Comprehend the skill

[Ding congratulates the player for completing the task and has gained 1000 experience. ]

There was a series of light shining on him, and Yang Xiaofan's level was upgraded to level 4.

Mrs. Hua Qing went to Yang Xiaofan for her money and handed Yang Xiaofan a thick Pharmacopoeia and the censor.

"This gold coin is enough for my family for several years, and a pharmacopoeia is not enough to repay your kindness. This medicine smelting furnace is also given to the benefactor. I believe that my husband will not blame me."

"Congratulations on your obtaining the Pharmacopoeia of Huatuo. Do you study it?"

"Congratulations on your success in the legendary alchemy furnace."

Equipment: legendary alchemy furnace.

Current level: Bronze (according to user growth equipment)

Equipment conditions: study the Pharmacopoeia of Huatuo.

Introduction: this furnace is a kind of danstove that the God rewards Hua Tuo for saving his life and supporting injuries. Every user learns a level of Pharmacopoeia and improves the medicine refining level, which can increase the success rate of 50% and the efficacy of 20% and save 50% of the time.

Drop probability: 99%

"Lying trough!"

As a three good student, Yang Xiaofan saw the introduction of the red stove and shocked the rough.

It is a growing equipment!

And there is no limit for raising!

Theoretically, it can grow all the time!

Even grow into the most advanced equipment!

His breath became rapid and his body trembled with excitement. He agreed to learn the Pharmacopoeia of Huatuo and equip the alchemy stove.

Click to open the task panel.

ID: I picked up your cat for a walk

Title: timid as a mouse (has strengthened ten attribute points to the limit)

One hundred and one thousand

Occupation: not available

Grade: 4 (111/1000)

Life: 1000

Defense: 1

Physical strength: 1

Charm Value: 10

Reputation -1000

Weapon: legendary alchemy furnace (bronze level: can grow, drop rate: 99%)

Skill: dig holes, level 9, 43537046/1000000000 million from next level

Unlock, level 9, 56434/100000000 from next level

Gift pack Compensation Skills: zero level bully is invincible.

Pharmacopoeia (10th floor): at present, the player is not learning the first level, so it needs to be read by the player himself

Function: None

Remaining attribute points: 180


Just as he clicked on the character panel, the system prompt appeared: "do you get advanced equipment, do you want to make a system announcement? At that time, the equipment ranking will be opened. "

No announcement was made on the last time the Shenji [village crutch] was obtained. According to his assumption, the crutches should not be unsealed and not yet equipped, so they would not be announced.

Yang Xiaofan sneered, "announcement? How can I... "

"You have agreed to the announcement."

"Ding world news: congratulations to the player 'your cat went out for a walk and I picked up' to get advanced equipment, and the weapon equipment was turned on."

The broadcast, as usual, was broadcast three times.

Yang Xiaofan is ignorant. He didn't want to announce it! He said a question!

Has this intelligent system not learned Chinese?

That's a question!

He's going to complain!

Yang Xiaofan's face changed rapidly, and quickly hidden the introduction of the legendary alchemy furnace on the list. Such equipment should not let others know its performance, otherwise, it will be pursued endlessly.

It was too late to say goodbye, quickly left the Thatcher house, and ran down to the prison.

The drop rate of this red stove is 99%, which is no different from 100%, and he is only level 4. If he meets the enemy, he will be killed!

The players who heard the world announcement were stunned.

Isn't this' cat pick up 'in jail? How did you get the equipment? And it's also a high-level equipment.

The first weapon ranking list is "legendary alchemy furnace", but it is doubtful that the grade marked behind the furnace is bronze, and it is ranked first.

The second weapon is gold.

Players who have studied the game deeply soon speculate that Yang Xiaofan has been provided with growth equipment. Unless someone gets equipment that exceeds the growth level of the furnace, it cannot exceed the rank of this furnace.

That is to say, the grade of this red stove must be above the Yellow stage.

Many players are jealous of the eye.

In the early stage, we should not say that gold equipment, even bronze equipment, has a lot of people to fight hard.

"Eh? How does that guy wear a prisoner's uniform? " A player who is driving by the road sees a man running by.

"Lie in the slot, you see ID! It's "pick up a cat"! He really escaped again! " The next mate exclaimed.

After a second, passer-by players give up their tasks, holding weapons greedily to kill Yang Xiaofan.

The speed of the dishes to grade 4 has been improved a lot. It takes 20 minutes to come. This time, it only takes three minutes to run back to the prison!

But there have been a group of people who have killed him. Some people throw out their weapons and cut them into his arms in order to kill him.


The blood red font is floating out, life-100.

"Don't force me! I swear, who catches me will cut him to the deletion mark! " Yang Xiaofan roars while running, and being cut to death will surely lead to the falling of the legendary alchemy furnace!

He hasn't covered the baby with heat yet!

"Only four arrogant your sister ah! Brother, I will cut him! " A player called handsome man 1 yells, catching up with Yang Xiaofan is a knife.

-800 of the storms appeared.

In a moment, Yang Xiaofan's life is only 100, and then it will fall if he is attacked casually!

Many players will be surrounded by water, a bunch of weapons to him, Yang Xiaofan eyes, regardless of the image squat, swing his arms to dig.

The dust was flying, and it blocked the sight of the people.

When the dust is gone, the players who chase "pick up a cat" find that "pick up a cat" is gone!

There is a big hole in the ground!

"By! The speed of digging is very fast. "

"Don't squeeze! Let me in! "

"Go away! I am advanced! "

A group of players want to chase Yang Xiaofan, cut down at the hole, to Yang Xiaofan to fight for some time, quickly response to quickly drill in.

Just at the moment Yang Xiaofan got into the soil, the sound of the system sounded in his ear.

"Ding congratulates the player for understanding the skill. Please name it."

Yang Xiaofan was shocked, and he realized the skill of digging holes and escaping? Is this a casual skill?

"Named earth recluse!"

Although the digging of holes is not elegant, it also understands the skill.

"Ding earth recluse was named successfully, and the level of skill: the initial stage of the earth. The evaluation of the method: although it can escape, it is not elegant enough and has no skill. "

Yang Xiaofan didn't care about the calm behind him. He didn't expect that he had created the skill of ground products. Maybe it was related to his high level of digging holes. After all, it was the advanced skill that he had acquired from passive bug.

No time to think, the players behind me are catching up!

"Where are you going! Hand over the alchemy! " Player [handsome man No. 1] looks at Yang Xiaofan who is getting closer and closer, and his looks are gradually ferocious.

Yang Xiaofan gnats his teeth, and piles all 180 attribute points into earth recluse.

"Ding consumes 50 attribute points, and earth recluse is upgraded to the medium term of the ground."

"Ding consumes 50 attribute points, and earth recluse is upgraded to the later stage of the earth."

"Ding consumes 50 attribute points, and earth recluse is upgraded to the early days of the product."

"Ding, player attribute points are insufficient, can not be upgraded, 30 attribute points have been returned."

Seeing [handsome man No. 1] he will cut down yangxiaofan, a series of pleasant sounds ring, the speed rises rapidly, and then he will shake off the handsome man No.1.

Yang Xiaofan ran crazy towards the direction of prison. In his view, the cell is the safest, and death will be born again in it.

A minute later, Yang rushed back to prison anxiously, jumped out of the ground and rushed back to the iron prison, quickly locked the iron prison, and grabbed his neck and began to commit suicide.

He killed himself four times and returned to zero. Several gold coins and the legendary alchemy stove were dropped next to it.

He picked up the items again, and then he was relieved, and he collapsed heavily on the ground and his heart was beating wildly.

"Ha ha! Look where you're going, asshole! "

[handsome man No. 1] he jumped out of the hole with a knife and gray face, shouting excitedly.

But when he saw where he appeared, his face was stiff.