Chapter 5 : * Power of First Love *

Prince wake up early that day, as usual he wants to come to school at the same time Patrice will be in school. He wanted to be able to walk with her in going to their classroom, they had been classmates since in the first grade and as years goes by he felt that his admiration for her grows up with him. Is this the what they call as first love? he is always excited to go to school because of her, just thinking he will see her today makes his heart grow wild with anticipation. On their way to school, they had pass by a thin dog that looks awful, it's saliva was falling down the corner of its mouth. He had seen Patrice was walking with Alecks far away from the dog, inspite of the fact that there are students in between but still he know they had no idea there is a crazy dog fast approaching them. The dog was attacking and biting everyone on its way,, no one can apprehend it which makes Prince scared for Patrice and her friend. Because of the commotion at their back the two girls had turned back and they saw that there is a scary dog coming their way. They run as fast as they can but the sick dog run like a marathoner it can cope with them soon and they were so scared.

."; Ma ,please drop me at the corner ", Prince told his mom

" No, look! there is a dog that looks unwell! ", Karen told him.

" That's why ma, Patrice and her friend was near the dog. they might be attacked by that dog also ",;, Prince told his mom he is worried for the safety of the two young girls.

" Son that dog might suffering from rabbies, that is very dangerous, that can kill humans ", Karen explained to her son.

" Really mom? the more that I need to help them ", Prince told his mom.

" But! rabies can be transferred to human if the dog with rabies bit any human, I remember one of my classmate that was bitten by the sick dog when she was in grade four,, she had been vaccinated of anti rabies but after seven years the rabies activated in her body, she had been brought to the hospital, when we visit her she was hanging in the roof like spiderman, or someone who had been possess, because she don't want to come down whenever she saw water in the small basin she can climb the hospital wall, her hands stick like glue in the wall like that of a lizard, and we learned it was too late. she died before she graduated in high school, alone because no one is allowed to come near her ", Karen said as she remember her classmate.

" ; No mom, Patrice and Alecks were in danger, if we could stop the dog right in time in attacking them much better, mom, we have to do something ",;, Prince was determine in saving his crush.

" Honey, you're only ten years old, there are adult who can better help them all we need to do is call the proper authorities for that ";, Karen insisted.

"No mom! they were already bitten before help arrive, have you forgotten? I have the power, I will do what I can do to help them if I can, can you please just stop the car there so I can help them ",;, Prince insisted so Karen stop the car in one corner and let her son out of the car and just watch him as he walk in the direction of the two girls. After calling the emergency hotline she stayed to observe what will happened, She was so scared because her son is fond of offering himself as bait for danger. She is more scared when the crazy dog look back at her son when he throw a stone at it to get its attention rather than the two girls who are trembling in fear, Prince knew they are afraid but they are not aware of how much danger the dog is capable of giving them.

At first the dog growl at Prince the angry red eyes of the dog is scary who ever irritate the dog is inviting danger. The dog's hairs is raising in anger, it's fang can cause a big damage to whoever it will bite, looks like a new mom protecting its pups.

" Be careful son! ",, Karen called out to her son.

" Yes, don't worry mom, I just wanna know if what I thought is effective ",, Prince promise.. Prince talk to the crazy dog as if talking to someone he knows, they stare at each other and after a while the dog seems in a deep trance as if hypnotized it just do what he say. until the government veterinary officials arrive to pick up the crazy dog.

" Good work son! You're a great young man, I'm so proud of you!", smiling Karen told her son before she leave for home, she know her husband and Kate is already waiting for her at home so they can eat breakfast together. She have a busy day today because after breakfast she will prepare Kate for her kindergarten class and wait until her class end, that's her daily routine since class started. Unlike Prince, Kate is very clingy, she want to see her around in school. During breaktime she will run to her and say ' wait for me ma' and she'll just nod her head and say 'sure baby' then Kate will run back to her room and after two hours she will drive back home with her daughter. Motherhood is not easy, but it had never been a burden to her because she love her family. She will always be inspired to do everything that will make her family happy as well as protect them to insure their safety.

" Wow! that is something unbeleivable son, you're so brave for doing that. I'm so proud of you!", Joseph was all praises toward his son that night.

" Thanks dad! ", Prince smiling replied.

" I am just wondering honey, how you did that! did you hypnotized that crazy dog?", Karen asked.

" What do you mean by hypnotized mom? what is that?", Prince asked curiously.

" You put the dog in a trance so that it will follow your every command", Karen told her son.

" I just thought about it ma, I just concentrate so that it will follow what I say", Prince said.

" How about his color, does he change?", Joseph's curiously asked.

" Honey! please let's not talk about it now, okay , any questions can wait later", Karen told her husband.

" What color papa? why my color would change? ", wondering , Prince ask his father.

" Uhhmm, nothing son, just a slip of the tonque", Joseph replied.

" Papa, look! I get a star in my english class,", Kate presented her paper to her father.

" Very good baby, keep it up", Joseph told his daughter.

" Are you proud of me too papa?", Kate lips twisted while eyeing her father.

" Of course I am, I am very proud of both of you", Joseph said that makes Karen laugh.

" Never forget to praise them both , you know this one is hungry for attention, while the other is shoving us away from him. But it's cute that our little girl is very loving and clingy at her age", Karen said that bring smile to her husband.

" Enjoy it while she's young, because when she get a little older , you can no longer fondly hug or kiss this one too", Joseph said.

" Yes, you're right!", Karen agreed. ...

" Prince, honey you better turn off your laptop now and go to sleep ,Kate is already asleep, she might be disturb by the sound of

your laptop", Karen told her son later that night.

." Yes ma, I'll turn it off now", Prince replied, when he turned off the laptop and put it away, Karen turn off the room light and turn on the night lamp. Prince and Kate shared the same room ,anyway they,'re still young and easy to be told a simple instruction because they were not hardheaded as other kids were.

Karen thank God for giving her two wonderful and kind son and daughter., when they grow up they'll definitely have separate rooms, but now at their age, it is not so necessary ,though Prince wanted his own room, she gave him the task to take care of her sister when they were at home, and Prince was a very dutiful older brother for Kate.

." Are you sure that his color does not changed?", Joseph asked his wife when they were all by themselves in their own room.

" Yes! he is normal as he is! I was waiting for him to change but luckily nothing happened, because I was waiting just incase he will change I was still there to bring him home", Karen said.

" Then that's better, it will draw too much attention if ever his color changed, he will definitely look different and that will cause a big chaos in his school.", Joseph said.

" Yes! you're right! and I think hypnotizing is also one of his power too, he talk very gently to the dog and it calm down until being picked up by the authorities, they're even wondering how Prince did that, even the guards in the gate were so surprised how Prince did that" , Karen explained.

" So I think his color changed when he is angry only, but when he is not then he is just a normal looking kid", Joseph said.

" I guess your assumption is right, I also think it that way, I don't know what other things he is capable of , or any more powers yet discover",Karen said.

" Our son is a superhero in the making so we have to be careful that his secret will be kept within our family only", Joseph pointed.

" As I can see we raise him well, the only thing is he is too young to fall inlove with his classmate, Patrice is a cutie, but not at such a young age", Karen worries.

" They are too young and of course they're not serious , beside he is a boy so there's nothing to be afraid of, you should be afraid if your young girl is the one that will have a crush , she is really young at her age", Joseph meant it for humour.

" Honey your daughter is just more than three years old, of course I will not feel good if at her age she will say ' mama I have a crush on one of my classmates' that is not easy to take of course", Karen said.

" Honey, don't be offended ,I meant that as a joke, nothing serious about it", Joseph said.

" Of course I know, I'm aware that you're joking, but if ever it will be hard to take it for me personally, I want her to have boyfriend after her college", Karen said.

" I had no idea you're so strict as a mom, you're stricter than me honey, ha,ha,ha", Joseph said laughing at the thought.

" You're just laughing but when that time came all of your humor will be gone, it will be hard for me to let go of our little angel", Karen said.

" Honey when that time came Kate will no longer our little angel she will be a beautiful young adult, that somebody will love", Joseph said.

" Yes I know!", Karen replied.

" So be ready for what the future will bring to us and our son and daughter", Joseph advice..He know that his wife is very fond of their daughter because they're always together at home.

" What if Prince will one day will say 'ma, pa, I want to get martied now! how will you react to that situation?", Joseph's asked.

." I think for Prince I have no qualmns if one day he will decide to get married, anyway he had been asking for independence since he is young so I guess we can never stop him for his decisions ,as young as he is he fight for what he wants", Karen said.