, with the word "captor" floating on their heads

Here comes the Yamen!

Yang Xiaofan quickly offline, "let you wait, want to kill me? Disgusting you!"

The body turns into a light and disappears

If he goes offline in the field, his body will stay in place, but this is the rookie village, the place of resurrection

Many players dull Leng, and then scream

"Laozi's strange! His blood will see the bottom immediately, and he will be killed a few times to gain a lot of experience and reward!"

"Shit! I've been dead more than 30 times. He ran away, counsellor!"

"Dog's day, the task is not done! I squat here to kill him, I don't believe his deletion number!"

A group of players do not brush strange to complete the NPC task, waiting for Yang Xiaofan online kill him

Some people guess that he won't go online again today. He's going to brush monsters quickly to upgrade his level. When the level comes up, he'll come and catch 'pick up a cat' tomorrow morning


Yang Xiaofan sweating out of the game warehouse, this machine does not even have a temperature control system, looking at this old game warehouse, he does not know whether to be happy or cry

All this is the beginning of this old game warehouse. If it wasn't for it, it wouldn't be magic

He turned on the light brain and the virtual projection screen appeared in front of him

Search "dream" official website forum

As expected, it was full of posts about him. The experience posts and guild video posts were all pushed to the back

"Shock! A man opens the service five times in three hours!"

"Level 10 in less than two hours? Bug or plug-in?"

"Open up! Absolutely open up! All tasks of novice village can't reach level 10!"

A group of people questioned 'pick up a cat' and even contacted the official website to ask for an explanation

Soon, "dream" official gave a unified reply

"This game is jointly managed by two AI systems, space transportation company and human intelligent robot operation system. As early as a year ago, no one participated in the game. Our staff are not clear about the direction of the game, so please rest assured of the fairness of the game."

"We contacted two AI, and their reply was: 'picking up a cat can reach level 10 because we accidentally killed the village head and gained a lot of experience. As for how to kill the village head, we don't know. In order to ensure the notarization of the game, our game developers have no right to access anyone's game video, only allow the players to shoot their own video... No, I went to 999 village to block people."

The previous two generations of virtual reality online games do not allow developers to participate in the game, in order to affect the balance hands-free

"Dream" is different. As early as a year ago, it was handed over to the two AIS for control and construction. Even the R & D personnel are not clear about what it looks like and what tasks it has

The official explanation reassures many people, but some marketing and conspiracy theorists continue to shout 'pick up a cat' for cheating or card bugs

The official ignore this, you can break the world's two most powerful AI or card bug, you cheat, card bug

Some people learned that killing the village head can quickly upgrade, and organized groups to kill the village head

Then he was killed by the regiment and wanted by the Yamen. He was taken back to the Yamen and sent to the coal mine for 30 days

Forced, this group of people all delete the number of re training

Thirty days? People start to wear cool equipment to pick up girls. They just come out of the black coal mine! It's better to practice again

This group of people throw the pot to 'pick up a cat', rebuild the number and block in 999 novice village

Yang Xiaofan took a look at the forum, withdrew from the official website, entered the 'Universe shopping' page, and searched for 'game warehouse'

Advanced game warehouse tens of millions of dollars, in which you can eat, drink and sleep. The nutrient solution can make people not eat for a month. The function of temperature adjustment is pediatrics

Cheap hundreds of dollars, he Leng is not from the search he used this version of the game warehouse, also admire the third sister can take out this play should be

Bear the pain will secretly save their own three thousand to buy the game warehouse

80% of the real simulation, can adjust the temperature, consciousness can enter the game, immersive, no longer need to look at the screen!

I will take off my clothes and go to the bathroom full of sweat

Just turned on the tap, the door of the bathroom was opened, Yang Xiaofan quickly covered his body, and exclaimed, "third sister, what are you doing? I'm still taking a bath in it!"

Su Su's face was slightly red and his heart beat faster, but he pretended to be indifferent. "Oh, I'm afraid of something. I haven't seen it before. I'm so thin with anyone."

"Get out of here and wait for me to get dressed before you get on!"

Su Su, who was just about to go out, heard Yang Xiaofan yelling at him and immediately stopped. "You're still angry? If you dare to yell at me, I won't go out. Anyway, it won't get in the way."

She went straight to the toilet, squatted down and began to use the toilet

Yang Xiaofan

He hung the sprinkler back and got ready to go out

I didn't know that I didn't hang up, the nozzle fell, the high pressure water of the nozzle just sprayed on Su Su, and the whole person was instantly drenched

Yang Xiaofan's heart clattered, weakly looking at Su Su who became a drowned chicken, "third sister, if I say I didn't mean to, do you believe it?"

Su Su jumped up directly and rode on Yang Xiaofan, which was a burst of beating

"Elder sister! Second sister! Killed! Help

Yang Xiaofan's heartrending cry for help

Su Yuyu and Su Meng rush out and pull them apart

"Don't stop me, I'm going to skin this smelly boy!" Su Su's leg is still on Yang Xiaofan

Elder sister Su Meng's eyes glared

Su Su immediately withered, whispered: "it's him..."

"I don't know what you are like? How old are you? You don't pay attention to the influence. Put on your clothes as soon as possible. Is there any other reason for men and women? Don't you understand?" Su Mengyi's tone of education, she is the oldest here, and she has to be responsible for some things

Su Su pursed his lips discontentedly, "what's the difference between men and women? How old is he..."

"Dare to talk back! What's the age? Who is the tallest in this room? He is old enough to get married and have children. I warn you, no one is allowed to wear only clothes from today on

A, or walk around the room with only one coat on the outside"


Hearing the ban, Su Su and Su Yuyu cried out at the same time,

A it's the most uncomfortable thing. It's not only easy to sweat, but also makes them nervous. They didn't wear it in the room before

In fact, Su Meng also suffered, in order to avoid an accident, she must do so

Yang Xiaofan moved to tears, finally, this group of women finally realized to wear clothes!

No one knows how he came over these years, no one knows how he suffered, no one knows!

Yang Xiaofan is feeling the reincarnation of elder sister Bodhisattva, Su Meng suddenly said: "cut us two watermelons, play so long game, too tired