Unlock knowledge

"The prefect will come in half a month, little brother, the future of our county is up to you, you must succeed!"

Chakuai No.1 said sincerely, he didn't want to see the dark order either.

"There's still half a month left." Yang Xiaofan felt that the time was a bit long.

"Ding warm reminder, you are in a non-safe area, please go to the safe area to go offline in time, and you will be forced to go offline in five minutes."

Hearing the prompt, said goodbye to the two catchers, went underground, and found a safe place to get off the line.

It was already two o'clock in the morning when I came out of the game, and the third sister's snoring sounded in the next door.

He came out of the game compartment in a low voice, washed briefly and went to bed.

The scene of the county magistrate fighting with the concubine appeared in the dream.

The next morning, the eldest sister Su Meng took the third sister Su Su, and the third sister Su Su took the second sister Su Yuyu into Yang Xiaofan's room.

Last night, Yang Xiaofan gave Xu Le a birthday to arouse the three of them intense jealousy, making them very unhappy as sisters.

So I am going to find a reason to teach him a lesson.

Maybe Yang Xiaofan slept too late last night, and he didn't wake up when the three women came in.

The third sister Su Su suddenly tore Yang Xiaofan's quilt away, preparing to sneak attack him.


Su Su suddenly screamed, and the three girls blushed and ran out.

Yang Xiaofan heard the movement and opened his eyes in a daze. Seeing the three women leave inexplicably, he closed his eyes again and continued to sleep.

He encountered the second dream that he didn't want to wake up, the first time he dreamed of doing math problems.

Outside the room.

Su Su seemed to be frightened, stammering not knowing what he was talking about, and his little hand gestured with units of length.

Su Yuyu's embarrassed face was dripping with water, and she lowered her head and ran into the kitchen to cook.

Su Meng pretended to be calm, but his heartbeat was extremely fast, and he took a deep breath and said: "From now on, everyone is not allowed to enter Xiaofan's bedroom. Knock on the door before entering."

Yang Xiaofan didn't wake up until ten o'clock in his sleep, and he was very energetic. When he came out of the room, he just saw the three women doing yoga again.

I don't know why, I usually hate them doing yoga, but today they look so beautiful, I just looked at them unconsciously.

The third daughter felt this strong gaze, and her body froze inexplicably.

Fortunately, Yang Xiaofan didn't look any further, and went into the bathroom to wash.

After a while, he came out of the bathroom, sat down at the table, picked up his chopsticks and ate the breakfast made by the second sister, "Sister, I recorded a funny picture in the game, and I will show it to you later."

The eldest sister stopped doing yoga, dressed in tight yoga clothes, sat in front of Yang Xiaofan, took a sip, "Let's let other things go first, let's talk about what's going on in the game."

"What's going on?" Yang Xiaofan looked confused.

"It's what you gave Xu Le about your birthday." Su Su jumped over and asked, "Are you two in love?"

As soon as these words came out, the eldest sister Su Su and the second sister Su Yuyu held their breaths and raised their ears.

"What about falling in love? Isn't it normal to celebrate a friend's birthday? It's just that her birthday presents are very strange. In the year when the three of you came to our house, she asked me to take her to the Pacific Ocean to see sharks. You forgot ?"

Yang Xiaofan took a bite of the poached egg viciously, "You don't know how weird her birthday present is every year, and once asked me to follow her to pierce the tires of the teacher."

Su Su pouted her little mouth, "I don't care, you are so good to friends, and we just say happy birthday to our birthday every year, and we need to make up for it."

Yang Xiaofan guessed something, his eyelids twitched, "You don't want to grab my equipment in the game, right."

"Whoever wants a weapon with an unpleasant name, we have to upgrade if we want money."

Yes, a woman hates something as long as it has a bad name, even if that piece of equipment is currently the second highest weapon list.

The eldest sister Su Meng said leisurely, "As far as we know, every time the most sinful villain enters the cell, she is chopped down to level zero. Since chopping for others is a chop, let us chop it. If you chop to level zero, you can get 20. Ten thousand experience and twenty gold coins."

Yang Xiaofan: "..."

Have you seen it? This is my sister!

Yang Xiaofan thought for a moment and nodded. Anyway, he is now the most wanted object of game players. It is better to be chopped off by others.

Anyway, after waiting for half a month, the prefect came, and at that time, once the county magistrate was reported, one million experience was obtained, and he received an amnesty, and he could be upgraded normally.

In fact, he is not afraid of the players, the player level is generally not high, the difference in combat power is not big.

What he was afraid of was the people from the government, a bunch of guys at level 30, couldn't beat them at all, and they were wanted to influence and upgrade.

In addition, this is the right to give back to the sisters before parting.

The third daughter didn't expect Yang Xiaofan to agree to it, and he was a bit unaccustomed to death and life before he heard him call.

"Okay, let me contact our guild. Then we will make a vacuum belt in Xinshou Village. You come to Xinshou Village and let us chop." The eldest sister smiled, her tone so relaxed, as if to chop a little wild monster.

"By the way, Xiaofan, what did you just say you want to show us?" The second sister said softly, she was paying attention to Yang Xiaofan's affairs from beginning to end.

At the mention of this, Yang Xiaofan was obviously energetic, his eyes widened unconsciously, and he stuffed the last few mouthfuls of food into his mouth, turned on the light brain, and recorded the scene of the county magistrate and his concubine fighting yesterday in the game. Play it out.

After the second sister Su Yuyu froze for a while, she brushed her face thoroughly, like a frightened rabbit, swish into the room.

The third sister Su Su picked up the pillow on the sofa and slammed the pillow on Yang Xiaofan's face, "Abnormal!"

The eldest sister silently shut down Yang Xiaofan's light brain, with a serious and serious expression, "I'm sorry, I didn't do this well, and I ignored your education in this area."

Yang Xiaofan looked confused, "What did you do badly?"

The eldest sister manipulated her optical brain twice to unblock Yang Xiaofan's network restrictions and sent two video lessons. This is the relevant knowledge that elementary school students and junior high school students should know.

"Watch it yourself, if you don't understand...ask me." Su Meng got up and went back to the room. She regretted over-protecting this brother. She never thought that no classmates told him this.

Yang Xiaofan opened the video class in confusion.

"Children, hello everyone, today Teacher Han will lead you to explain the knowledge about our body..."

Since then, the last eighteen-year-old man in the entire mankind who did not understand gender has disappeared...

Until noon, Yang Xiaofan was still studying the video lesson seriously, and the three women next to him were a little embarrassed.

"Ahem, don't look at it for now, I have already contacted the guild, and quickly went online back to Novice Village." The eldest sister turned off Yang Xiaofan's optical brain.

"Oh oh." Even Yang Xiaofan, who learned about the relevant knowledge, did not change much.

When I returned to the house, I suddenly turned my head and asked the three sisters: "The video said that men and women who have no blood or legally recognized kinship should pay attention to the distance. Why did you squeeze my bathtub with me when you were young? Why did you let me press your legs? Why hit me every day...Ah!"

Before he finished the question, he was kicked into the house by Su Meng.