Sister's cucumber

According to the rules, the game can only be online for six hours every 24 hours. In addition to guild collective tasks, it will be online at the same time

Come out ahead of time to see the boss's experience, you can take many detours

Yang Xiaofan covered his body and went back to the room, dressed and cut watermelon for his three sisters

"It's so irritating. We've been brushing for so long, and we've caught a lot of disgusting frogs. We've just reached level 4. This guy named 'your cat was picked up by me when I went out for a walk' is all level 10! Let's go online tomorrow to block him!"

Su Su's playful face sparkled with excitement

The second sister Su Yuyu whispered: "it's not good to fight. Let's just catch frogs and run errands. It's not a lady to fight."

Su Meng shut off the brain, picked up the watermelon and chewed it. "999 village is full. It's hard to get in, not to mention to kill the level 10 guy. We don't kill him if we want to. We concentrate on our own business, strive to brush more gold coins, and save enough money for your school, so we don't have to work hard for our parents."

Su Su collapsed on the sofa. "Well, I'm just imagining. After all, this guy has ten gold coins and ten thousand experiences. With these experiences, we can upgrade several levels. Ten gold coins have a huge advantage in the early stage. The guild of ten thousand people can brush ten gold coins at most tonight, which is a huge sum of money."

The second sister Su Yuyu rubbed Su Su's head and comforted her: "this society is very cruel. Don't always think about pie falling from the sky. You think that 'picking up a cat' is Xiao Fan. If you want to catch it, you can catch it."

Yang Xiaofan

He threw the watermelon skin into the trash and walked quietly to the room

Su Su sighed and cried out, "Yang Xiaofan, is that you who picked up a cat?"

Yang Xiaofan body a stiff, indignant shout: "you are not to install the camera in the game warehouse! You this is a violation!"

Third daughter:

The third sister Su Su jumps up and holds Yang Xiaofan. The second sister Su Yuyu stands in front of him and begins to comfort him. The elder sister Su Meng rushes into his room and opens the game landing page

Impressively saw the player name: "your cat went out for a walk, I picked it up!"

Su Meng took a deep breath, and Ann nodded to the two girls

Second sister Su Yuyu is OK, relatively quiet, excited face red, don't know what to say

Su Su, the third sister, looks up at the sky and laughs excitedly. She holds Yang Xiaofan down and kisses him fiercely. Unexpectedly, she shouts casually and discovers the big secret

Her younger brother is the most discussed 'I picked up your cat when I went out for a walk'!

Rich! Rich!

"Don't kiss, Xiao Fan is suffocating..." Su Yuyu looks at Yang Xiao Fan who is about to lack oxygen

Su Su got up, wiped her mouth and looked at her brother with tears of humiliation

Ding Dong

When the doorbell rang, a voice came from outside, "Hello, Mr. Yang Xiaofan's express has arrived."

Second sister Su Yuyu rushed to open the door, two couriers carrying the game warehouse into the room

The courier saw Yang Xiaofan lying on the ground with a face of despair, his clothes messy and red lips

The two couriers looked at the three beautiful girls in the room, their eyes red with envy

This boy lives with three such beautiful girls!

Yang Xiaofan sprang up from the ground, pointed to three women and yelled: "eighteen years! You've devastated me every day, don't make me angry!"

The two couriers were shocked! The grandson had been with three beauties for 18 years!

How cool it must be!

Su Meng jumps up and holds Yang Xiaofan in his arm. His head squeezes the mountain into almost deformation. "Get angry? What's wrong? Sign someone's ID card quickly. We won't be happy tonight. Xiu wants to sleep!"

Make them happy

The two couriers couldn't bear it. They left the game warehouse and left quickly. Their jealousy was burning. They were afraid that they could not control their jealousy and cut this guy to death

It's so hateful that there are so three beautiful girls, and they look desperate? It's so forced. This boy must show them such beautiful girls on purpose!

"Eh? Don't you check it?" Su Yuyu sees two couriers leave, but shakes his head and closes the door again

Three women began to ask Yang Xiaofan in the game

Yang Xiaofan, bent on yinwei, said all kinds of mistakes caused by game jamming, but it was a blessing in disguise. Of course, he didn't say anything about artifact

This artifact is the key for him to escape from his sisters. As long as he finds a chance to change it into money or upgrade his accomplishments, he will be developed. The problem now is that it is not tradable

Finally, sannu decided to go online at 12 o'clock this evening, and let him get out of the novice village while everyone thought he couldn't go online today, and then let sannu seize it and give it to the Yamen

In this way, the three women can get a large number of awards, thus developing

Yang Xiaofan sighed and thought about it. It's a good idea. It's better to go to prison than to be sent to prison

When he came out of the prison, he quickly upgraded, found the Bodhi ancestor mentioned in the remarks, thoroughly solved the artifact, and then went to the top of the world, trampled his sisters under the feet

"Boy, what are you laughing at?" Su Meng saw Yang Xiaofan's mouth, squinting

"Nothing, nothing." he won't admit what he thinks

"Impossible, you must think about how to teach us. I've requisitioned the game warehouse you bought, and you'll use mine!"

"Hello?" Yang Xiaofan said

"What are you doing? Move in the game warehouse and go online at 12 o'clock."


In this way, Yang Xiaofan's second game warehouse was also requisitioned

But fortunately, the game warehouse of the elder sister can be used. Besides the old point, it can also connect consciousness, but it can't adjust the temperature

"Eh? Elder sister is still kind to me, and she knows to leave me a cucumber."

Yang Xiaofan suddenly saw a cucumber in the game warehouse. He picked it up happily and looked at the water stains on it. He should have washed it and bit it happily

Suddenly, he thought of something and his face changed suddenly

At this time, Su Meng rushed into his room and saw that Yang Xiaofan ate the cucumber

Yang Xiaofan cried and said: "elder sister, your boyfriend let me eat..."

"Boy friend, your sister!"

Su Meng's black line appreciated Yang Xiaofan's exploding chestnut. "This is the old woman who will use the mask for a while. This is the last one in the family. There's still a few hours away from twelve. Hurry out and buy it for me!"

"Oh, it was a facial mask. It scared me." Yang Xiaofan walked out on the side of the cucumber.

"Don't eat..." Su Meng wanted to talk and stopped, his face was slightly red

Yang Xiaofan confused back, "what's the matter?"

"Let you go quickly, don't ink!" Su Meng yelled, but the voice was obviously lack of momentum

"Oh." Yang Xiaofan walked out of the house in a gloomy mood