Pharmacist's task

Scream lasted half an hour, a player really can not stand, shouting: "too painful! Brother, I deleted the number! "

Finish saying, this player goes offline, when dying again completely become a corpse.

Deletion also means giving up all the skills and titles you have learned.

After a player has deleted the number, the player who has not learned the skill will delete the number.

They were sentenced to more than 120 years with Yang Xiaofan.

Before I saw Yang Xiaofan escape from prison twice, I thought it was easy for him to escape from prison. But when I saw the guards here, I realized that it was not so simple at all.

Not only do they have to be punished here, but they also have to be punished here.

In the end, only [I am the creator of the times] was left. He died again and again until the jailer was tired.

This guy has a lot of willpower.

He stared at Yang Xiaofan in the shadow: "why did you set me up?"

Yang Xiaofan rolled a white eye, "who let you want to kill me before, the murderer will always kill it."

The "founder" bit his teeth, his cold eyes like a knife across Yang Xiaofan: "good, good. Do you know who you have offended? I tell you, my elder brother is the president of the immortal dynasty

Yang Xiaofan is very disdainful, "do you know who I am?"

The creator narrowed his eyes and said, "whose are you?"

"Descendants of the dragon." Yang Xiaofan props up his chest with pride.


Yang Xiaofan stood up and kicked over the rest tables of prison guards No. 10 and No. 11 through the iron fence.

The two jailers who were drinking water saw that the table had been kicked over and looked stiff. They took out the knife from their waist and pointed to Yang Xiaofan. They were furious, "you bastard!"

The two jailers swearing toward the "founder" and slashing at the founder.


"Pick up a cat" kicks your table. Why do you chop me?

He tried his best to explain, but the two jailers didn't listen, just slashed.

He died and was reborn again and again, and the severe pain made him unbearable. Finally, he cried to Yang Xiaofan: "you are finished! I won't upgrade this game! In the future, I will chop you once I see you in this game! "

With that, he cut the number.

In this number, he learned three skills, and asked his elder brother to help him create a character skill. When he was in high spirits, he didn't know what happened.

Although he didn't know why the gaoler didn't attack Yang Xiaofan, he also saw that the gaoler had nothing to do with him, and he would bear all the things Yang Xiaofan did.

In order to no longer bear the pain, he can only delete the sign.

Yang Xiaofan saw that everyone had deleted their numbers, temporarily withdrew from the game, entered the Forum on the official website of the game, and released the video just recorded.

The title is: "this is what's going to happen to me"

Because the account registered on the official website is the nickname of the game, the publisher displayed is "I picked up your cat for a walk.".

He is also a bit of a name these two days. After the post was published, he was immediately pushed up.

"Niubi, dare to provoke the younger brother of the president of the dynasty guild."

"I care more about how you escaped, brother."

"The immortal Dynasty is one of the largest guilds in the last version. At its peak, there were hundreds of millions of people. If you were targeted by them, you would be useless."

"Why use someone else? This son of a bitch has been sentenced for 120 years, which has caused me to be deleted! I don't want to die with him! "

Of course, Yang Xiaofan knows that the dynasty guild will not be destroyed. This guild has existed since the first generation of virtual online games. After development, the second generation of virtual online games has reached its peak.

But he didn't regret it. The purpose of this post was to attract their attention and make them forget Xu lotto.

Just let him carry everything.

Back to the game, hands are still hitting the iron ground, no matter whether it can be dug out or not, it is idle anyway, and it can also improve the proficiency of digging skills.

At present, Yang Xiaofan is facing many problems. The first is how to escape. Only by escaping can he have the opportunity to upgrade and make money.

The second problem is how to complete the task [return peace to one side]. If enough county magistrate's crimes are collected, they will definitely escalate, and the two jailers will beat them to death.

The other prisoners did not dare to speak to him when they saw the two guards here.

It was as if he would be stuck here, as if he would be trapped in a cell all his life, and had little chance to escape.


The tired jailer was sitting on the table to rest when he fell to the ground.

"Well?" Yang Xiaofan was stunned. Are they so tired?

At this time, a voice came out from the nearby cell, "little brother, they were made dizzy by me. I want to ask little brother for help."

Yang Xiaofan looked along the voice, a disheveled middle-aged man rubbing a few clay balls in his hand, looking at him excitedly.

The middle-aged man had a few words on his head: "pharmacist Hua Qing.".

"Little brother, I made them comatose for a while, and the effect can only last for two hours. To make a long story short, I was collecting herbs a few days ago and was arrested by the Yamen for poisoning. My son is in need of money to go to the private school. Can you help my son? My wife will give you an ancestral Pharmacopoeia

[Ding congrats, players trigger the quest of "pharmacist Huaqing", task reward, a treasure of herbal medicine, experience + 1000, accept or not. ]


Yang Xiaofan wants to laugh wildly. He loves prison. There are talents in it. The guards are so easily confused.

After she learned the medicine, she could make the guards dizzy and go out without knowing it.

"Thank you." Hua Qing tears excitedly.

"You're welcome. Give me the address." Yang Xiaofan picked up a straw, fiddled with the lock on the gate of tielao and opened it with a snap.

"The first cottage at the entrance of Huatuo village." Pharmacist Hua Qing responded quickly.

The hole he had just dug had not been filled, but it was just blocked by a plank. Yang Xiaofan lifted the plank and ran out quickly.

According to the coordinates, he quickly went to Huatuo village. Although it was not far from here, he was at level zero. He couldn't get up fast, so he could only walk a little bit. When he met passers-by, he had to dodge quickly.

This is Yang Xiaofan's first time to see the outside world. It's really real. The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. The players are rushing back and forth for the task, which makes him very envious. He hopes that he can do the task normally one day.

Twenty minutes later, I arrived at Huatuo village without danger. There were many players doing missions in the village.

He looked around for a while, and while no one found him, he rushed into the thatched cottage at the entrance of Huatuo village.

In addition to remote observation, there was no decoration in the room. Inside, a woman was crying with her son in her arms. When she saw Yang Xiaofan rushing in, she was startled.


"Madame, I am not a bad man! I'm your husband's client. Your husband asked me to send money to your son! " Yang Xiaofan in order to avoid exclamation, quickly took out a gold coin to her.

In fact, he didn't want to use gold coins, but he forgot to ask Hua Qing how much money he wanted to pay. In order to avoid the failure of the task, he had to take out a gold coin to bear the pain.

As she was about to call, Mrs. Huaqing was stunned when she saw the gold coin handed by Yang Xiaofan, "you Are you the one entrusted by your husband? "

"Yes, your husband told you not to worry. Besides, he said that you would give me a pharmacopoeia." Yang Xiaofan impolitely asked for Pharmacopoeia, how can't let his a gold coin white flower.

Mrs. Hua Qing held the gold coin with trembling hands, because her husband always asked for nothing in return, which made her family's life difficult. Now the only labor force has been taken away, the children can't go to school, and there is no food. This money is life-saving money.

She got up and went into the bedroom. When she came out, besides a pharmacopoeia, she had something similar to a censer.