Chapter 6: * Bullies Can Change *

Just like an ordinary middle schooler a young man like Prince experience the sad reality of being bullied by his classmates who misunderstood him. Specially during soccer game , because he has exceptional strength his kick was so powerful which is the reason why some of his fellow players envy him and wanted him to lost his game.

" Prince, always remember that you are different from all of them, you have special power that they will never have, just like what heroes were told with power comes great responsibility ,and that 's same saying goes with you! you are responsible to be a friend to all even to those who hate you ", Karen told her son.

" Even when I feel they want to throw me out in the ring of fire? even if they are already intentionally hurt me physically? just like one time the soccer ball landed in my head,, that was before the game and we don't wear any protection and we're team mates not rival team ";,, Prince asked.

" Of course we know that they can't do that because you are stronger than they are, we know your capability as person ";, Karen reasoned.

" Of course I am emotionally hurt mom, sometimes it cross my mind to fight back, because everybody are just laughing to their bad jokes even when I am hurt physically others seems enjoying the scenario ", Prince complained.

" You have a special power that they'll never have ,besides patience is a virtue ",, Karen said.

" But my patience was getting thinner mom, I'm scared that one day I'll lost control of my emotion and I can hurt them too ";, Prince said.

" Son, remember what we taught you before be a good man, if incase you find it hard then remember you have the power to hypnotized them what's the use of that power if you can't tame them,? use it to the one who lead the group that bully you, then he is the target, because if you tame him every member of his group will just follow" , Joseph said who was just sitting in one corner, listening to their arguments.

" Yes pa, I like your advice ! don't worry I will always remember that, I am trying to be a nice and good person as I can and being friendly to everybody.Just like what you said that I shall never be angry to anybody. ";, Prince recited to his father.

" That's right! but if their making it hard for you then you don't need to make drastic moves, just use your power so they'll stop bullying you and they'll be friendly to you ,investigate the reason why they bully you then do it to stop them making your life misersble in school, we shall not take it lightly, there were some who died because of that simple bullying ",Joseph replied.

" Yes pa', I'll try that ", Prince agreed.

The next day, his classmate who is known for his family riches and political connection blocked his way .

" Here come's the most boastful person in the whole university, feeling like a star? ",, Richard said the previous soccer star player of their team. Upon hearing that Prince stop and face him and his three other peers.

" Look at me and tell me what I've done that makes you so angry at me? just because I am the star player now? you lost your number one post because of me?";, and he look at the guy's eyes intently as if reading his mind. ,his gaze seems to sears at the most inner part of his whole being.

" Why is it you're so bitter at me? Is there anything bad I had done to you? ",, Prince continued, he asked Richard that had been quiet for a minute when he reply he sounds like someone's in a trance.

" Come'on answer me now! ",, Prince insistently asked him again.Richard shook his head and say something that no longer surprise Prince.

" Nothing ! I deliberately annoy you for being a good soccer player and being cool in everything";, Richard said, the three more who are with Richard wonder at their exchange of words.

" Then I want you to say sorry now for the mmaltreatment I got from you guys which I don't deserved ," Prince ordered him.

" I'm sorry Joseph! ", Richard said immediately.

" Hey! are you sure? you're asking sorry for what we did to him? ";, one of them asked Richard.

" Yes! I'm sorry Joseph! ",, Richard said, Prince intentionally taped their whole conversation to be played for his parents this evening,he wants them to know what happened today.

" Tell your friends to say sorry too for what they did to me! " Prince said.

"Say sorry to him! ";, Richard angrily ordered the three others.

" We're sorry Joseph ";, the three were force to say together. Prince was quiet for a moment then after a few minutes he said.

" Okay! I forgive all of you ! but promise me that you'll never do that again! ", Prince told them. Then the four of them promised that they'll never do that again..Prince was enjoying that moment because everything he says was said and done by the group with Richard leading them.Until they were in the classroom, Richard pull a chair for Prince so he can sit in his designated chair.

He bought a soda for him when during recess time eventhough he didn't ask for it, he is like a very attentive servant that awaits for his summons.

" What happened to him? ";some of their classmates ask the three.

" I don't know! he was like that since we're outside, everything that Joseph told him he did ",, the three explained.

" What happened to mr.tough guy?",;, they asked his three friends whom just shrugged their shoulders.

" Stop acting like mr.nice guy to Joseph or like a love sick dog! ", One of the teacher told Richard, when he hurriedly take and pass Joseph's paper after their quiz.

" Are you going nuts or gay Richard? what's the reason of your being over attentive to Joseph? " , another teacher asked.

" Sir! but he promised me that he will no longer bully me and he asked forgiveness for all the bad things they say and did to me " , Prince reasoned.

" Really? he did bully you? when? why you did not complain about that? but that's good that he recognize his fault and he promised he'll never do that again ?";, their teacher said he couldn't beleive that bullying had just pass under their nose, there are school policies against such things.

" Yes sir, but I'm glad that the mighty and snob Richard knows how to say sorry and made a promised never to do it again ", Prince said.

" uhhm! that's good! ha,ha,ha his parents will be happy if they heard that good attitude of their son ",their teacher said. Since then Richard and his group had always been following or beside him until his mom collected him after school hour.

" What is that for?",;, Karen asked when Richard opened the car door so Prince can get inside the car.

" By the way ma , these are my new friends Richard and his friends , Dominic, Eman and Dave.", Prince introduced the four young men.

" Good afternoon ma'am, nice to see you!";,, the four says in unison.

" Good afternoon kids, nice to see uou too ",, Karen replied with a smile

" Have a safe drive ma'am ";, Richard said after closing the car door.

" Same with you guys! thanks ! ",, Karen said.

" See you tomorrow Joseph! ", , they said with a wave of their hands.

" See you tomorrow! ", Prince wave back to them as though they are really friends.

" What is that for? who are they? ";, . Karen ask her son when the four are out of sight.

" They are my bullies ma ", Prince replied with a big smile on his lips.

" You are friends now ? ",, Karen asked.

." I try papa's suggestion, I guess it works, anyway I have nothing to lose and my life had been much more easier for today because there's no one who bully me in school ", Prince said.

" Well then that's good news! I no longer worry that you'll be hurt or you'll hurt somebody because you got piss off, you already really know how to hypnotized, you did that to all of them?", , Karen asked him.

" No ma, only to Richard because he keads their group and guess what? he said he bully me because, he envy me for all the attention I get when I became the star player of our team ";, Prince told her, he open his celfone so she will hear their taped conversation.

" Really? just because of such he will bully you? ", Karen can't beleive what she heard.

" Yes ma, because he was the star player before, and papa was right when I got Richard's favor his peer group was also in, they follow his orders",;, Prince said.

"Really? so he must be influential to have such peers ",;, Karen said.

" That's what I heard too ma, that he came from a rich and political family , that's why losing his number one spot in the game is a big deal for him ", according to Prince.

" ; Anyway you're teammates right? so what's the fuss if you're the star player now, if you win, he also win because you belong to the same team, at least there's someone helping you're team ", Karen said.

"; That's great if he has the same mentality but the problem is he has different, kind of mindset, for him winning is both inside and outside of the team ",, according to Prince observation.

" That's a loser attitude,I'm glad that my son had the wisdom and good attitude ", Karen told her son..

" Thanks, ! I think so ma, if he can not accept defeat then that's dangerous, he will treat everybody as competitor and enemy", Prince said.

In the next day that follow, everything went smoothly for Prince, except that Richard and his peers were like a bees attracted to a sweet smellling pollen they even brought from home foods for him everyday as though they are his suitor or even a stalker that whereever he goes they also follow which irritate Prince a little after a week of such set up..A few weeks more and Richard's parents visited the school.

" I don't know what happened to my son, he was even bringing foods from home everyday";, Richard's mother complained.

" Actually ma'am we know nothing about that, we don't know if he has a girlfriend in school that he brought foods for ", according to the guidance councelor,Richard and his peers was investigated because of Richard's

actuation at home and he brings to school some of their foods from home. Richards parents were so bewildered when he requested to buy more and later they found out that he bring those foods for Prince .

" What? if it's a girl that you're bringing foods then that 's easy for us to understand but the same boy? it's ridiculous", Richard's parents were so angry.

" Mom, dad, he's our friend, we want him to be happy with us because of the foods we brought", Richards reasoned.

" Why , are you gay?", Richards dad asked his son.

" Of course not sir, we just don't know why he want to please Prince, he seems not his usual self, I don't really know sir", Dominic replied.

" Things were getting complicated, but I don't kmow how to bring them back to their usual state of mind, unlike now that he seems was walking without his spirit." Prince conscience started to bother him..

" Richard was a very active boy, but for a few weeks I've notice that he no longer pay interest to his games or anything important to him, when he arrives home he goes directly to his room as if he is too tired, and stay there he just came out for each meal. he seems like in a trance." Richard's father relayed.

Prince pitied his parents they are not aware what he did to their son, but he don't know how to bring back their son back to his usual self he seems like a hallow spirit.