Chapter 9 : * The Hostages *

Karen and the kids were busy looking for clothes that will fit Prince,while baby Maggy was sleeping comfortably in a baby carrier clung at her mother.

" Prince, look at this do you like this color?", as Karen presented to her son a large red and white striped polo shirt,she's fully aware of how choosy her son is when it comes to his clothing.

" Yes ma, I like that", Prince agreed.

" Do you like this? the color will diffinitely look good on you", Kate presented a brown polo shirt with white collar to her brother.

" That's a nice color but I don't think the size will fit me", Prince answered.

" As Kate take a look at the size as medium so they ask the saleslady that assist them for bigger size, there is available for Prince but he had seen another color such as dark blue with white collar and aqua blue with same white collar that was place in a hanger and he likes the color more.

" Which of them you like more? ", Karen ask her son.

" I like both ma!", Prince answered.

" Hmmppp! you just don't like what I suggested!", Kate murmur.

" I am the one that will wear them so I prefer it to be in my liking", Prince exclaimed smiling at her sister who's in a bad mood now because he refused her choice.

" Actually what you suggested is a nice color and I like it too but he had his own color choices besides he will be the one that will use it", Karen said to appease her daughters feeling of neglect.

" Really? you like it too mama? at least I am happy to know we have the same taste in clothing mama, you see mama like this too ! ", Kate told her brother to maybe hoping he will regret his decision..

" Don't worry you will have your own clothes later you can choose what you want, or you can go now look for what you want and bring it here while we are looking of more clothes for your brother, and after here we will look for his pants and shoes ", Karen said.

" Yeheeyy! can I choose clothes for Maggy mama?", Kate ask her mother.

" Sorry honey, but no! babies grow so fast they don't need that much clothes she will eventually outgrow them and after a few months her clothes now will no longer fit her, there were many clothes given to her as gift so no need for additional",Karen explained to her daughter.

" You're right mama, some of my clothes no longer fit me now, I think I also need to upgrade my wardrobe ", Kate said.

" Okay, look for clothes you like most and bring it here afterwards", Karen told her daughter and hide a laugh at her daughter's term such as upgrade of wardrobe.

All three of them had been busy in choosing and looking for clothes that will fit Prince also for Kate that wanted new clothes for herself. Luckily , Joseph never complain of their expenses specially if they were spent for their children.

" I am working hard to provide you with all the comfort and financial stability for our family, sky is the limit for you and the kids", Karen remember was the usual words of her husband.Luckily his farm had been doing well and they are earning much more than they need.They also make it sure that they are saving for emergencies and times like this.

" You must be tired mama let me carry her", Prince told his mother when Maggy woke up and have a bit of a tantrum maybe because of her uncomfortable position. Karen give Maggy to Prince without the baby carrier that had been left with her and Prince playfully bring his sister out of the store. When Kate came and she see her brother and sister she greeted with a smile her baby sister who seems so happy on seeing her.

" Come to me! this is your first time here ,right?" , she ask Maggy in a baby talk way, the baby squirm and giggle to reach her extending hand that Maggy tried to put in her mouth while mumbling in her baby talk.

" She must be hungry, okay take her I will get her feeding bottle from mama", Prince said as he transfer Maggy in Kate arms.

" Okay, we will window shop here outside", Kate told her brother, after fiften minutes Prince was back with a feeding bottle

and Maggy hungrily suck the bottle.

" She's so hungry", Prince said.

" What a wonderful baby life, all she did is sleep, feed, pee and poop.", Kate said.

" You're so gross!, I 'll go back to mama! are you coming?", Prince asked.

" We'll just stay here for a while", Kate answered and take a seat when she found an available bench nearby while feeding her sister.

" You're so young to be a mom", a beautiful lady joked that sat a few yard in the same bench they're sitting.

" She's my sister!", annoy Kate answered.

" Ha,ha,ha, of course I know, I'm just joking", the lady said.

" I am only nine years old how can I have a baby? ", Kate murmur in a low tone.

Prince go back inside of the store and tried in the fitting room the clothes he had chosen while his mom is waiting for him outside of the fitting room. He is still inside of the fitting room when the commotion started,

the door of the store was shutdown as in locked inside and all of the customers and employees were advice to stay inside..

" Hey!! what happened?", Karen asked seeing how each of the employee were seems so nervous and confuse.

" Please just stay inside ma'am, there are holduppers that had gotten inside the mall and they locked the entranced door", one of the saleslady explained.

" What? oh my! Prince, where's your sisters? where did you left them?", Karen asked her son, her heart beats so fast .

" They were outside of this store mama, sitting in the bench outside of this store", Prince told his mother.

" What? miss have you seen my daughter in the bench just outside of this store?", A panic was beginning to arise in Karen. She run to check while inside the outside of the store where the bench was located if the two girls were there , when the sales lady shook her head.

" I am not sure ma'am but maybe," the other saleslady said in a confusing words.

" Where are they?", Karen said when she couldn't see her daughter outside in the bench.

" Please let me go out to check on my sisters", Prince asking for permission to go out of the store.

" Let me ask my supervisor first", the saleslady answered.

" After about 20 minutes the saleslady came back.

" Sorry ma'am our supervisor said, we can not open the door as of this time, while the holduppers still inside of the mall ", the saleslady said.

" Please! my daughters are outside a nine years old and a four months old baby.", Karen said hoping for a consideration.

" Please, ma'am! try to understand you'll be putting each of us in danger if we allow you to open that door", the supervisor that had been called by the saleslady beg.

" But my nine years old daughter and four months old daughter were outside ,she might be very scared as of this time", Karen said in a panicking voice.

" Let me go out please, I will look for my sister outside", Prince said as he look at the supervisor intently and after a few seconds the supervisor opened the door to the astonishment of the people inside except Karen.

" Can you please close the door again?" Prince told the supervisor that just stare blankly at him.

" Please bring your sister safely back here", Karen told her son.

" Why you allow him to go out? he is too young and they are our responsibility, it is our obligation to look for them and bring them to safety not vice versa", one of the older women harsh comment, she felt as though a knife had stabbed her heart but she know that her son is stronger than she is and she trust her son but she said nothing because this people with her knew nothing about the truth..Again the supervisor closed the door when Prince was already outside.

He is very nervous and when he reach the place where there are people gathered, and he heard the voice of her sister that said,

" Give me back my sister please!", Prince heard Kate said in a loud voice as if she is very scared, many were taken as hostages.

" You stupid man, what are you doing to my sisters?", Prince angrily asked the man as if he is threatening to throw Maggy and because of that Kate was very scared and crying in anguished.

" Whaaha! so the big brother is also here!", the man insolently said when Prince step in to take his sister from the man's grasp.

Then the man push him, so he lost his balance and he drop on the floor which makes Prince more angrier, his eyes were so angry and his double color suddenly appear.

" Oh my, you're a monster!", the man said, many had witness such transformation,even Kate was surprised who hold Maggy tightly when Prince give to her.

" Prince! what happened to you?", Kate asked.

" Shoot him,shoot him!", one of the men ordered he had no idea to whom he is giving the order to shoot him, because each of them has gun in their hands,Prince had seen two of the holduppers was putting the jewelries display in one of the stalls in that mall in a small bag made of sack and pass it at the two woman who go ready to go out of the mall.

The man infront of him that aim the gun at him was nervous as he see the holduppers hands were trembling uncontrollably.

" He is a monster! shoot him! ", again the man ordered..Prince stared at the gun the man was holding and he is imagining that it was burning and as he thought about it a raser like light came out of his eyes and the gun melted infront of everybody. Then he stared at the other one that aim the gun at her sister.

" I will kill your sister if you come near me !", the man warned that ordered the other one to shoot him dead said, he assumed that this man was their leader, because the other holdupper run away from him when his hands was burned when the gun melted,while the other holdupper were so stunned seeing what happened.But because Prince was already angry again the raserlike light melted the gun of the leader holdupper.

" Open the door now!", the leader holdupper shouted and ordered the guard on rhe main entrance,.

" You're the one that closed this, then why don't you open it! ", the guard challenge the holdupper knowing his gun had already melted and they were in a hurry to go away from Prince.. the other two holduppers had been seized by the guards who calls an emergency number for police rescue. the holdupper point their gun at the guard but when the building was opened the police were already outside waiting for the holdupper to show up so they had been captured. The jewelry was returned to the owner, Prince felt some flashes of camera but he had no idea where it came from, the most important for him is that he had saved his sisters.And he had learned that the holduppers were organize group they even had cars and there are females member of this group,after taking the jewelries they pass it on two woman who had supposed to go first who brought all of the jewelries but unluckily they had been captured by the police they even has two cars waiting for them.

" It's okay now Kate mama is waiting for you and Maggy there,", Prince said to his sister.

" Why you look like that?", Kate ask her brother.

" Why? how do I look?", Prince asked. he had no idea how he looks like right now.

Karen was very happy upon seeing that her son and daughters were all safe and Prince color was beginning to go back in normal.