Half a year later, everything had returned to normal, Niya and Miya impressed everyone by bringing back forests and life to the continent. They worked tirelessly with the remaining Dryads. Nefarious had returned Claw’s mountain to it’s rightful glory, as well as Fortress Omega and Castle Black. Life for the demons was rather smooth, until the visitors from the south arrived. With headless horses pulling a carriage of skulls that appeared from the shadows in the fortress’s courtyard.

“They got some fancy style. I like it.” Nefarious said to Wendell as they peered down at the carriage.

“Let’s hope you like them rather than their style.” he said to Nefarious as he grinned, “I’ve already ordered the generals to gather in the throne room my King, we await your orders.”

“Mhm, good work.” he replied,

“Will her majesty be joining us?” Wendell asked,

“Of course, she’s my queen after all.” he smirked.