Beauty of Phoenix's flight and power


Countless things and emotions were running through Aelin's mind. Despite that 'let it go' session, she did. She was feeling like her head might burst out with all that in it. She was nervous. It was her first flight. 

As human and as a phoenix. She wanted to do it well. So that she won't get scolded later on. So that, she would get the praise like her elder sister Tara Kim. So that, someone will pat her back and say ' you did a good job. I am proud of you.' Just like Grandfather Gavriel praises Sitara. 

' Aelin, focus. You are not Aelin Kim, anymore. Whether you do it good or bad, I will still cherish it and love it. Also, one important thing that you must never forget Aelin, I am proud of you. 

I was. I am. I will forever be proud of you. No matter whether you do something or you don't do anything. I will still be proud of you.

Do you know why? Because you are a pure soul. Because you gave the solace that my lady was searching for, from centuries. Because you are sweet, innocent, and untainted from this World's cruelty. 

I am proud of you, Aelin. Because you are the best gift, the mercy of this Universe to my lady and me. Alright, enough of emotional drama. Now, let's do it. Right! 

I am a bird. Flying is an ice walk for me. So, no worry, no fear. We will fly, till there is no sphere.' The bird said and Aelin ended up trying her best not to laugh out loud. Instead, a very little smile escaped from her lips. 

Well, this little bit of encouragement was more than enough to boast Aelin's confidence.


And with that, Aelin took the most, elegant, most, beautiful, most dominated, yet strongest flight of her life. As if all the Phoenixes' souls were present there to empower her, to encourage her, to bless her. 

Unknowingly, another small smile appeared on her face, which was more than enough to crumble The Entire Universe. She nodded a little, during her flight, to pay respect to all the dead Phoenix's souls.

  As well as to pay respect to her bird, who encourages her. Then she kept on flying, breaking all the previous records.

As she was being reborn. Not as Aelin Kim. But as Lady Aelin westfall. She knows she has nothing to do with that deity [ phoenix]. But there was one thing which Aelin knew and believed from her heart and soul till now. 

It was Lady Aelin Westfall, who by sacrificing herself, saved her[ Aelin Kim. ]. So, for that, she will try her level best, to live up to the name of that Goddess. 


Finally after 368 hours of continuous struggle against light, wind, and sound. The Phoenix finally reached her destination. 

The destination was the center of the void, the center of the black hole. Yep, how do you humans think, the stars are born. It's this Phoenix's fire and energy, which filled the entire black hole, with it, to the point of the overflow of energy and light. 

Then, hundreds of new stars came into existence. Just like Sun God, Phoenix is the sign of bringing light, in the pitch-black darkness of the Void, of the Black Hole. 

That's why, people say; ||| Be the phoenix, revive from ashes. 

Bring the light from your inside and cover the darkness with it. 

Prove it to the darkness, prove it to the World,

You are born from your past, from your mistakes

And that now you are unstoppable, unbeatable, and undefeatable in this World. 

Tell this to the World, you are the bringer of light. 

Fire revolves in you, and it tries to escape from your eyes,

So, if you wanna try, then the flames of mine, will burn you alive 

I might be naive, stupid, and easy to break in the past,

But now I am the Phoenix, capable enough to burn the World |||


The entire Universe, who had long forgotten how to breathe, how to blink, or how to act or react to this Otherworldly Ethereal Scene in front of them, just held their breaths once again. 

She closed her beautiful turquoise blue eyes and then focused on the power, the birdy part of her. 

There it was, the fire changing into light and then, just like when she was concentrating,  the little dot appeared in the pitch-black darkness of the Black Hole. 

Slowly... slowly, that dot turned into a circle, then a bigger circle, then a bigger circle, and then…. It started overpowering the darkness.

Then, there came a point, when the darkness got defeated completely by this Phoenix Goddess. [ As we humans say, only after the pitch-black dark night, came the beautiful morning.] 

Just like that, even the traces of darkness disappeared, completely. At that time, this Phoenix wasn't looking like a fire-breathing monster. But she looks so ethereal, so breath-taking, especially with that bright white-golden light surrounding her. 

That even taking a glance away from her, seems impossible. Not to mention, her regal art of creating stars out of darkness, was too beautiful. [ How I wish I could make a comic out of this book? Some scenes would look transcendental and breathtaking that way. ]


After the efforts of 48 hours, the newly originated stars were all set to cover the dark places of The Universe. As for the Phoenix in concern, she was all set to fly back to Biloba Tree. Her Home. Her Place. 

The place where the person who saved her, Lady Aelin Westfall, and the phoenix species used to live.  To pay respect to that phoenix's ancestors. 

After a few hours-long struggle, she landed gracefully in the topmost branch of the tree, as she was planning to pay respect to all the Phoenixes, who sacrificed their lives, for their principles and rules. [ Remember the flashback thing, she watched it, too. ] 

But the moment she turned around to walk towards Lady Aelin Westfall's home. She finds him, landing as gracefully as ever, right next to her. Fine. 

She has long accepted the fact that she isn't human anymore. Nor is she on Earth. So, now neither the fact this guy finds her out, nor the fact he is flying freaks her out.

"Aelin." He called out for her. He could feel the changes in her. That aura, that dominance. Everything was back. Well, the after-effect of the power and flight. Well, she should look drained, tired, ready to hit the sack, after creating stars. But Nah, it was the complete opposite. She was looking recharged, energized, powerful, and full of dominating aura.

"Yes, Your dietiness." She tries to be as humble and respectful as possible. To be precise, to be herself. But something in her was irking her. It was getting difficult for her to be her. For her to be polite and respectful, which was confusing and scaring her. 

It's like something in her was itching gravely. The type of itch which was new to her, completely new. She couldn't even describe what she was feeling at the moment. 

" Aelin, are you alright?" Prithvi asked, after watching her acting like a stringless puppet. 

" I- I don't know." She replied while trying her best to control this urge she was feeling, at the moment. 

" Should I take you to Nature?" Prithvi suggested, after watching her condition getting worse. She wasn't looking at him. Her hands were clenched tightly in a fist. While her legs were wobbling. It's like she was mimicking a drunk human from Earth at the moment. 

" No. Not. Nope. I am absolutely alright." Aelin declined it quickly, in an exasperated voice, since her bird told her to reject the offer. 

"Alright. Alright. Calm down. I am not taking you anywhere." Prithvi suggested while Aelin felt her hair roots just get detached from her scalp. [ It's like her soul was itching for a fight, but she doesn't know it while trying to endure that itch. ]

Indeed, a scary, painful feeling. 

" Aelin! Aelin! How about you tell me what you are feeling at the moment. Describe it. Maybe I can help." Prithvi suggested while staring at the girl who was trying her best to suppress the pain she was feeling. 

" I am… that… it's like… I don't know, I have never felt this way before. So, I can't explain it." Aelin explained while trying not to shout at the person in front of her. 

Prithvi sighed deeply, then got close to Aelin, held her wrist, and closed his eyes. He could feel the hotness flowing through her body, her boiling blood, her itch to fight, to kill, to splatter some blood, in order to keep the fire element of her in check. Making him sigh deeply. 

Well, fighting and killing someone shouldn't have been an issue, to begin with. But the problem is, the girl is human. It would already be a great achievement if she doesn't get scared after watching other creatures, to say nothing about picking fights with them and harming them for nothing.

[ Edited chapter.]