Angry Yang Xiaofan

Opened the backstage account of the official website and found that there was another 10,000 yuan in it. Someone read his payment post again.

A bunch of advertisers' messages appeared in the backstage private messages to talk about 'inviting investment'.

The incident last night was watched by hundreds of millions of people, which caused a great sensation. The advertisement on his prison uniform was also seen. In just one night, Jianlibao's stock went up wildly.

The Jianlibao company that signed with him actually transferred 5 million to him, saying it was an extra thank you fee this time.

five million! !

Yang Xiaofan was so excited that he couldn't control himself, and suddenly squeezed the hand that was massaging the older sister.


There was a painful grunt.

"Huh? Where's the bone on the eldest sister's shoulder?"

Yang Xiaofan quickly noticed that the bones on the eldest sister's shoulders seemed to be missing, and he lowered his head in confusion, because he was distracted by the projection of the brain, and he didn't notice that his hands slipped down the shoulders.

The third sister Su Su who was eating snacks and the second sister Su Yuyu who was watching the drama looked at the movements of Yang Xiaofan's hands, their expressions were dull, because of surprise, the small mouth became O-shaped.

"Yang, Xiao, Fan, do you want to die!" The voice resembling a hell devil echoed in the small living room, and the air temperature in the room dropped by a few minutes.

Yang Xiaofan hurriedly released his hand, "Sorry, it was too hard, I will rub it for you."

With that said, really operate it!

The small mouths of the two women next to each other opened wider!

"Yang Xiaofan!" Su Meng roared, grabbing his neck, and pressing the person directly on the sofa, starting to explode.

"Ah, why hit me!"

Yang Xiaofan screamed and grabbed Su Meng's hand.

"I don't know if that woman is different, there are some places I can't touch!" Su Meng stared at her beautiful eyes, possessing a wealth of resources.

"Then why did you let me rub it for you before, and what to say to promote development...Well"

Before Yang Xiaofan finished speaking, his mouth was covered, Su Meng blushed, and hurriedly explained to the two women next to him, "Don't...don't listen to him nonsense."

Su Yuyu and Su Su meow to the stalwart mountain peak of the eldest sister, they seem to know something.

"Huh? Someone transferred five million to you?" Su Meng was about to give Yang Xiaofan a new round of "Love" when he suddenly saw the chat history on his optical brain projection.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the two women next to them shone brightly, and they jumped over.

"It's really five million!" Second sister Su Yuyu exclaimed, covering her red lips.

"Wow! We are rich!" Su Su exclaimed excitedly.

Yang Xiaofan: "???"

What does it mean that you got rich!

That's the money I am going to run away from home!

He wanted to protest loudly, but the third sister sat on his face, making him unable to speak.

"Ah, Xiaofan is going to be suffocated!" Second sister Su Yuyu hurriedly shouted when she saw Yang Xiaofan who was struggling in pain.

Su Su hurriedly got up and stuck out his tongue embarrassedly.

"I won't hit you this time. I will save the money for you to get married and buy a new house." The eldest sister once again took the five million that had not yet been acquired.

The money was robbed again before he could get the money. Yang Xiaofan was annoyed and stood up suddenly, bounced off the three women on his body, and slammed the door back to the room.

The living room, which was full of laughter, suddenly became silent, leaving only the sound of door slamming all around.

The smiles on the faces of the three women froze. They stayed where they were and didn't know what to do. The first time they saw Yang Xiaofan angry, their hearts were very flustered.

Su Yuyu bit her red lips, her little hands clenched together nervously, "Aren't we going too far?"

The lively Su Su became silent, blinking his big watery eyes and looked at the elder sister Su Meng hopefully.

Su Meng looked in a daze for a long time, took a deep breath, and brushed her messy hair behind her ears, "Let me talk about it."

She got up and walked towards Yang Xiaofan's room. She wanted to push the door and enter, but suddenly she thought of something, stopped at the door, knocked on the door, "Xiaofan."

There was no movement inside.

Su Meng knocked on the door again, "Xiao Fan, if you don't respond, I will treat it as your default."

There was still no response inside.

Su Meng pushed the door in, and closed the door after entering.

Yang Xiaofan was lying on the bed, looking at the pharmacopoeia on Guangnao with anger,

Only studying can calm his mood.

Su Meng gently sat beside him, "It's my sister's fault. You shouldn't always take your money. I have transferred a total of 5.53,425 yuan from you. I remember."

"We did have personal use of taking your money before, but the sisters really just want to develop in the game as soon as possible, so that they can make money. These money are borrowed temporarily, and today the amount of money is really too big. I'm afraid you will mess around. Maybe you don't understand me, but after you have a baby, you will do the same thing as me."

Su Meng turned on Guangnao, "If you want to go back, I will transfer the money to you."

"Then you will beat me in the future?" Yang Xiaofan asked angrily.

Su Meng smiled, as if the spring breeze was blowing, refreshing, "In the future, we can play fairly, and you can fight back."

"Fair knitting!" Yang Xiaofan jumped up angrily, "National Women's Taekwondo Champion, who has practiced martial arts, played Brazilian judo, and can fencing. How fair is this... Um"

Before Yang Xiaofan finished speaking, Su Meng stepped forward and blocked Yang Xiaofan's mouth.

Yang Xiaofan's eyes widened, looking at a face less than one centimeter away from him, stupefied and dull.

At this moment, he felt that he had eaten the sweetest thing in the world, and the little arrogant inside disappeared without a trace.

Unconsciously, I thought that when I was a child, my sister helped to cook, and when it rained, my sister would pick him up, take him to the playground, take him to study, and make his childhood more happy.

The parents of the three Su's sisters died in a car accident. As friends, his parents did not want his old friend's friends to be sent to the orphanage and taken to their home to take care of them.

Later, my parents were working on a foreign planet, and there was no way to come back, so they had to live together with four people.

Slowly, Yang Xiaofan's breathing became rapid, and his hands instinctively moved towards Su Meng, imitating the actions of the county magistrate.

Su Mengjiao's body trembled lightly, she hurriedly pressed Yang Xiaofan's hand, and lightly bit his tongue to calm him down.

Su Meng got up, controlling the undulating heart, "Take you out tomorrow."

After speaking, she quickly turned and walked outside, bumping the deer inside.

Opening the door, Su Yuyu and Su Su at the door fell straight in.

Su Meng pretended to be calm, "Okay, hurry up and rest, and go to the playground tomorrow."

Su Meng closed the door, and only agitated Yang Xiaofan remained in the small room.

"This is the hormone and adrenaline surge mentioned in the video class? It's terrible, my consciousness is out of control, and women are so terrible that they can control my consciousness."

Yang Xiaofan looked scared,

"Wait! I promised to return five million back? Liar!!"

Yang Xiaofan looked at the pharmacopoeia unhappily again, and after a while, his consciousness indulged in, all distracting thoughts disappeared, and only the thirst for knowledge remained.

Before going to bed, I contacted many private chat advertising manufacturers, because Yang Xiaofan did not carry out exclusive and buyout advertisements, so he persuaded many people to retire.

The kind of people who come up with bluffs and don't talk about money at all are directly blackmailed. They are obviously liars.

That night, a news that made him excited appeared.

The recharge system will be opened in three days!