I step inside the building. and i was not prepared for what i saw.
witches every where, all in there elemental out fits, some were flying through the hall, while some where chatting with friends. its almost crazy how 50 years ago the witches were about to go extinct and now, they are one of the most powerful and abundant races.
i look around some more, just to get a feel for the place, until i go to the office.
i'm supposed to have someone show me around but, i don't know who. when i get to the office there are 3 other girls there, one girl has pig puffy yellow hair and grayish eyes, the other two girls are to far away, so i cant really see what they look like. The girl with the poofy hair, comes over to me with a big smile on her face.
"HI my names Sasha Johnson, but everyone calls me Sunny!" she says loudly, with a lot of enthusiasm.
Wow, shes so...Happy? like she literally looks like the embodyment of happiness, like if happiness were a person this is what they would look like. She was a very pretty girl, with caramel skin, and darker freckles dusting her face, she also looked a bit like a cinnamon roll.
" whats your name?" she asks after a while, of us just staring at each other.
" OH, uh yeah, hi my names Star.. Star Light." i say stuttering a bit.
" OMG, LIke THE LIght FAMILY, wait so YOUr MOM IS THE JUNIPER LIGHT!!!" she screams, happily.
" yep." i say. i'm pretty used to this kind of reaction. i guess i forgot to mention it but my mom's kind of a big deal, but that's another story for another day.
i think she notices my unconmfort cause she immediately stops screaming and gives me another one her her happy smile.
" sorry about that, its just...Juniper Light is like my idol, ughhh what id give to just breathe her air." she says swooning a bit.
" umm , but anyways, ill be helping you out with your schedule today, and every other day since, we basically have all the same classes."
Right Now we are in Potions, and Poisons. and i gotta say, that the school is totally not what i thought it would be. The teachers are pretty nice, and not just old farts, and the students aren't pranking each other with fart spells everywhere i go.
all of a sudden i feel i little tap on my shoulder, and i turn around to see some girl, with black curly hair.
" Hi." she whispers.
"Hi." i whisper back. i then turn back around go back to my notes.
But then suddenly, i see a little wad of paper hit my desk, i turn back around to see who threw it, and all i see is the girl with the black curly hair wink at me and point to the paper.
" For you." she mouths.
i look at the paper then, at her. i then go back to the paper and un wrinkle it, and it says--
I think your cute. :3.
umm,how am i supposed to respond to this, i've never been in a relationship, and i've never even thought someone was "cute".
so i just write back thanks. and throw it back at her. luckily the bell rang right before she could throw any more papers.
i rush out the classroom and head to my locker, i see Sunny coming out the classroom as well, but she dosen't notice me looking at her, cause shes looking at miss black curly hair. and i could of sworn i saw her blush.
she then, shakes her head and looks around until she sees me. she waves at me and starts walking towards me.
" so i guess, you saw that." she says shyly.
huh, this is the first time shes ever been not loud and happy.
" saw what exactly." i say back sarcastically.
" Don't play games Light, i know you saw me looking at Melody." she says, with a bit of a frown.
aha! black curls has a name now. Melody.
"yeah, ok i saw, but why does it matter?"
" i-it dosen't, never mind just forget i said anything, next class is Flight, so you better get your broom." she said quickly, and then ran off.
i go outside to get Dash, i already feel my excitment rising, this Flight class was my whole reason for joining this University that and some other things to of course.
By the time flight Class is over i am exhausted. who knew flying could even be exhausting. i honestly feel like i've lost 5 pounds. As i begin to walk to the cafeteria
I see Sunny, standing alone in a corner, petting something? i walk over to her to see, her petting a... baby dragon. i step back out of fear, but then i realize that this must be her familiar, or it wouldn't let her get this close to it.
She suddenly notices my presence and immediately tells her familiar to go away. ( familiars are able to appear and disappear at will)
"uh, cool familiar." i say trying to wash away the weird awkwardness, going on right now.
" heh, thanks her name is Zoey." she says queitly.
i don't really know what to do next so i just do the first thing that comes to mind.
" Miko come here." and like magic my familiar Miko appears.
' This is Miko." i tell Sunny.
Sunny looks at Miko with so much Adoration that i think she may burst.
"OMGG, hes so cute, Can i Hold him?!?" she says putting her hands out in a grabby, position.
" yeah sure, hell come to you tho, he dosen't like when strangers touch him." i say smiling a bit.
Miko floats up into the air, and stares at Sunny, he then begins to sniff, and all of a sudden he jumps from mid-air into her arms, and licks her face.
Sunny being the happy person that she is, is enjoying every minute of it. She smiling and gigiling, and petting Miko behind his ears, causing him to purr.
I just stand there in awe, MIko has never really liked it when anyone but me touched him,.. whats so different about Sunny?
but then i guess Miko gets bored and he jumps back into the air, gives her face one more lick and disappears, like he was never there.
"WOW, i've never seen a ghost cat before." Sunny says, in awe.
" yeah, well i've never seen a dragon before either." i say, hoping that shed show me Zoey again.
but nope, after that she just gets quiet again, honestly this is why i never had friends, Because people are just too hard.