Chapter 8: * Family's Gem *

" Yes, I had been aquainted with sultan but they were just in my dreams, I can't even tell if he was real or not ", Karen confirmed everything about sultan and his family, according to her dreams.

" But something I realized ma, it seems he is real as I try to analyze he got his points how come I have this power? you or papa do not have it, then where I possibly get it?", Prince said.

" You might have that power but I firmly beleive Joseph is your father because we have a DNA test to prove it", Karen insisted.

" That's what I'm wondering too mama, because I had seen that test before when you show me", Prince replied.

" Yes, besides I love your papa very much, I will never betray him by cheating on him", Karen assured her son.

" Then why do you have to take that DNA test ma?", Prince asked.

" Because in my dreams sultan always claim that you're his son, I want proof of your paternity, your father was so angry when I persuade him to do it ", Karen assured her son that she had never loved sultan because she is already married to his father.

" Though I am puzzled and I have many questions not so easy to answer, I swear I beleive you ma, whatever you say is the truth for me", Prince promise.

" How could I love someone that just exist in my dream? I had no idea why I can't say no to him everytime he brought me to his palace in my dreams , If he has some DNA mix in you I think he had pass on you his mind power because of your hypnotizing power that's what he used to me everytime he visit me in my dreams and your lazer eyes when you're angry ", Karen explained.

" Then If he is my father half of me is not human? then what I am, ma I am half alien? or half evil?", Prince ask jokingly.

" Of course not! you're making me laugh, you're Joseph and mine son and you'll never be an alien or evil because you're a good son, you're kind and patient, considerate and you have many more good attribute too long to mention each that makes you a perfect son for me", those words of praises from his mom usually warmed his heart .

" You just say that because you're my mother,, every parent thought their children are perfect sons or daughter ", Prince told his mom.

" So why are you asking me now? you already know the answer to your question, but let me tell you again son, use your wisdom and strength to help those who are weak and be sure to be worthy of other people's trust around you ", Karen said.

"Yes ma, I will always remember those advices of yours before I decide on something not so ordinary, I want you and papa to be proud of me mama ", Prince said.

" I will always be so proud of you son, you had been papa and mama's greatest joy for so many years, you and your sisters, you're all our precious gem in this whole world ", , Karen assured that makes her son smiles sweetly, he seems so please of what he heard..

When Karen gave birth to her third child, her life had been in danger because of her blood pressure that shoots up and down they had to inject in her a medicine that will lower her blood pressure.

" We had to perform a caesarian operation on your wife", The doctot said and hand to Joseph a consent form to be signed.

" You're making me scared doc, this is the first time she will undergo caesarian operation", Joseph told the doctor.

" At her condition right now it is dangerous for her to have a normal delivery, she's already in a pre eclampsia stage , so the best soution for her and the baby is to undergo CS to ensure both their safety", the doctor explained.

" I had to discuss such things to my wife before I decide, can I talk to her?", Joseph told the doctor.

. " We had to perform the operation as soon as possible to prevent infection or sepsis cases", the doctor's explained.

so when her blood pressure was already in normal condition, Joseph's had agreed in a caesarian operation i so the baby and his wife will not be in danger, everybody were so worried because they're afraid that something might happened to Karen or the baby, after a few hours of waiting every member of their family are excited to welcome the new baby girl, whom they had given the name Maggy.

Prince was bragging around his friends,classmates and relatives about the new cute baby sister he has. He had taken videos and pictures of his little sister, Richard's group who eventually become his loyal friends are excited for his new baby sister, while Kate was always in a bad mood, they assumed she is a bit jealous because of the attention her little sister get from her whole family and other extended members of their family. Everyone that visit their home the first name they ask is Maggy's.

" You want to carry your sister? ",, Karen ask her daughter when she had seen her staring at her younger sister inside the crib ..This is her way of breaking the ice between nine years old Kate and her baby sister. She take the sleeping Maggy in her arms and put her to her older sister's arms.

" No ma, she might fall from my arms she's so small, look at her feet and fingers they're so little ", Kate reluctant at first but later on she smiled lovingly at her , Karen knew that instance that the jealousy was gone and the love and protectiveness towards her baby sister had awaken in her young daughter's heart, she mumbled excitedly when she kissed and examine her sister's little fingers and foot.

" I understand what you mean, you have the same fingers and toes when you were a baby like Maggy ", Karen told Kate.

" Really mom? she's so light, I thought she's heavy, and look at her fingers, wow! they're so cute, but I'm glad mine are bigger now ", Kate proudly said.

" Now, you have someone to take care of when you're home and I'm busy , at least I can trust you in taking care of your baby sister", Karen told her daughter.

" Yupp!! I love you Maggy, you really smell good , I will take care of you always ", as Kate kiss and talk to her baby sister.

" Great! so it's settled you'll help me in taking care of your sister , I know I can rely on you regarding that task ", Karen smiled at her daughter's willingness when Kate gave a thumbs up sign.

In the next few days Kate was very helpful in taking care of her baby sister a doting older sister for Maggy. She's stricter than her mom because Prince or dad had to wash their hands with alcohol before they can carry her baby sister or kiss Maggy .

The family had been more happier with the arrival of Maggy in their life, their days was more colorful and binding because of the little bundle of joy that comes in their family.

" It's really different when there's baby at home, I can't beleive how I miss the smell of baby powder and baby cologne at home ", Joseph said one afternoon while preparing to take a nap.

" Yes, I thought of that too, although it's annoying having to wake up in the middle of your sleep to change diaper or prepare a milk in a feeding bottle specially at night time", Karen answered.

" Honey, that's why I'm helping you when you're so sleepy or tired at night, anyway that's just a little sacrifice for the kids . They will never be kids forever they will eventually grow up, anyway when they're grown up you will miss having baby at home", According to Joseph.

" Hmmnn! so easy to say because you're not the one who'll get pregnant and feel uncomfortable for nine long months, then after giving birth you will take care the baby, you will experience the stressful lack of sleep because of their changing sleeping habit, your patience and love for your family will be tried and tested ", Karen said.

" Okay, I get it my love, I know your sacrifices being the mother, that's why I am giving you rewards by being a faithful and good provider husband, because I don't want you to regret your decision of being my wife and mother of our children", Joseph told his wife.

" Don't worry I am just complaining but I enjoy taking care of our children, I just hope you'll understand if I won't have that much time on you because we have a new baby that requires my full attention",, Karen told her husband..

" Of course, that's for our kids I will never be a hindrance in your obligation as the mother of our children", Joseph assured her.

" Thanks honey! I had never been mistaken in choosing you as my husband.. I'm so lucky!", Karen said with full of emotion.

That's how their family was built full of understanding and they had never been afraid or ashamed of expressing their love and emotion to each other. They never failed to talk about their plans, they're not keeping any secret to each other.That's how the couple raise their children with open honesty, perseverance and full of love.

Their compassion and kindness can never be questioned by anybody, their loyalty is something to vouch for. They were financially blessed and they make it sure that God was always in the midst of their family.

Many envied their family but for them there's nothing to brag about because their family was built on love and respect towards each other. They were never been afraid or ashamed to make each other know that they ere not perfect and they just wanted attention.

" Mama, I think I need new clothes, most of my clothes are getting smaller and shorter", Prince complained at her mother.

" Let me see? yah, you're right! you grow so fast . You're only sixteen years old but look at you you're almost five eight tall. wheww! aside from that your body is getting bigger son", Karen agreed.

" Everyday I was having difficulty in choosing the right shirt and pants that will fit me mama", Prince said.

" You're right, this afternoon after school I will fetch you and Kate at school ,we will shop for your new clothes", Karen promised.

" Yes mama, anyway today's saturday so after my taekwando practice for about two hours I will be free to go, I think Kate is already done with her aerobics class by that time, will you'll bring Maggy,?..", Prince ask his mother.

" Of course honey, I can't leave her here in the house alone. Your dad will be gone for the whole day after he drop you both at school this morning so no one will be left to take care of your sister", Karen answered.

" Yes!!! now my friends can see the cuteness of Maggy.", Prince is obviously very proud of his baby sister.

" Are you ready kids? where's Kate? I need to be at the farm at ten this morning to supervise our workers on the proper application and handling of fertilizer on our trees", Joseph said.

" I am ready papa, I'll check on Kate in her room now", Prince said in a big stride going to the second floor of the house where the room of her sister was located infront of his own room.

" Honey, I'll just pick them up at twelve in the afternoon", Joseph told his wife.

" There's no need to do that honey, I am the one that will pick them up today because we will goin shopping afterwards to buy Prince clothes and shoes, he is getting bigger and taller" ,Karen told her husband.

" Okay! that's right, can you bought for me a new black belt?", Joseph's requested.

"Sure honey!", Karen replied.

" How about Maggy?", Joseph asks.

" Obviously, I need to bring her because we have no househelp to take care of her here in the house", Karen replied.