Family economic crisis

In the small but warm living room, Su Su rides on Yang Xiaofan's neck, and the second elder sister sits quietly like a lady. Her eyes are full of Yang Xiaofan, and her eldest sister is like a queen. She has a kind of submissive impulse.

Yang Xiaofan shrugged, "there is no hidden occupation."

In addition to the task of madman Zhang San, he told the three sisters about the prison without reservation. Of course, he won't tell anyone else.

Even if he doesn't know much about games, he knows that he can ignore the power of learning skills.

What's more, in this version of the game, a skill means that you can create a skill, which means that you are powerful.

Sure enough, the three girls were shocked when they heard that they could learn skills without any restriction.

The elder sister Su Meng reacted and calmly analyzed: "don't think too much. First of all, you need to find a prisoner who has the skills you want to learn. It's very difficult to brush the prisoner's favor to 100. How can you brush the prisoner's favor in prison? Then you have to be able to enter the prison and help the prisoners fulfill their wishes after entering the big man. "

"However, it's also a way to learn skills. Maybe it can be used in the future. Don't make it public. The less people know about this kind of thing, the greater our advantage."

The other two women nodded.

"It's almost twelve o'clock. Don't you go to bed?" Yang Xiaofan looked at the time and suddenly opened his mouth.

The third girl's face suddenly changed.

"It's up to you! So late, it must affect the skin! " Su Su, the third sister, came down from Yang Xiaofan's neck and ran to the room barefoot. The other two girls also got up and went back to the room.

What they fear most is that they will become ugly.

Yang Xiaofan disdained the pie mouth, "also can't find a boyfriend, dress up so beautiful every day why."

After that, he suddenly realized something and quickly shut up, but it was too late. Looking at the three sisters who stopped at the door, the chrysanthemum was tight.

The three elder sisters rush over. The second elder sister gently covers Yang Xiaofan's mouth so as not to disturb the neighbors. The elder sister sits on him and controls her body. The third elder sister Su Su holds Yang Xiaofan's feet and starts to scratch the soles of her feet and torture him.

After half a sound, see Yang Xiaofan faint on the ground, revenge after the three women contented back to the room.

Yang Xiaofan humiliated to get up and return to the room, heart again firm, quickly upgrade.

Open guangnao, enter the game forum, find the post that votes to increase the game duration, and vote to increase the game duration.

Only with more time can we upgrade faster.

There have been hundreds of millions of people voting against increasing the duration of the game.

Ready to sleep, the door of the room was opened, a petite figure closed the door and jumped onto his bed.

Yang Xiaofan did not feel the slightest surprise, "third sister, is the air conditioner broken again?"

"Cough." Su Su pushed Yang Xiaofan away and lay down. "No, I just watched ghost movies and didn't dare to sleep by myself."

"Then go to the elder sister and the second sister." His bed is only one meter wide. It's very crowded for two people.

"The elder sister and the second sister are women. If ghosts come, they will hurt them. In addition, don't move. I'm your sister of different parents."


Yang Xiaofan is full of question marks, so he is not afraid of ghosts to hurt him?

You come here knowing we're not related? Run over and tell me not to move?

Forget it, I'm too lazy to say that my sister comes here several times every Wednesday.

Su Su, the third sister, put her leg on Yang Xiaofan and put her arms around him like a koala.

Yang Xiaofan visited the forum for a while and closed his eyes to rest.


The next morning.

Confused Su Su Su feels that she is being attacked by something. She wants to move her things away, but she can't move them away. She pulls hard.


The shrill screams echoed throughout the floor.

Su Su wakes up with fright. She looks down at what she grabs. Her face turns red. Looking at Yang Xiaofan, who is writhing on the bed, she feels very confused. She doesn't know what to do.

It's said that it's the key for men. If it's hurt, it will become incomplete.

She quickly knelt on the bed and lifted Yang Xiaofan up, "brother, don't scare me, let me see what happened."

Said, will lose the resistance of Yang Xiaofan's pants, want to see if the injury is serious.

Just then, the door of the room was opened.

Elder sister Su Meng and second sister Su Yuyu see Su Su kneeling on the bed with her head on Yang Xiaofan. From their point of view, it's like Su Su giving Yang Xiaofan again

"It's not what you see, it's..." Su Su had to tell the truth in her panic.

"Call the doctor quickly, something may happen later." The second sister is most concerned about Yang Xiaofan's body.

Elder sister Su Meng glares at Su Su and calls robot doctor.

After a while, two robot doctors came to their home with tools.

The robot doctor tests Yang Xiaofan's body.

In half an hour.

The robot doctor said, "three ladies, don't worry. Your husband is in good health. That function can satisfy you. Please pay 5000 yuan."

Two dimensional code is generated on the robot head.

"He's not our husband." Elder sister Su Meng blushed, picked up guangnao and slid the QR code. The payment was successful.

The doctor robot leaves.

Room back to quiet, usually lively Su Su did not dare to look up, clever stand on the side.

Elder sister Su Meng looked at the balance of less than 1000 yuan and couldn't help sighing, "let's stick to the money for ten days at most. There are still two gold coins left last time. Go to the trade union to exchange 20000 yuan. We'll talk about the change of equipment later."

"Why don't I go and play with you?" Su Su, the third sister, raised her head and said, "my classmate has a playmate who earns more money than a normal job."

"No, I've been in touch with playmates before. This industry is not as easy as you think. Do you want to please others disgustingly? You don't want to resist when others take advantage of you? " Su Meng played with me for a while in the last version, but he met many disgusting people and finally quit.

Su Yuyu bit his red lips. "I can be a nanny and help people look after the old or the baby. At present, this industry still needs real people to do it."

"No, you two are at ease to play the game upgrade. I passed the judicial examination and delivered it to the law firm these two days." As the eldest sister, she must bear her own responsibility. For the sake of her three younger brothers and sisters who are still at school, she can only give up the way of playing games, although she also likes playing games in it.

So I'm going to put in my resume.

Su Yuyu and Su Su can see the loss on Su Meng's face, but they don't know how to dissuade them. They haven't graduated yet, and they don't have any skills.

Lying on the bed, Yang Xiaofan thought about whether he had just got 55 gold coins or not. He couldn't breathe. He wanted to rise in the game with these gold coins.

But he really can't see his sister give up what she likes. He says powerlessly: "your guild is very trustworthy. You can exchange gold coins for real money, right?"

Three women hear Yang Xiaofan's words, delicate body light tremble, unconsciously hold breath, looking forward to Yang Xiaofan's next words.

Yang Xiaofan sighed deeply, "I still have 50 gold coins here."