The role of the title 4 more

The players behind are unwilling to leave one after another.

Yang Xiaofan couldn't think of it. Several titles he thought were useless were very useful.

Being timid like a mouse can keep him safe in front of high-level monsters. This Thousand-Man Slash and Hundred-Skill Slash can make the enemy get goosebumps and heart tremors. Although it doesn't hurt, it can disgust the enemy.

The title is a rare existence in the game, and you must do something for the first time to get it.

For example, the brother who created the [Sunflower Treasure Code], because he was the first to create the exercises, he was also rewarded, and he was able to see the enemy's exercises.

There are many magical titles, but Yang Xiaofan has never encountered them.

Just when many people were leaving, there was still a player who was desperately chasing him under the negative effects of [Heart Shake] and [Goosebumps].

Look up at the player's id: [Vengeance Picks a Cat]

Yang Xiaofan: "..."

What did he do, as for such a name?

"Brother, why bother, stop chasing, you can't kill me." Yang Xiaofan couldn't bear to look at the twisted expression of this buddy and couldn't help but persuade.

[Vengeance Picking a Cat] With a grim look, "Asshole! You don't know me anymore! Have you forgotten what you did to me?"


"Miscellaneous! You forgot! I sweared before deleting the account, even if I don't upgrade, I will delete you!"

'Vengeance Picking a Cat' holding the bronze sword, no matter whether it can cause harm or not, he desperately attacked Yang Xiaofan.

"Oh, you are the creator, let your elder brother send someone to kill me." Yang Xiaofan remembered, this guy is the younger brother of the Immortal Dynasty Guild leader.

Last time, this guy shamelessly chased Xu Lotto, and he was so dark that he deleted his account. When he deleted the account, he vowed to kill him if he didn't upgrade.

When Zhou Guang saw Yang Xiaofan look down on him, he became even more angry, and a series of fierce attacks fell. With a click, the durability of the bronze weapon was exhausted and the weapon exploded.

But even so, Zhou Guang did not give up on Yang Xiaofan's attack, and began to blast with his fists.

Yang Xiaofan stopped suddenly.

Just when Zhou Guang didn't know why, a roar sounded, and a three-meter-high gray one-eyed violent bear rushed out.

Zhou Guang's body trembled violently, and when he looked around, he unexpectedly came to the'Blurry Bear Ridge'!

This place is notoriously terrifying, and it is called "Death Ridge" on the official website. If you come in at level 15 and below, you will definitely die!

In this way, Zhou Guang who broke into the violent bear ridge was trampled to death by the angry violent bear, turning into a ray of light and disappearing.

The violent bear looked at Yang Xiaofan, and under the effect of [Timid as a Mouse], showed a very human expression of disdain, and turned back.

Yang Xiaofan silently picked up a coin that fell on the ground, wiped it and put it in his backpack, and said with emotion: "Good guy."

Run to Blizzard Ridge to do the task.

Give names to Zhang Yu's son, give wedding dresses to the tailor's wife, and take care of the mask master's grandma...

Yang Xiaofan, who gained experience, was upgraded again, he was upgraded to level 7, and he gained 70 attribute points.

He pondered for a moment, and spent 20 attribute points on the Thousand and Hundred Slashes.

"The effect of Ding Qianren Slash was strengthened successfully, and the effect evolved into [Heart trembling violently]. Remarks: The strengthening limit has been reached."

"The effect of Ding Bairen Slash has been strengthened successfully, and the effect has evolved into [Goosebumps drop one place]. Remarks, the strengthening limit has been reached."

Yang Xiaofan nodded in satisfaction, he felt that he was the first person to discover the effect of strengthening the title.

Unfortunately, it can only be strengthened once, even as timid as a mouse.

There are still three hundred attribute points left on the body now, and they will be added after another skill in the domain.

After finishing the mission released by the prisoner, he faced a bunch of players chasing and killing him, and experienced a normal player's way of doing missions, killing monsters, helping, and completing the mission to get the mission.

After playing for an hour, I found out that it was actually quite boring. The rewards received were pitiful and time-consuming, not as valuable as the tasks in the prison.

However, the scenery along the way is quite good, suitable for traveling to adjust the mood.

I used a silver coin I picked up to buy sewing fabrics and mask-making knives in the shop. In the end, there were more than ten copper coins left and more than ten sesame seeds.

The things in this virtual reality are delicious and can restore physical strength. If it is not for upgrading, he is not allowed to eat, because he does not need physical strength for anything at level zero.

"He's showing up again! Cut him down!"

A batch of players found Yang Xiaofan and started chasing after him.

As long as he can be famous by hacking, and if lucky, he can explode those two high-level equipments, then he will be rich.

Yang Xiaofan ran to the prison holding the biscuits, a fast batch.

Soon he ran to the prison, dropped two biscuits for the jailer, and got into the cell.

The jailer secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Yang Xiaofan really returning.

Just come back, just come back.

The many players who chased Yang Xiaofan with weapons were stunned.

what's the situation?

Didn't he escape from prison?

Why did you run back by yourself again?

And the jailer didn't seem to be going to take care of the 'picking up a cat' either.

"What do you want to see! Do you want to come in!" The two jailers yelled fiercely, and many players fled like frightened birds.

Yang Xiaofan came back to hand in tasks, and learned skills from thieves, tailors, mask masters and others. The feeling of learning new things fascinated him, and time passed extremely fast.

Coming out of the game warehouse at eight o'clock in the evening, stretched, and the three sisters just came out.

"I heard that you are out again. Upgrade. Let's cut a few stabs when you go online tomorrow. This time, we don't have to suffer too much pain." The eldest sister Su Meng was very energetic. She reached level twentieth, her combat strength skyrocketed, and one stab one younger brother. .

Yang Xiaofan silently endured the humiliation, he must bear the burden of humiliation, and kept admonishing himself inwardly, wait and wait to stay away from here.

After eating and cleaning the bowl, Yang Xiaofan came out of the kitchen.

The three girls lay on the sofa, with their jade feet resting on the coffee table, like handicrafts.

"Come and squeeze my shoulders, this game store is too tired, so I have to buy a massager." The eldest sister Su Meng called Yang Xiaofan, who was about to go back to the room.

"In the video class, it is said that men and women are incompatible with each other...I pinch!"

Yang Xiaofan wanted to refuse, but seeing those cold eyes, he still planned to endure humiliation.

Walked behind Su Meng, began to pinch her shoulders, turned on the light brain projection, and played boring time.

Xu Leto sent a lot of news, saying that her birthday was unforgettable.

Yang Xiaofan curled his lips.

Heh, woman, you are not only unforgettable, every birthday you have never made me unforgettable?

After chatting with Xu Letou, she said that she would take him to play games. She has reached level 15 and can take him to fly.

However, Yang Xiaofan refused. Everyone shouted and beat him now, and he would only be involved with him. She told her to hurry up to level 20 and go to Qinglongtan Villa to complete the mission of the madman Zhang San.

After the chat, I opened the game's official website, and there was a post questioning his opening and uploading a video of his harmlessness.

However, there is a powerful analyst who has analyzed many videos and found that he will only be harmless at level zero. It is speculated that it may be a certain skill, not a hook.

Yang Xiaofan praised sincerely below: "Awesome."