The fall of a phoenix


Well technically speaking, then it wasn't Aelin  (neither the Human soul nor the angelic soul). It was the other half part of Aelin. The Phoenix in her. The actual Phoenix in her. 

The birdy side of her. It was overtaking the human form of Aelin. With the fire, the flames, the aura, the dominance. And as if a bird, who has been tied in shackles for centuries finally freed out, this half part of Aelin, also comes to the forefront. 

Till now, it had always stayed at the backside of her brain. Giving her the sheer form of immensely raw power, to avenge for herself. After all, it has been a part of Aelin. If she is happy, then it is happy. If she is sad, then it is sad too.

The memories started flashing in front of her eyes. Letting her close them.

~~~ Little history~~

Since the phoenix species got tortured badly. Even the last one of them was hunted, tortured, bullied, and killed badly in the past. 

They were too weak to fight back. Plus, there was no one to protect them, either.[ The reason why Prithvi hates his stepmother, the most. As it was her order.] They were powerless, they were useless. So, they give up on their own lives, on themselves, and on their species to die gloriously and dignifiedly. 

When Aelin, who was busy measuring the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, heard about that news. She went back to her place to find the disaster and the chaos waiting for her. 

The creatures of the Zakura species were still there, who was sighing over the loss of The Phoenix species. They all saw her entering Tiger's den. So, they were all set to use her. To make her cry to death and get her tears. [ Well, she was once a Healer Phoenix too. ]

And then, without thinking, they surrounded her and placed fire all over her surroundings. They burn all the remnants of the Once Lively Kingdom. They were toying with the dead bodies of Phoenixes. 

They were doing anything to ignite the rage in her.  As only this rage can bring tears to her eyes. Only if they knew what they were courting at that time, was their own death.

~~ Rest will be, maybe next time~~

Phoenix opens her eyes to clear those memories away. To shake those flashes away. To forget the past and move with the change, with the present, and with nature. 

  As the legend says, once the Phoenix's human and bird form become one. Then, the Phoenixes took this flight. Flight to showcase their unity.

While the world considers it as the flight of revival.


'Shall we, Aelin?' The bird asked her. 

Although others don't know what this bird does. She isn't the hot-headed goddess, it was used to live with, till now. She is a human. A weak, fragile, easy to bully earthling. Although it wanted to make this human regret to be its master in its master's place. The fact that its master left it because of her. It was ready to burn this human soul to the point of vanishment. 

But when it thought about this human, in resilience. The life she has been through. Her not giving up. Her strong will. Her stubbornness. It couldn't help but think about its master. Because in some ways, it's master and this human carried many things in common. 

They both had been tortured by others. It's master, refute and fight back. But this stupid, she ended up dying at the hands of her own people. 

And it decided to showcase the same path it showed to its master ages ago, to this weakling, as its master says. Yep. She had to change herself, from being a scaredy-cat to a tigress of Earth. And It will teach her, along with this Dietyship.

After some time... 

Aelin nodded a little, from the back of its mind.[ As the bird was controlling the frontline, while she was at the backline] Then, before she could even blink, they flew away. 

Just like any rocket, any asteroid, any meteorite goes down to touch the bottom of the Earth. All thanks to the gravitational force of Earth. 

Same as that, the phoenix started going down, earning a fright from Aelin. But since, she hasn't been controlling her body. So, no one [ All the creatures, who were witnessing the scene at present from different parts and places of THE Universe] could hear her screams or anything. 

It was such an awe-struck flight of Phoenix, showcasing her glory, her elegance, her nobility, her dominance, her aura, her beauty, so beautifully that creatures even forgot to blink. In case, they miss it. 

  [ Well, just like every important thing in this World gets noticed in either one way or the other, the same way Phoenix's flight didn't go unnoticed by the creatures of the Universe either. After all, it's a legendary 'once in an eternity' flight. Missing it and missing a billion-dollar deal is equal. Though, humans were the exception as usual. ]


As for Earth, the moment Mother Nature saw the revival flight of Phoenix. It couldn't help but support it too. And all the areas full of drought from the last 50 years, got three days and three nights continuous rainfall. 

All the barren land got fully covered with greenery and beautiful flowers and plants. All the trees from the fall season were covered with new leaves, flowers, and fruits, showcasing the arrival of spring, in between the fall and the arrival of WINTER. 

This very news remains under the section of breaking news for the entire week. All the plants and animals were celebrating the revival of Phoenix, all the birds too took many long to short flights. 

All the aquatic animals took long dives, to show their support. All the land animals show harmony and peace too. 


Once, the Phoenix was about to touch the tip of the water of the  Ariznamic Ocean of Askarab planet, while Aelin was surely making the bird deaf with her constant screaming. 

Only then, Phoenix opens its magical wings. It was still covered with the flames of fires. So, finding the location of wings wasn't easy for the naked eyes of the organisms. But damn the moment Phoenix opened her wings and started swirling them to stop itself from touching the water.

To say nothing about the creatures of Hell, Heaven, Water, and Earth, even the time itself seems to be stopped. As if everything just exists in one long void. Empty space. 

But they didn't get much time to react as the moment the Phoenix held the momentum of air with her wings and body, it landed her over the surface of the water with her tiptoe, creating the waves after waves on the ever so calm water surface. 

The combination of fire and water was truthfully breathtaking. Despite her standing at the water surface on her tiptoes [Just like Belle dancers], despite all the rifles that the water was creating, the flames were touching the surface of the water too. Yet there were no vapors. Magically, elegantly, beautifully.  As if fire and water were teasing each other at the moment. 

Her fiery silk threads turned back to her brownish-red hairs. Her fiery flamed eyes, gained back its turquoise color again. Her breath-taking, awfully beautiful wings, turning colorless while absorbing the element of Water.

  [ I know, most of the readers would be; how do you know, till now she hasn't even seen herself? 

So, the answer is: I created her. The Author.]

The flames in her dress remained there. To remind the World, what she is: A fire Phoenix. But now, her beautiful eyes were closed. While she was maintaining the balance between her and the water tip. 


There were many assumptions being made, at the moment. But in actuality, the bird was taking the back gear of her body, while giving her the front wheel of her body. As it was bound to be like this. It will fall, she will fly. 

And now it was her turn, to defeat the speed of sound, the speed of the wind, the speed of light, the speed of air and everything and take the longest flight of her life. 

'Ready to fly, Aelin?' It asked and she hummed in her mind. After all, she wasn't allowed to nod. As she was too nervous, too confused and her mind was busy taking care of thousands of thoughts to let her speak. 

Not to mention, she has no intention of looking like a maniac, while talking to herself. After all, till now she has figured out that this bird, this voice can only be heard by her. 

Whatever she says, she thinks it did get noticed by this bird too.

[ Edited chapter.]