Chapter 4: * Power Discovery *

The couple thought that everything about their family was already normal, it had been quiet sometime that Prince had been angry that will cause his divided color to show , but one day they had been proven wrong when a dangerous incident happened at the bank when Karen had brought Prince to deposit the money that Joseph had turned over to her after the payment had been given by his customer. She's on her way to the bank when his adviser called to inform her that his class will be suspended early because of an emergency faculty meeting so she had no choice but to pick him up and bring with her to the bank .

She was waiting for her turn towards the bank teller, when five men forcefully barge in at the bank, shot one of the guards and asking for the bank manager , Karen felt an unexplained terror and worry for the safety of her son who is sitting beside her and just innocently observing the situation .

" What are they doing mama?", Prince asked her.

" They are robbing the bank ", she replied in a whisper.

"What will happened if they rob the bank?",;,prince asked in a whisper too.

"They will get the bank's money ,oh my! even the money we had deposited here will be taken away", Karen said in a panic.

" Put all your money inside this bag!",, one of the armed men commanded them. Everyone he pass through has to deposit in the bag he carry their cash in hand.

" Please this is not my money, I am just asked to deposit it", Karen beg as the holdupper was waiting for her to deposit her money inside the bag. Karen did not expect the reaction of the man infront of her. He slap her face, Prince was so shock because of the cruelty the man inflicted on his mother.

" Why you slap my mom!?", Prince angrily stand up to challenge the man , his color and voice suddenly change and the holdupper seem did not notice the changes.

" Sit down or I'll shoot you kiddo!", the holdupper warned. Karen hug her son to calm him down.

" Honey, please sit down! it's okay !", she's so nervous and it can be sense at her shaking voice while trying to pacify the anger of her son, but Prince simply shrug her hand away intent on fighting, and at that moment she felt the strength and courage of her son. When the holdupper point at him the gun, he stare at it intently and a laser like light was seen coming out of his eyes and everybody who witness it was taken a back at the miracle they saw unexpectedly at that time a silent hope arises in their heart that there is a hero in the midst of them.

All onlookers saw that the gun melted and the holdupper drop it at the floor unintentionally for even his hand holding the gun was burned.

" Aaarrgghhh! the holdupper screamed, that had caught the four other holduppers attention.

" Who did that? who burned his hand?", one of the holdupper asked.

" I did! ", Prince without a blink admitted.

" Ha,ha,ha,ha, you?! ",the holdupper laughed, he couldn't beleive what he heard.

" Stupid! you are defeated by a young child?", he said laughing at the other holdupper still struggling in pain.

" Please! leave my son alone, he is just a child!", Karen in a panic told the holdupper.

" You did that to him? you're such an ugly child with two divided colors", the holdupper said which boiled up the anger of Prince .

" You're such a lazy man that rob other's people money, aren't you ashamed? you're taking other peoples hardwork earned money? idiots!", Prince angrily retorded at the holdupper. Karen was surprise at every words her son said, again the holdupper laughing insolently pointed the gun at Prince maybe to scare him or maybe he intend to shoot her son, Karen is not sure, but Prince is not afraid he just stare at his gun and again the gun melted that cause his hand that holding the gun burned also.

" You're a monster!", the panicking holdupper scream at Prince.

" Do you want me to burn your whole body? I can do that", Prince challenge him angrily as he attempted to attack him which opted the holdupper to freeze in midair, As he gaze at the three other holduppers they just throw their guns and raised their arms for surrender.

" Please spare us, we mean no harm to anybody ", the three other holduppers panic because of what they saw and hear they try to run outside of the building but The bank manager had already closed the automatic door and they can no longer go out, Everybody inside the bank applauded, they were happy that the holduppers were caught off guard. Because of what happened they hadn't taken anything from the bank and they were seized by the police later.

" Honey, you better go out unnotice we don't need any attention right now, wait for me in the car", Karen instructed her son. Karen had heard everybody talk about Prince and as they look in his direction he is already out of the building, she also had slipped out of the bank successfully , she decided she will just come back another day to deposit Joseph's money.

" Whewww! what a dreadful day!", Karen said while driving on their way home.

" How's your face ma? still painful?",

he asked Karen.

" I'm okay honey, thanks to you! you're such a courageous hero! how'd you did that?",

Karen ask.

" What about ma??", he asked innocently.

" How'd you did that, lazer eyes -thing?", Karen asked.

" I don't know mom! I am just angry when I saw that guy, slap you and as I thought

that I want his gun to melt in his hand, it just happened", Prince replied.

" I don't even know you have such power, that's awesome!", Karen said.

" I don't know too mom, but I'm glad I am like superman!", Prince said.

" Ma, am I ugly? why did that bad guy said I am such an ugly child, he even call me a monster!", Prince asked.

" Of course not! you're the handsomest boy in the whole world for me!", Karen said to uplift her son's spirit.

" That's what all mom says, Patrice told me the other day", Prince smiled at the thought.

" Of course not! you really is the most handsome a very goodlooking son of mine!", Karen said

" Okay I beleive uou now mom, mamita also said that I'm gwapo!", Prince said.

"You really is! but Son please keep that power to yourself okay? that might endanger you and our family's life, as possible let no one knew that you have that power", Karen told her son.

" I think it's cool mom, can I tell about it to Patrice?", Prince asked.

" No, don't let even Patrice knew about it," Karen said.

" Even dad?",he asked.

" We will tell dad but nobody else!", Karen insisted. She just hoped that her son will listen to her advice and right now all she can do is bet on it.

" Yes mom!", Prince promised..

" Very good, that's my boy!", Karen told her son. Joseph was so worried when he heard their story.

" Then it's good that your son was there to protect you, I am not there to witness what you did my son but I am so proud of you for standing up to protect your mom", Joseph told Prince.

" Can I tell Patrice about my power papa?", he asked his father.

" Of course not, no one among the superheroes let others know about their power except their family, because if they do that, the villains might kill all of their family members", Joseph explained to his son.

The next day all local and international press news was about that bank robbery incident and the child that has lazer eyes and with two divided colors. Included was a cctv camera that captured what happened that day, with coincidence the camera was not so clear and his face was not so clearly taken. Everybody has speculations for the child some had negative comments but mostly are favorable for the mother and child.Now everybody are looking for the unusual kid ,as they are calling for their family attention to present the child to the people for an award in bravery.

" What do they think of us? stupid? why should we do that?", Joseph commented as he watch the news that night.

" You're right! anyway that news will just circulate only for a week or two then that will be forgotten by the people", Karen commented.

" We should just thank that the copy of their cctv has blurred pictures so your faces were unrecognisable", Joseph said.

" Yes , that's why our privacy was still intact right now, and after sometimes that incident will no longer remembered by any body", Karen answered.

" Come to think of it, is there other power that Prince had ? what do you think? I hate to think that he is not my son because of his power, because neither of us hadn't bless with those power", Joseph said.

" How can you say that? we had made his DNA tested and it had been proven he is your son, if ever sultan Sota had given him those powers then we should thank him for giving us a heroic son", Karen said.

" Of course I know but because of what's happening sometimes I have doubts but no one can change the fact that he is my son that might be the other strange DNA that had mixed with him", Joseph replied.

" Only God can tell what's the truth but for me right now I know my son is a big blessing to us because he is a good child. If he is special and different from other kids then that's a blessing", Karen was moved by her love for her son.

" Anyway what's important is we can still live normally and Prince can still lead a normal life, do you think we need to move out from here, because the bank might locate us?", Joseph asked.

" I don't think the bank will remember our whereabouts, as long as we will not tell anybody that was Prince no one will locate us seeing Prince is just a normal child when he is not angry", Karen hoped.

" Okay , just let me know whatever you want if there is a need for us to transfer or for Prince to transfer to other schools for his safety", Joseph told his wife.

" For now, I don't see any reason why we should do that, maybe someday when things get worse but I hope he is grown up by that time that he can take care of himself and he has the better judgement of things, as he matured", Karen hopefully said.

" You're right! Our son was only eight years old, he had a long way to go, more years to learn about so many things and we don't even know how many powers more he will going to discover by himself", Joseph agreed.

" Yes, for now what we need is to protect his secret to keep him safe, anyway he don't need that recognition, beside's when he used his power he was into that double color so no one will recognize him without that extinct distinction of him", Karen explained further.

.Luckily there's no other incident that happened that will opt Prince to use his power, things were normal as usual, he got back to that happy normal kid that he really was. just like what Karen said the news was forgotten and changed after a month , no one had talked about that anymore, they are thankful that their money in the bank was intact and as to what Karen heard when she go back to the bank to deposit their money, the guard had recovered from that shooting incident but he was transferred to another post for his safety and peace of mind. But they are still looking for that boy because they want to thank him bacause of him the bank robbery failed so the depositors money was safe, Karen made no comments about what she heard, she's thankful that no one recognise them.