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Agreeing To Emily's Request and Some other Matters

Coughing from what the woman said, Kyle immediately told her about the qualifications so that a team can enter the battle royal that will be happening next month and hopes that she would understand their current situation.

"You know, the minimum level requirements for each member of a team is level fifty." He said while chugging down a glass of water to clear off the residue of the pie in his throat.

"Yes, I know that." Emily answered him as if she is not worried about it.

Hearing it, Kyle realized that she still does not understand the mechanics of the said event.

"Let me explain this to you, first, all team members must be at least level fifty…" He said while raising his index finger to number which qualifications they should clear first, but Emily interrupts him before he could continue on explaining.

"I'm already a level fifty-five Shielder." She said confidently.

"…And we need a… you're already a what?" Asked Kyle, just to make sure he heard it right.

"I'm already at level fifty-five, 5 – 5, fifty-five." She clarified.

"No, I mean… if you are already at level fifty-five then, what are you doing in the slime field?" Kyle asked, his face full of curiosity wondering what she might be doing there while being ganged up by numerous slimes.

"I just test my durability, you know, how's my defense and tolerance and stuff." She answered him after she took another sip of coffee, while Kyle on the other end of the table where they are sitting still can't believe everything she said.

"Then you should be trying it on stronger monsters than those weak slimes." He retaliates because that would be an overkill for the slimes and a pointless one for her.

"You know, other monsters just don't flock as slimes do, and I also want to test how many enemies I can taunt with my skill." She replied and immediately.

"And what if they deal more damage than what I expected to? You know I can't deal that much damage."

She added, which also makes sense to Kyle since he knows that there is a possibility that even a player with a high level when being attacked by multiple enemies might still get a chance to be knocked down even if the attackers are weak ones.

"Alright, I get your point." He said after Kyle realized that there is also that kind of possibility just as she said.

"So you agree to create a team with me?" Emily said, excited that they could team up for the upcoming event, yet Kyle stops her thrill by gesturing his hand, slightly raising it in front of Emily forcing her to stop reacting.

"But still, I can't join you."

Kyle rejected her offer because he has a very valid reason to do so.

'The event is next month and I'm not sure if I can reach the level quota.' Kyle thought, but due to his plain words, Emily, on the other hand, misunderstood it.

Disappointed, Emily tries to convince him again on creating a team with her but the image of the blond girl last time pops in her mind and made her realized that she might have already asked Kyle to join her team and her offer is already late to be recognized by Kyle.

"Oh, I see… you're already in a team for the event." She said and somehow an upset look is showing on her face.

"No, actually you got it wrong." Kyle said, clarifying things to her that made Emily frown into a smile. But she still has had a lurking question in her mind, why would Kyle not join her? That is what she thought forcing her to ask Kyle why he would drop her offer.

"Then why?" she asked because as far as she knows, it is a good deal yet Kyle rejected it.

Kyle, a bit embarrassed to tell her the reason behind why he declined her offer could only stroke his forehead. But since he needs to clarify the misunderstanding, it is necessary to tell her the reason why.

"I'm still a level thirty-two." He said.

Yet Emily seems to not believe what he just said to her and thought that she might mishear it.

"Pardon?" she said.

"I'm a level thirty-two and I'm not qualified to join."

"But you lasted long enough and even inflict some damage to the Red Dragon, how can that be? I thought you're around fifty or more." She said, still can't believe what she has just heard.

But Kyle could only shrug his shoulder.

"I don't know either."

Dismayed, Emily stares down at the cup of coffee on the table, but an idea came into her mind as she gazes at the dark liquid in her cup.

"I have a plan." She said with a grin on her face.

"Mind telling me what?" Asked Kyle, wondering how she could passively solve the level problem.

Emily scrolls her phone and shows Kyle the website of Grand Nexus. Looking at it, Kyle saw the upcoming events on the site, on the left side are some tools buttons like their forum, customer service, and shop.

'Shop? Must be for their premium service user.' Kyle thought as he saw the shop button of the site on Emily's phone.

A Premium Service is a privilege given to people who "top up" also known as "Recharging" to buy rare and items that cannot be found in the game. This shop offers other items such as the pet system and friend teleport card that make it easier for players to loot items and transport them to their friends when the time calls for it.

There are also other items that would help players gain advantages in different situations, only if one can afford the price for it.

Yet, all items here have their own disadvantages, like for some armors although they have high damage tolerance it can only last for a few days, while the special potions for sale are all onetime activation and it has a long CD (Cool Down) therefore it can't be used continuously.

Everything in the shop has its own expirations except for the "Name Change Card" that is one-time use and the "Pet System" that would last until the summoned pet is killed in combat and the rest is as stated.

"So what am I looking at here?" He asked, wondering why she shows him the website of the game.

Emily then pressed the shop button while still facing the screen to Kyle and the Premium User Shop opens, revealing different premium items for sale that can only be exchanged when a player tops up a specific amount that costs real money.

"Okay, so we are in the premium shop, now what?"

"Scroll down until you find some rows containing card icons." She instructed and Kyle follows her instruction and scroll down the shop until he finds what Emily told him.

Kyle reads the description of the items in the shop one by one until he found something interesting and thought that this might be what Emily meant about what she said that she has a plan.

"Oh, I see, you mean these Double EXP cards." Kyle said while he reads the other ones that have a similar effect just like the previous one.

"And not just double EXP cards they also have triple and quadruple EXP gain cards for sale for a much higher price." Kyle added.

"Right? This will solve the problem for your level!" She said and her excitement returned in a flash.

"But still, I don't have the cash to buy this. They are not affordable and the cheapest one will only last for twenty-four hours."

"Don't worry about it. I'll buy it for you." She said, reassuring Kyle.

'Rich kid.' Kyle thought as he realized one thing about Emily, on the time she shows him the Premium Shop, he noticed the remaining credits that Emily has in her account and that amount is enough to buy the most expensive EXP card available and could still buy a dozen more when it expires.

"Okay, I get your point, but still we have another problem." Kyle said because even if they solve the problem on his level, another requirement will still make them unable to join the event.

"We are lacking team members." Kyle said.

"I don't think that is a problem." Emily said confidently.

"And why is that?" Said Kyle as he tries to inquire why Emily is confident even if they still need to look for other team members.

"There are lots of qualified players in Lorencia that are only waiting either to find new members or get recruited by other teams." She said.

"Is that so?" Kyle responded while finishing the coffee he has.

"So do you agree now?" she asked and since there is no reason for Kyle to reject this win-win situation, he only nods in agreement.

"So that is settled then! Let's start grinding tomorrow." Emily said.

"Meet me at the town square in Florence." She added.

Then after their break in the café, the two moved on to their separate ways. Emily, going back to her house while Kyle continues his journey to the bus stop and took a bus to a specific part of the city to accomplish his original plans this day.

Reaching the spot where he intends to be, Kyle stops the bus and a screeching sound of the bus's brakes enters the bus as it took a full stop on the side of the road near a waiting shed while the inertia acting on the passengers continues on, forcing Kyle to lean forward a bit while he stops his glide using his right hand.

The door of the bus opens along with a sudden hissing sound due to the release of some compressed air.

Kyle then stands up from where he is sitting and immediately went down the bus.

As the bus went on to its long-distance trip, Kyle also continues his journey to a somehow vast open green field.

The field is enclosed with iron fences and a huge gate that serves as an entrance for both people and vehicles.

Kyle enters the gate and followed a paved road leading to a hilltop with a huge tree standing on top of it.

There he saw a female figure standing near the tree wearing a white summer dress as her skirt is gently being blown by the passing wind while her back is facing the approaching Kyle, forcing Kyle to give off a sad smile as he walks nearer to the hill and to her.

Upon reaching its peak, Kyle sat down on the green-grassy ground facing the tree and began talking to the one that is before him.

"Hey… it's been a while…" Kyle said as he placed a bouquet of white lilies what he knows the person in front of him loves very much along with a forced smile to cover the pain in his chest, yet there is no answer coming from her.

"Your brother visited me earlier today, and he's still as grumpy as usual." He continued on.

"It's been another year huh?"

Still, there is no response from the woman in front of him, as if Kyle is nothing but air to her.

"Anyway, I just turned twenty-seven this day. Not that you don't know." He said while slightly scratching the back of his head because this very moment, Kyle feels a bit awkward on seeing her.

"And you know… it's this day again."

Then a sudden gloomy atmosphere surrounds the place as Kyle's forced smile changes into a frown making him look like someone that is suffering a miserable life.

"This day…"

"I wish it didn't happen."

Kyle reminisces this very same day that he is referring to five years ago and a lot of painful memories slowly returning back to him making him look on the woman's back.

His vision of her slowly gets foggy every passing moment while the woman's figure is fading away bit by bit.

Embarrassed of himself, Kyle turned his gaze to the ground and continued on his monologue.

"I still can't forgive myself." He said

And then, a drop of tear fell from his eyes down to the bouquet of flowers he brought that he placed on the ground near a stone slab with engravings on it then followed by another droplet and then another.

"I… I miss you so much." He said as he gently removes the leaves covering the white stone slab, revealing the name of the person on the lapidary.

"Alice." Kyle called out her name and the figure completely disappear from his sight along with the blowing wind that is touching his skin.