The same table being chased

Yang Xiaofan, who is full of chains, was stunned for a long time when he saw these system prompts.

How can he achieve such a difficult achievement?

Have you been bullied by your sister for so many years and pitied by fortune?

Is he going to the top of his life?

[Ding world broadcast, congratulations to "Oriental believers" for being the first to create Tianpin Gongfa, and the ranking list of Gongfa is published. ]

Yang Xiaofan just thought that he was good again, he was hit by the system broadcast.

Since the beginning of the first generation of online games, there are three levels of skills that can be practiced before level 100. They are character, earth and heaven. Heaven is the most advanced skill that can be practiced before level 100.

He hasn't even created the character skill. The sun thief has created the heaven skill. That's the gap.

Wait, this ID looks familiar. I'll go! Is the second generation of virtual online games, one of the top ten masters of Oriental believers!

Yang Xiaofan opened the "skill list", and the first skill was shining with golden light, which was the Oriental believer's "Kaitian sword".

Looking down, there are more than 10 local level skills and more than 100000 personal level skills! This does not include the hidden but not published!

Everyone has their own experience. You think you are the son of destiny. After a long time, you will understand that you are an ordinary person, while others are the real son of destiny.

Yang Xiaofan's newly rising excitement is dispelled, and his unrealistic fantasy is thrown away. He has only one goal: to be economically independent and far away from his sister!

That's enough.

In the stinky prison, Yang Xiaofan follows the locksmith to learn how to unlock the lock.

If ordinary people really don't have many locks to open, it will be very slow to improve their unlocking skills. However, Yang Xiaofan has many kinds of locks hanging on his chains, nearly a thousand of them.

[bite and unlock skill increased to level 2, 0 / 10 from the next level]

At the same time, practice unlocking with straw and contact "my deskmate is a pig" through the control panel.

"Well, where are my fifty-five gold coins? You're not going to default Why? How did you get to level five? "

All of a sudden, he noticed that Xu's rating had dropped several times.

[Ding, your deskmate is a pig and gives you 55 gold coins. ]

As soon as the sound of the system fell, Xu's Lotto suddenly sounded, "I've been subdued. I wanted to exchange some gold coins for real money, but the group of grandchildren on the opposite side didn't give me any money. They sent someone to kill me "Ah"

Xu Lotto is shouting angrily, suddenly screams, the connection is disconnected, and then look at Xu Lotto's character panel, only level 4 is left, obviously killed again.

"Give me the ID of those people and get off the line quickly!" Yang Xiaofan joins Xu Lotto again and drinks in a cold voice.


Before Xu's head picture turned gray, a video was sent.

Yang Xiaofan opens the video.

Xu Lotto happily walked down the street and saw a group of gorgeous people. She went up and asked if she would buy gold coins. She asked her how many gold coins she had. She said 30.

The group of people obviously showed greedy expression, agreed to trade with 300000 for 30 gold coins (recharge channel has not been opened, early gold coins are important).

This silly girl is not too stupid. She turns 15 gold coins first, but the result is no accident. Instead of giving her money, the players pursue her and then drop two gold coins.

These players are going after her harder.

Yang Xiaofan remembers the ID and face of these people and speeds up the unlocking speed.

"Unlock successfully Unlocking failed Unlocking failed... "

Unlocking is not like digging a hole. There are also times when he fails. However, he is not discouraged. Anyway, he can increase his proficiency and follow the old man to learn skills and make a little progress.

"Congratulations to the players for finding skills and improving their proficiency by 5 points. The level reaches level 4 and there is still 0 / 1000 to the next level."

In this way, the next few hours of the game are spent in the unlock, a lock fell to the ground, the level has just reached level 6, the end of the game time, was forced offline.

Yang Xiaofan opened his eyes and got up from the game warehouse with sweat all over his body. He shook his head with a bitter smile. Others killed him all day. He was digging holes and unlocking locks all day.

He wants to be fresh and angry. He wants to be bloody with his sword instead of spending the rest of his life in prison.

I got up, took off my clothes and went to the bathroom to take a bath. At the same time, I turned on my brain and watched the official website while taking a bath.

There are various forum posts on the official website forum, and the posts about him have been pushed down.

On attribute points to improve the level of Gongfa

How many financial groups are going to the public

Proposal to increase game voting


I found an idiot with a lot of money

When he saw this post, Yang Xiaofan opened it unconsciously. Sure enough, as he thought, the idiot in this post was Xu lotto.

Attached to it is a video released by the players who are chasing Xu Lotto: "I am the creator of the times.".

Although they don't obey the rules, this is the world of games. What can they do if they abuse at most? In the post, the player ridiculed Xu lotto.

Yang Xiaofan's face is getting colder and colder. He remembers the player whose ID is "I am the creator of the times.".


When the bathroom door was pushed open, Su Su, the third sister, stretched out her head and yelled, "is it so slow to watch movies?"

Yang Xiaofan

Before waiting for Yang Xiaofan to speak, elder sister Su Meng came over and gave Su Su Su A shudder. "I've told you several times that men and women are different. Don't open the door when Xiao Fan enters the bathroom in the future."

"Oh." Su Su covers his painful head and turns away.

Su Meng looked at Yang Xiaofan, "hurry to wash, we have something to say, also, young people should control, if empty, if you marry more wives in the future, you can only empty tears."

Su Meng's intimate admonition, glances at Yang Xiaofan under the sprinkler, and slowly closes the door.

With tears in his eyes, Yang Xiaofan turned off the sprinkler. There was no * * living here. He vowed to upgrade as soon as possible to make money and stay away from his sister.

Coming out of the bathroom, Su Yuyu, the second sister, cut some watermelons and brought them up.

"Say, why not accept our friend application." Su Su, the third sister, picked up a watermelon and jumped onto Yang Xiaofan's sofa.

Although she was wearing a big sister's shirt, barely able to wear it as a skirt, she stood and looked down at Yang Xiaofan. The cartoon briefs were facing Yang Xiaofan's face.

Yang Xiaofan quickly turned to look at the elder sister and the second sister, "I set up a stranger to refuse to add friends. You know, I'm too famous. There are hundreds of thousands of people who add me."

After all, he is also the person with the most names in the game announcements.

Elder sister Su Meng seemed to guess the same, nodded, "then tell you our nickname, you add, my name is [do you have my brother handsome]."

"My name is [my brother is so handsome]." Su Yuyu, the second sister, blushed and spoke in a low voice.

Su Su exclaimed excitedly: "my name is [my brother is a fool]! Ha ha, how about my name? Fortunately, I registered fast. "

Yang Xiaofan remembered the nicknames of the three sisters and said in his heart, "it's terrible. In order to rule me, the three sisters even have my shadow in their nicknames."

Su Meng, the elder sister, cocked up her legs like a queen, and looked at Yang Xiaofan with charming but not coquettish eyes. "Then, what's the secret about you when you say another thing? Why do you always make a sensation? Is it a secret occupation? Of course, we just ask, you can not answer

In order to increase the interest of the game, there are hidden professions in the first and second generation of virtual online games, each of which is very powerful.

Although the official website said "dream" did not specify the occupation this time, Yang Xiaofan's performance is too outstanding, which is very similar to the occupation.