WebNovelPK Period11.11%

Defeating a Dungeon Boss and a helpless Shielder??

The sensation of being watched from behind and the sudden chills that run down his spine, as the sound of wings flapping in a slow, yet forceful stroke sends a strong, cold breeze on his back.

Kyle slowly turns around and checks on what's behind him, there he saw a huge HP bar above a twelve-foot-tall beast while having a wings span of around six meters hovering above him.

He checks the notification on his screen and he finally noticed the urgent quest he has.

[Active Quest: Eliminate Imp Queen]

[Imp Queen Eliminated 0/1]

"Hey, Hey, this is a joke right?" Kyle said out of surprise while looking at the hovering Imp that has a [x4] on the end of its HP gauge. What's making it more surprising is that the Imp Queen's name is in violet rather than red.

'That's a high-level monster!'

The Imp Queen flaps its wings and a strong wind current pushes Kyle a few meters back and after that, a damage counter appears on top of him.

'Five hundred!? With just flapping its wings?!' He thought because it is very ridiculous to obtain that much damage without even having physical contact.

He took a last look on the only way out and it still looks unpassable.

'Looks like it's a boss fight.'

'So I need to take it down first before I could leave this place.'

That said, Kyle, pulls out his weapon and prepared himself for another battle, but this time it will be a one on one bout with the boss.

He dashes forward towards the Queen and leaped as high as he could, but because it is hovering a certain height, Kyle's daggers could only reach a small portion of its foot.

He landed on the ground behind the hovering Imp while using one of his daggers as an anchor to stop him from gliding further due to inertia that is caused by him running forward at a high velocity.

'Now, this is a problem. I can't land a clean hit.' He thought while looking at the Imp Queen's back.

'What's more, basic attacks seem to be ineffective to it. If I remembered it correctly the damage that pops up from it is around 300 but its HP gauge didn't seem to move, and it has four times more HP!'

The Imp Queen turns around to where Kyle is like a helicopter taking a turn around, it seems to be unfazed and somehow Kyle feels like it doesn't even give a damn and gave off a sigh of disappointment.

A vein starts popping on Kyle's forehead.

"Oh, you think I'm not worth your while huh?" Kyle said

Pissed by the sudden provocation of the Imp, he dashes forward to it again, but this time he didn't use a frontal direct attack, he took a turn halfway to a wall and jumps onto it, and started running upwards.

After reaching a certain height, Kyle starts to feel gravity pulling him down, so he pushed himself backward by kicking the surface of the wall using it as a springboard so he could thoroughly reach the hovering Imp.

But the Imp Queen is prepared for that kind of such improvisation and is not stunned by it. The Queen flaps her wings again and a wind current stronger than before throws Kyle back down, slamming him to the ground.

The attack doesn't end there, for a system warning pops on Kyle's screen.

[Imp Queen activated "Wind Cutter"]

A strong wind flew towards Kyle after the Queen flaps its wings in a strong and concentrated stroke.

The sharp wind hits Kyle leaving a few cuts all around his body and followed by a strong shockwave after.

Kyle, his avatar to be exact took a decent amount of damage from it, dropping the meter of his HP gauge more than half.

'One attack and more than half my life? This is a crisis.' He thought as a healing potion that he activates from his inventory took effect, recovering his HP.

But Kyle also noticed something; the Imp Queen seems to only attack when it is being attacked, giving Kyle the chance and an ample amount of time to sort things up.

'That reminds me, I should have new skills upon reaching level 20.'

Kyle checks his skill tree and found two new skills, a passive and an active skill are now available for him to learn.

[Passive Skill: Damage Enhance]

[Active Skill: Dagger Blink]

'Dagger Blink?'

Kyle then Checks the skill definition of the "Dagger Blink".

[Dagger Blink: Blink towards the direction where your dagger hits.]

'What that's it?'

Kyle thought it was a useless skill at first, but eventually took a change of heart when he realizes how vital it is for him on learning the skill. Kyle smug upon the idea

'Right… it's a "Blink" skill.'

'You better prepare yourself for this!' He thought while his body twitches in excitement.

[You have learned "Dagger Blink"]

'Now let's try if my theory is right.'

Kyle throws one of his daggers towards the Imp Queen, but the queen noticed it before it could reach her and dodged the incoming dagger. The dagger hits the wall behind the queen instead.

[You used: Dagger Blink]

The queen returns her gaze back to where Kyle is, but when she turns around, Kyle is nowhere to be found.

"Looking for me?"

The queen turns around where the voice came from and saw Kyle hanging on the wall while holding the dagger that he threw a moment ago.

Kyle throws the other dagger he's holding downwards to the ground, as the dagger pierced the cave's floor, Kyle, then pulls out the other dagger he's holding that is stuck on the cave's wall to freefall down towards the Imp Queen.

Upon falling down, Kyle repositions himself so that he could hit one of the Imp Queen's wings to prevent it from hovering and to keep it on the ground for a better chance of defeating it.

When Kyle is just about a few inches away from the Imp's wing, his passive skill [Damage Enhance] took effect.

[Damage Increased by 1.5x]

Kyle slashes a portion of the Imp's left-wing near its roots, but due to its hard exterior the dagger was almost deflected but thanks to the increased in his damage due to his passive, the dagger managed to put a small crevice on it preventing it from slipping off on the wing's surface.

Holding the dagger with both his hands, Kyle gave off a loud roar, adding all his physical strength to the dagger as he gives everything he has to cut down the Imp's left wing.

After successfully amputating the Imp's left wing, Kyle is still freefalling and he knows that at this height, it will inflict a massive amount of damage to him.

But, Kyle already anticipated that an event like this would happen, that is why he tossed his other dagger earlier.

He gazed in the direction where the dagger is and reached out for it with his vacant hand.

[You used: Dagger Blink]

And before he realized it, he was already transported to where his dagger is and is currently holding it.

The Imp Queen is confused about what is going on, because the moment she took a blink, the enemy she is facing moves from one place to another, making it worst for her, she can no longer hover which gave her the tactical advantage earlier.

"I'm enjoying this blinking thing." Kyle said.

'And it only consumes 2 MP and 5 SP per usage.'

He throws another dagger close to the Imp that is now currently standing on her two feet instead of flying and blinks in that direction.

Reaching the spot, Kyle slashes the visible flesh that is in front of him at the same time throwing the other dagger in the opposite direction. This continues until the massive HP of the Imp Queen reached its final bar.

"I should end your agony." He said to the Imp as he throws again the dagger his holding, hitting the chest of the Imp Queen as it screams in pain. The dagger hits the center of its chest and from the looks of it, the dagger must be a few centimeters short from piercing its heart.

Kyle blinked to where the dagger is and adds a literal "kick" to it, forcing the dagger to pierce deeper into the Imp Queen's chest. At the same time, the HP bar of the Imp Queen drops dramatically and it began pixelating and disappeared completely.

[Eliminate Imp Queen: Quest complete]

[You received 10k coins]

[You received 3000 EXP]

Catching his breath, Kyle felt a sense of triumph and pride upon defeating. It really took him a lot, a lot of time and effort to be exact. But now, all that's in his mind is that he managed to complete the quest.

The Black membrane that is blocking the door is now gone and Kyle could see the exit of the cave, but before he took a step forward, he noticed a floating box near where the Imp Queen pixelates and checks it out before he leaves the place.

'A drop item?' he thought and walked closer to it.

He tapped the box and a floating screen appears stating its contents.

[Soul of the Imp Queen x1] [Demon Fang daggers x1] [Item Upgrade card x1] [Leather Gloves x1]

Among all the items on the floor, one name caught his attention

'An item upgrade card?' Kyle thought while adding all the dropped items to his inventory.

He immediately checks the Item Upgrade Card in his inventory, wanting to know if his hunch is right, and it is.

[Item Upgrade Card] [Definition: use to increase an equipment's grade by one.]

'I see… then I better spend it on something valuable and useful.' He thought as he went out of the cave. Outside, he noticed a player having a hard time eliminating a couple of monsters attacking her.

'A newbie?' Kyle thought, remembering that he also went through the same quest.

'Good luck then.'

As he passes by the female player, the slimes completely dominated her in a way that forces the poor player to beg for help from Kyle that is passing by.

"Hey, good sir! Mind lending me a hand?" She said as if she is suffering terribly.

When Kyle turns around, he saw the player's avatar completely covered in slime.

'The slimy excrete of the slimes covering her face flowing down her chest while lying down on the ground with her thighs slightly spread. If not for her skirt that is covering what is in between her thighs, I should be seeing the bulge of the pearly gates by now.'

'And the eyeglasses and short pinkish hair make her look like someone out of a porn mag.'

He thought and diverted his gaze after.

"Hey don't turn around!"

One naughty slime enters the shade of her skirt and immediately began exploring the unknown territory.

The player began to moan as the slime forces its way into her.

"Hey… Stop, not right there." She said while pushing the bouncy round ball away from going any further.

'Now this is a sight for sore eyes.'

Kyle watched the player while being assaulted by the slimes on the field. He also noticed something about the female player that arouses his curiosity and not the other thing.

'If I'm correct it should inflict damage to her and she should be eliminated by now.'

He took a quick look at the player's head where the damage, when received, pops up and found something astonishing.

'10? Just a 10 damage with around 5 slimes attacking her at the same time?'

Forcing Kyle to ask her one question.

"Are you somehow a Shielder?" He asked while walking closer to her.

"Y-yeah… YES!!!"

"So… can you… please, help me now?" she added begging him to help her out of her miserable, yet full of pleasure state.

Kyle immediately draws his daggers out, slashing the slimes around her and the other slimes near them.

Because of that, the slime's drop items flood the forest ground.

"You need to collect 20 slime cores right?" Kyle said

"Oh, yes, that is my quest."

"Then you can have those slime cores around." He added as he walks away from the player.

"Thank you very much!" the player shouted while Kyle continues walking away.

And a beaming smile appears on the female.