A hand shot out of the ruined pieces of rubbles as Sargon emerged. He glanced all around. It was nothing except an open space. The forest which was part of the mountain was gone, the destroyed mountain next to the fortress was gone, the castle was pushed back but it managed to survive, half of it was gone. Diya groaned below him.

“Remind me … never to piss you off.” he said as he got to his feet and helped her up, dusting the pebbles off her hair.

“Did we win?” she asked as she coughed.

“With that blast, I wouldn’t doubt it.” he replied.

Using telepathy he contacted everyone.

“Lia, Wendell talk to me.” he called while holding unto Diya’s hands.

“No limbs missing here.” Wendell said as he emerged from the shadows beneath the fortress, “Lia seems good too.”

“Vivian? Vivian!” he called out.

“Nope, still haven’t turned into another form yet.” she coughed.

“Mother?” he called.