Task 2

He glanced at the attribute panel before leaving.

id: I picked your cat out for a walk

Title: As timid as a mouse (10 attribute points have been strengthened to reach the limit)

Medal: Tenth-level Pioneer Medal, 20th-level Pioneer Medal (20 attribute points are given)

Occupation: No

Level: Level 20 (111/10000000000)

Life: 9990/10000

Attack power: 10000+1500

Defense: 10000+1

Stamina: 10000

Charm value: 10

Reputation: -10000 (Because of being wanted by the government, the reputation cannot be restored unless special circumstances)

Weapon: Golden Bull Axe.

Skills: [Digging] Level 9, and the distance to the next level is 53537046/10000000000.

[Unlock], level 9, still need 56439/100000000 to the next level.

Gift package compensation skills: Zero-level tyrant body is invincible.

Handed down Pharmacopoeia: 3/10.

Gong Method: Earth Dun (Tianpin Primary)

Remaining attribute points: 220.

Every time you level up, you will be rewarded with ten attribute points. In addition, the first player to reach level 20 will get another 'Twenty-level Vanguard Medal' with 20 attributes.

He didn't upgrade Tu Dun to a high level. Tu Dun's level was sufficient for the time being, and he stayed for other techniques in the future.

When the handed down alchemy furnace was put away, Yang Xiaofan quietly dug in the direction of the government.

Let's take a look at how the jailer died.

He found that the upgrade was not as good as level 0, and the passive skills at level 0 left him in an immortal state, so he didn't have to worry about exploding equipment.

He had planned to escape from the control of the yamen before, but went to the game's official website to check the exploration of the game map by some professionals.

In the end, it was discovered that all places that can be explored are under the jurisdiction of Yamen.

How do you say that sentence?

Oh, yes, it's the king of the world.

Running out of this yamen, there is another yamen waiting for him.

It is impossible to run, but to escape from prison to maintain a life.

It took twenty minutes to dig under the yamen and dig up quietly.

Sticking out a head, there is no danger in looking around, it is already dark, very suitable for hiding.

I got out of the ground, and when I got out, I heard the sound of a woman being beaten from a room not far away.

He sneaked over, as he did in the costume TV series, pierced the paper window with his fingers and looked inside.

It was the room of the magistrate of the Eight Characters Hu. Yang Xiaofan saw that the magistrate was bullying his concubine.

But the little concubine looked very happy.

For the first time in eighteen years, Yang Xiaofan saw such a scene. He felt a strange feeling in his body, and he was attracted unconsciously.

One minute later, the battle was over, and the county magistrate was panting from exhaustion.

The woman with the words "Little Concubine" on her head was very unhappy, "Really rubbish, pour me a glass of water."

"Yes, I am a trash." The county magistrate smiled and hurried down to the ground to pour her water.

She was obviously a concubine, but her expression was extremely arrogant, she commanded the county magistrate pretentiously, and the next words surprised Yang Xiaofan.

The little concubine said indifferently, "Today those two people are not enough to eat, I need to eat more people."

The county magistrate took the water over and smiled bitterly: "Why don't you eat the prisoner in the big jail first? You can't eat the official, otherwise it will attract the attention of the above. I also found a chance to take the two prisoners. Dead cover up."

The concubine kicked the county magistrate and got up and stepped on the county magistrate, "No, those people are too low-level, and eating them is like eating shit. It's really unlucky to follow you. Didn't you say that the prefect will come someday? When you give me to him."

The county magistrate hugged her concubine's leg in a panic, "Xiao Cui, don't leave me, for you, I even poisoned my wife, you can't leave me!"

The concubine grabbed the county magistrate by the neck, and her petite body grabbed him!

"If you don't want to die, just do what I say. I will give you a few words in front of the prefect. Maybe you can get promoted and make a fortune. That's all, I don't want to waste my tongue and don't force me to kill."

The county magistrate saw the little concubine's indifferent expression, his body trembled, and he nodded in agreement, "Yes."

"Turn off the light and go to sleep." The little concubine waved her hand and turned off the light several meters away.

Yang Xiaofan stepped back quietly, went underground, and filled the hole as if it hadn't appeared.

What happened just now had a great impact on him.

The first is the scene of two people fighting. He saw this scene for the first time in his life, which had a great influence on his heart, and his heart was inexplicably restless.

The second is the dialogue between the two.

I learned from the conversation that this little concubine is definitely not ordinary, and can eat people!

She ate those two jailers!

In the game, seeing this kind of thing is obviously a task, but why is it not triggered?

Since there was no trigger, he didn't think much about it. Anyway, he recorded the scene just now. Didn't they say that the prefect will come, and just bring the evidence to the prefect at that time.

But the evidence is not enough.

He dashed back and forth on the ground of the Yamen for a while, and found the two arresters who helped collect evidence.

The two of them were taking a shower, and they were shocked when they watched Yang Xiaofan who had come out of the ground, and almost caught him as a voyeur.

They also knew what Yang Xiaofan was here for, and looked at no one around, took out two small books from the clothes and gave them to Yang Xiaofan.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player for collecting 100 pieces of criminal evidence from the county magistrate, gaining 100,000 basic experience, collecting 90 pieces of evidence, and gaining an additional 900,000 experience, task evaluation sss, and a special reward of 10% of the task experience."


"Congratulations to the player for upgrading to level 21."

"Congratulations to the player for upgrading to Level Twenty."

"Congratulations to the player for upgrading to level 23."

Yang Xiaofan was dumbfounded.

He promised these two arrests, he would give them a silver coin for every piece of evidence collected, and they collected a hundred pieces at once!

A hundred pieces of evidence... a gold coin is gone.

This county magistrate is too his grandson, why did he commit so many things.

Heartbroken, handed a gold coin to the two.

Ten thousand yuan is so gone.

If other players knew what Yang Xiaofan was thinking at this time, they would definitely hack him to death.

A gold coin can be upgraded to three levels at the 20th level. How can there be such a good deal in history? He is still unsatisfied?


"Congratulations to the players for completing the [Returning Peace to One Side] Task 1 [Collecting Evidence of County Order Illegal Law], now we will release the task 2: [Report], convey the news to the Wang Zhifu, reward 1 million experience, 100 gold coins, special reward: amnesty ."

Seeing the task released, Yang Xiaofan's heart tightened and he was rewarded with a hundred gold coins!

This is one million in real money!

When the recharge exchange system is turned on, he will be able to exchange these hundred gold coins for one million, and then he will be far away from his sister!

The most important is the special reward: amnesty.

The amnesty is to be released from prison, so that he will not be wanted by the government anymore, and he can be upgraded with peace of mind.

Yang Xiaofan was moved and wanted to cry. When he heard the second mission, he finally knew why the mission was not triggered just now. It turned out to be a mission.

If he didn't trigger the task on the hunter before, it will trigger when eavesdropping.

He hurriedly asked when the two arrested kings would come.

This is a major event related to his future, so sloppy.