Same as going home

Yang Xiaofan was holding his butt in pain, and vowed in his heart that he would come back sooner or later and open the old game compartment to enter the game.

When he woke up, it was pitch black because he was hiding in the ground.

In fact, he can hide underground without being caught by the earth escape, but it is nothing for a big master to hide underground every day.

In contrast, he would rather go back to the prison to learn something.

Put his equipment and money in a small underground room, dig a hole all the way from underground to Xinshou Village according to the coordinates, drill a small head from the soil, and see a group of beautiful legs.


A beautiful woman next to Yang Xiaofan's head saw a head suddenly appeared, furious, raised her foot and stepped on it.

Yang Xiaofan's face was stepped on, nosebleeds flowed.

-1000 damage crit floats out.

"President! He is a friend of'picking up a cat'!"

The older sister Su Meng with the nickname [Do you have my brother] on her head hurriedly pulled away [Divine Phoenix Rain], holding down the weapon she was about to draw out.

Divine Phoenix Rain, the president of the Divine Phoenix Guild.

The Divine Phoenix Guild is a guild formed by women. The last version is one of the top ten guilds. It is known as the Legion of Beauty and is very famous.

Because the three sisters of the Su family had hacked Yang Xiaofan before and got a lot of gold coins, they were lucky enough to join this guild, and they were pretty good in this guild.

The purpose of the Divine Phoenix Guild's visit today is to ensure that no one will bother when Yang Xiaofan is hacked.

Divine Phoenix Yu took a few steps back holding his robe, and looked at the'picking a cat' that came out of the ground. Her expression changed. She was just above Yang Xiaofan. This bastard must have seen everything.

However, thinking that Su Meng knew the "Pick a Cat", and this time he was here to help the three Su Family Sisters upgrade, I stopped saying anything.

After all, it's the president, and his aura is still great. No matter how unhappy, his pretty face didn't show up. He proactively stretched out his hand to say hello: "Hello, I'm the president of the Divine Phoenix Guild, Divine Phoenix Yu, and I've been admiring my name for a long time."

"Oh, hello, come and chop, I'm busy in jail."

Yang Xiaofan stretched out his hand to respond and looked around. Novice Village was already surrounded by a group of female players, tall, short, fat, thin, thin, thin, thin, and fat, and wearing ancient costumes, it was very sultry.

When Divine Phoenix Yu saw that "Pick a Cat" was among so many beauties, she was not restrained or showed the appearance of Brother Pig, which made her look at him a lot.

A group of female players saw the appearance of 'picking a cat' and looked at him curiously.

This man made everyone remember his name these days, especially the birthday congratulations last night, which made all women envious.

It's a pity that the character "Pick a Cat" is a gift from the system. He doesn't know his appearance, and he is wearing a prison uniform and covered in mud, which makes him look a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry." The eldest sister Su Meng smiled and took out a dagger, piercing Yang Xiaofan's heart without hesitation.

-3000 crit appeared.

Then the third sister [my brother is an idiot] happily followed and waved the weapon.

The second sister [my brother is so handsome] tremblingly waved the knife, "Yes... I'm sorry..."

In this way, Yang Xiaofan endured the pain, and the blood was wiped out by the three sisters. As he turned into a white light, the system sent a death notice, and the level dropped by one level.

The three sisters have added a lot of experience.

In this way, he stabbed a knife into Yang Xiaofan's body, and blood-red numbers floated out.

Yang Xiaofan never thought that he had not been hacked to death by other players in the game, but died so many times in the three sisters.

There are a bunch of women gathered in Novice Village. It's hard not to attract attention. Many players looked to this side, walked through the crowd, and saw the id of 'Your cat went out for a walk and was picked up by me'.

"It's over!'Pick up a cat' was first discovered by [Divine Phoenix Guild]."

"The pigeons in hand are gone, two hundred thousand experience and twenty gold coins!"

"No matter who kills this bastard, I'll be happy to kill me! Kill this crap!"

The Divine Phoenix Guild will block the Novice Village, and other people have the opportunity to come in and kill him. After enduring hundreds of knives, Yang Xiaofan was finally chopped to rank zero and pressed into the government.

The three sisters also gained a lot of experience by killing him twenty-three times, and the eldest sister Su Meng went straight to the twentieth level.

The two leaderboards have undergone tremendous changes.

The number one in the ranking list is replaced by the player [Do you have my brother handsome?], and the number one can't see the name.

The second and third sisters also entered the top ten rankings.

Three beauties appeared on the rankings and immediately caused a huge sensation.

Because the ids of the three of them all have the word 'my brother', and they are also members of the Divine Phoenix Guild, many people are curious about who their 'brother' is, and there are three such beautiful sisters.

The top two weapons in the weapon rankings even disappeared directly.

When a group of people pressed Yang Xiaofan to the Yamen, a scene where the three sisters and the president of the Divine Phoenix Guild were astonished appeared.

There is a catcher who directly brought out the fruit and handed it to Yang Xiaofan!

And more arrests are showing a look of horror, and hurriedly backing away.

Yang Xiaofan picked up an apple and took a bite. Not to mention, it can simulate the sense of touch. It is a magical game compartment.

"You are busy with yours, I will go by myself."

With that said, Yang Xiaofan nibbled the apple and walked towards the prison by himself, as if going home.

After catching quickly handed over the purse to Su Meng, he continued to work on his own, playing cards, drinking, drinking, and didn't care if Yang Xiaofan really went to jail.

Divine Phoenix Yu couldn't help but asked, "You just let him pass by yourself, aren't you afraid that he will run away again?"

A catcher who was rubbing the cards responded impatiently, "Run? Who can stop him? He ran away and killed two jailers yesterday. If it weren't for two lives this time, we wouldn't care about him. Of course, No one dares to manage now."

The tragic deaths of the two jailers made their group fear Yang Xiaofan.

"Okay, are you okay? It's okay to get out quickly, Ertong." The arresters began to rush.

Everyone: "..."

At the other end, Yang Xiaofan returned to the prison, and there was no longer a jailer to guard him.

The other prisoners in the cell looked at Yang Xiaofan in admiration.

Coming in again and again, going out again and again, it is simply a model for the prisoners of my generation.

The prefect has only half a month to come. Yang Xiaofan didn't want to be idle either. He looked at the many prisoners in the prison and said, "Do you have any wishes?"

"I have got!"

"I have it too!"

"My lord, I have it too!"

The silent cell became messy.

"Ding thief Zhang Yu has been in jail for one year. His son was just born. Please send him home with the name he thinks. If you help, you can learn stealing skills and reward forty thousand experience."

"Ding tailor Li Hua sewed a wedding dress to his ex-wife. I hope you will bring it there as a new wedding gift. If you help, you can learn sewing skills and reward 30,000 experience."

"Zhao Qun, the messenger of Dingxin, has an important letter to be delivered. If you help you can learn running skills and reward one million for experience."


A series of task messages sounded, which is no different from taking on tasks outside. They all gain skills and experience after helping, because these people are poor and don't even have money rewards.

The difference is that because of his high reputation in the cell, he can stack learning skills without limit, and the tasks are intensive.

This is simply a great place to brush skills.

The names of the people with Zhang San's nickname on their heads all changed, becoming special occupations plus names.

Yang Xiaofan was shocked to discover that among these tasks, there was a one million experience task! !