Sister chop me

Yang Xiaofan left his residence and walked on the street

All kinds of levitated vehicles are flying around the sky, the progress of science and technology has developed a lot of new energy and air purification. The air is wonderful. Anyway, it is better than the smell of perfume in his room.

Even at night, there are still many shops open, most of them are robot waiters

There are few opportunities for him to find a job and earn pocket money

When he bought cucumbers, he chose some other vegetables. In addition to doing housework every day, he also wanted to make food for them. Once there were duplicate vegetables in a week, the three sisters would beat her

Second sister is OK, especially the ferocious third sister, many times put the foot into his mouth

Before the game, the three of them went to bed earlier and earlier for fear of wrinkles

Three women early online, into the game, took the Yamen arrest task, to 999 village

Yang Xiaofan enters the game warehouse at 11:35

Consciousness connects the game storehouse and comes to a new world with a flash of white light

It's really immersive, as if in the real world

The whole world white, in front of a door, enter this door is officially into the game world

This time, he finally had a modeling system, which can change the appearance of his body. However, he was not in a hurry to use this function. This function has only one chance, and can't be changed after using it. He will change it to his own appearance after he has processed the artifact

At present, it's better to use the character model presented by the system

At the door stood a beautiful little sister, who finally saw her face. Although it was only 70% true, it was better than the previous sandbox

Every time he thought of his miserable past, he could not help but want to leave the control of his sisters

While there was still time, I opened my backpack

There are several titles and a badge in it

The titles are "100 people chop", "1000 people chop", timid as a mouse

There are remarks behind these titles

Title: 100 people chop

Note: players are awarded this title because they are the first to kill 100 players

Title: thousand people chop

Note: the player is awarded this title because he is the first to kill 1000 players. Function: give the enemy goose bumps

Title: timid as a mouse

Note: because the player is too timid, he is the first to be scared to death, so he is awarded this title. Function: as long as he does not take the initiative to attack the enemy and is lower than the enemy's level, he can be ignored by the enemy

Seeing the role of these titles, Yang Xiaofan is not good as a whole. Each of the "titles" in the previous two generations of games is extremely precious and powerful, which plays an important role in the field PK or strange play

Last game has a bull force title, called Fenghuang

When people wave their hands, they can mobilize NPCs and players of a country

But why is the title in this game so boring!!

What's the effect of chicken!!

Even if you can only add a little attribute point, it's OK!!

Fortunately, there is also a "ten level pioneer medal."

Note: since the player is the first to reach level 10, you can add 10 attributes to any attribute

This medal is pretty good, click to wear, these ten attributes are added to the attack power of course

Just when he was about to give attack power, Yang Xiaofan suddenly saw that the time on the panel was 12:01! His sister told him to go in at 12 o'clock! It's over, let the woman wait for him, he will surely die miserably

He hastened to attack point, toward the door in front of the official landing game

"Eh? Did I add the wrong place just now?" Yang Xiaofan vaguely remembers that he just came in in a hurry and ordered the wrong place!

But now there's no chance to watch it. People squatting at the revival point in the novice village see the white light flash by and roar excitedly: "pick up a cat and come back..."

[you have been killed by "I picked up your cat for a walk"]

Yang Xiaofan all the way out, looking for the shadow of the sisters, a look up to see them

That beautiful face is out of place in the crowd, wearing ancient clothes, skin delicate white temporary, like a fairy general, attracted a large number of players, but only the eldest sister and third sister, did not see the second sister

Yang Xiaofan is bleeding all over his body. He kills out like a soldier. Others think he is trying to run out. In fact, he is trying to get his sisters to catch him

Finally, he came to his sister and cried out, "hurry up! Catch me! I will die if I lose more blood!"

"Silk blood?" the third sister's eyes suddenly brightened, and drew out the old dagger across Yang Xiaofan's neck

[Ding, congratulations. You won the favor of village heads by killing 'pick up a cat'. You promised a gold coin and a thousand experiences with village heads No. 999]

Yang Xiaofan covers his neck and looks at Su Su in disbelief. His body gradually falls down. His eyes are full of the pain of being betrayed. "I'm your brother."

"It's not pro." Su Su pursed

[you've been killed by 'my brother's a fool']

Yang Xiaofan in grief into a white light, disappeared in place, reappeared in the novice village

Just then, the second elder sister, whom I didn't see just now, catches Yang Xiaofan, and the system sends a prompt: "my younger brother is so handsome" is arresting you, do you want to resist arrest? "

When Yang Xiaofan saw the second sister, he knew that they had planned to cut him once

Originally, he was very heartbroken, but when he saw the nickname, his anger disappeared


Of course, he won't resist arrest. When the people who are rushing to see Yang Xiaofan arrested, they immediately roar with grief

"No, I didn't do the task for hours, just to catch him!"

"You're a dead pervert. It's hateful enough to name a pervert. You even agree to let a woman catch you. Do you want a face?"

"Damn, let's kill this woman!"

A group of players red eyes toward the second sister Su Yuyu rushed, Yang Xiaofan eyes a vertical, swung his fist will rush to the second sister all dry over

At this time, four or five people appeared with the word "captor" on their heads

"All those who fight here hold on to their cells for three days."

As soon as the captor's words came out, there was no one in 999 village, and they were all offline

Joke, they can't be caught. In this world, six hours is a day, that is, the maximum time of 24 hours landing in the game. For players, it's also three days

Su Yuyu, the second elder sister, saw the captor buckle Yang Xiaofan. Even though she knew it was fake, she still couldn't bear it. Looking at the captor, she pleaded with him and said, "captor, do you think he can be so obedient to be arrested? Can you reduce the punishment?"

Catch white Su Yu fish one eye, "you a group of players are afraid of what punishment, take away!"

In this group of NPC's consciousness, players are normal things, just like what human beings see in the material world, they think what they see is normal things

"You three will follow us to Yamen to get gold coins and rewards."

In this way, the three women went to Yamen with Yang Xiaofan

Soon, the news of Yang Xiaofan's capture came to the whole game, and many players who were going to 999 village from far away went back disappointed

It's a pity that the first boss is gone

The first time to log in the game that group of people have to leave time, many people leave the first time to post forum

Most of them said that this game is not different from the previous two generations of virtual reality games

Until the appearance of a post, changed the public opinion