Takagichi, a newbie adventurer, excited to complete his first quest of vanquishing a plant monster of hopes of slaying the demon king one day, suddenly dies at the hand of a level one weed. Suddenly a Goddess appeared before his body with intent to revive him with a blessing, however; as fate would take it's course, Takagichi revived as a demon lord candidate. turning everyone including the goddess into demons. what lies ahead for our now young demon lord?
I love this book as a get away from the regular old weak to strong stuff. Although he’s powerful there are still characters in this book that are stronger or around the same level of power
I nice short story with a lot of content packed into each chapter. While the writing style is good, there are no use of breaks or lines to separate content, which can cause some confusion when there are shifts in perspective during a chapter. Apart from that it is worth reading if you want a short fast paced story. Most important for me, is that it is a properly finished story, including an epilogue. A refreshing change from the usual “completed” stories due to hiatus or dropped content, usually ending on a cliffhanger to boot.
Exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp this is super cliche and trash Exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp this is super cliche and trash