Chapter 2 : * The Kidnapper Hawk *

Karen was very busy that day and a package arrive from one of her relatives abroad, she had to receive the package and the deliverer need to take her picture as proof she received the package. She left Prince in the room with an open window to let the fresh air get in, Prince is playing with his new toys bought by Joseph. Joseph was busy because of the additional orders they receive for ripe mangoes delivery, their livelihood was getting in demand these days because Joseph make it sure their product was sweet and fresh upon delivery. And his commitment to his customers for on time deliveries is always his priority, even to his own family's expense.

" I'm doing this for you and Prince, you are my inspiration to strive harder to be able to give you a good life and better future for Prince", Joseph said when she demanded of his time that was spent mostly in the farm.

" I find it hard to beleive you, what if you are just seeing someone in the farm that stole most of your time?", Karen accuse him.

" Honey, please stop that, you know I trust you as much that's why whatever you say I beleive you so I also expect trust from you!", Joseph's countered all of her accusations. She felt her husband 's honesty but she just want to hear his declaration of love over and over again, her irritating but cute attitude that never change. When the package deliverer left, she checked her son inside the room and she was just in time to see that a big hawk was inside the room and trying to kidnapped her son with the baby walker.

" Prince! shewww! shewww! leave my son alone whoever you are!", shoving the hawk away Karen was almost crying in despair trying to jump up in the air, pulling the walker down. She find it impossible to beleive eventhough the hawk is big as it is capable of kidnapping her son.

Her son started to squirm and cry, maybe because of the fear in the sound of her voice.. Prince realize that he was being suspended in the air, might be he was in uncomfortable position or airsickness, as usual when he scream in desperation in his baby ways with his foot kicking in the air, in the process his color automatically changed, and the hawk seems astonished at the discovery like it had a mind of it's own, stare at the child and put down the walker in a haste and fly out of the room through the open window. She take her son out of the walker and hug him very tight. Since that day she made it sure the window was close safely, since the day Prince was born countless of unexplainable occurence happened that even Karen cannot fathom, that's why she always keep an eye on her son for his safety. Just like the other day his son was nearly beaten by a poisonous snake when she brought him outside in the lawn for an early morning sun, while she,'s watering the plants, the snake crawl in the direction of Prince, but luckily her cat kitty was around to protect the child. She is afraid of snake, she don't like the way it looks specially the slittered eyes that seems to stare at her in hatred. She saw it in the corner of her own eyes how the snake crawl in her son's direction and kitty scratch its back, then the snake look back at the cat then the cat seems like a statue sitting just watching the snake, then when the snake move forward she will follow it again and scratch its back, and again the cat acts as though a statue sitting on her two hind legs when the snake look back .Obviously kitty was trying to delay the snake or simply challenge the snake for a play but she's thankful because of what kitty was doing the snake lose its focus, she put off the water and in a swift movement run at her son and took him inside and close the door. It was a cute moment for the cat and snake to watch at, but she was taken over by nervousness and scares for her son's safety. She don't know where the snake came from and goes after that, but she's glad kitty was there to interrupt all of the snakes bad intention.

" I don't know why Prince life seems always being threaten, he is just a helpless boy at his age he cannot even walk on his own without the aid of a walker, after the hawk and snake, what's next?", Karen relay to her husband while they are in bed and little Prince was tucked in his cot peacefully asleep.

" That's why I'm glad you decided to stop working and take care of Prince and me personally, thanks for the effort, love and care", Joseph said kissing her on the cheek.

" I have no choice but to do that, besides I love what I'm doing! taking care two of my most favorite important family members, besides in times like this I beleive it is no good for any nanny being in the situation i've been through, for sure they will not stay long, and I also wanted to keep our son's secret out of other people's grasp, I hate to think of the possibility that he will be treated as a weirdo, that will create a big negative impact on his self esteem someday", Karen long explaination.

" I love you more for that, my wife", Joseph look at his wife with admiration in his eyes.

" What I'm wondering of right now is who are those that want our son dead?", Karen was really scared of the possibility that there are creatures who wants to eliminate their son, for what reason? she had no idea.

" But of course I also want you to be vigilant of what was going on when I'm not around to protect you both, specially these days that I spend more time at the farm to supervise our livelihood." Joseph instructed his wife.

" Of course for the safety of Prince specially now that there's some forces who wanted to harm him, I will never allow that to happened I will protect our son no matter how dangerous things are", Karen promised.

" That's the spirit! my brave wife, I love you more each day", Joseph said as she snuggle closer to him.

Each day was a challenge for Karen, her life was physically tiring but enjoyable. She enjoy taking care of her son and husband they are her life at this time, taking them away from her is like taking her breathe away from her. Having to witness how her son grows and become stronger each day, now she know why mothers are the first teachers of their children, as she teaches her own son on his first step until he learn to walk by himself without her help.

Her husband was very happy the first time Prince call him 'dada' and she kissed him countless of time when he called her 'mama' the happiness she felt cannot be compared to any material things there is available for her own disposal. Her heart was full of gladness, the first time she saw Prince trying to run since then he always run might be the reason why his foot is getting stronger each day.

" My love, it's dinner time , let's eat now, dada and I are waiting for you here in the table", Karen lovingly told her son.

" Son, don't let the food wait for you that is bad manners the graces we receive each day will resent you and walk away because you disregard them", Joseph litany.

" leli dada? t'has foo tat walk?", Prince asked , at two and a half years old still baby talk, such words are hard to understand but for Karen she know what he meant and he was asking if they has foot that walk , he became interested when he heard that foods will walk away.

Prince was very observant and he has the tendency to imitate all the things they do as parents and the words they both say. He just pick some interesting topic that fancy his interest and asked them for explaination.

" Come on little boy, eat your foods first and we'll talk about foods that walk away because somebody like you took them for granted", Karen promised.

" Yeheyyy! I love story mama,", Prince happily clap his little hands in happiness

" For sure he will be waiting for your long story tonight and a long time of question and answer portion in between of your story", Joseph told his wife.

" Yes dada, he has a lot of questions which sometimes hard to answer, it's hard to make up stories just to satisfy his queries", Karen laughingly answered.

" Our boy is growing up very smart and hungry for more knowledge and I like that he will grow up a very intelligent boy", Joseph agreed.

" Mama, bird!", Prince said pointing at the bird in the picture.

" Yes, baby this bird is called a hawk", Karen inform her son.

" uwk!", Prince said, imitating what his mother said.

" Whatever! it's okay baby when you grow up things will be easier to pronounced", Karen promised her son. But later on Karen understand why her son's interest with the bird arose, when one day while they are playing in the lawn Prince pointed at the highest portion of mango tree.

" Mama look! uwk!", Prince pointed at where the bird was. Karen look at the direction her son was pointing at first she hadn't saw it then later on she notice when it moves.

" Yes baby, that's a hawk!", Karen agreed. .She look angrily at the hawk, she had some notion in the back of her mind that her son always saw the hawk that's why he become familiar with the bird.

" I don't know how he had saw that bird, does it watch after Prince or just looking for opportunity to attack him and endanger our son's life" Karen was in confusion as she relay her thought to her husband that night.

" If that bird had attempted to kidnap our son before it might have reason why it was watching after our son, but waiting for an exact opportunity to harm him", Joseph's agreed.

" What if t'was sultan Sota that watch after him?", Karen had thought.

" But if it was him then why he is not aware that Prince changes color when he is angry, uncomfortable or feeling threaten? that's impossible! because sultan is fully aware of the capabilities of our son!", sudden realization had come in Karen's mind.

" Yes, that's right, and that's enough, don't bother yourself too much of unending questions which is difficult to answer, they were just all speculations! we better sleep now to regain strength for the next day", Joseph's jokingly suggested to his wife.

" Wow, you 're not helping but, making things more complicated for me, but you're right let's sleep tonight and tomorrow's another day!", Karen retorded.

Joseph was already deep in his sleep, but Karen was still wide awake, these days even her sleep was affected for the thought that there are harms plotted for her son.What if they are already heavily sleeping then something crawl to harm her child? the snake for instance!

Snakes can sneak in their house without notice anytime , what if the hawk was an enemy's eyes that waiting for the right opportunity to attack her son, the more she'll keep an eyes on her son's welfare, she cannot

let tolerance to slip in her obligation as mother. Why can't it be that things are just normal just like everybody? a normal life for her son, she want that but her son is not a normal child, who among normal people had divided colors? only her son and sultan Sota.

She silently hope and pray that everything will be alright. She don't want that her husband will blame her someday if something unbearable happened to Prince.