Chapter 14 : * Away From Home *

Joseph had been very thankful for the help that had been extended to him by the motel owner who is Biance's friend and of course to Biance as well and to his own mom for the car that had been sent to his wife so they will have a transportation to be used for processing their papers.

" Don't worry! we are willing to help you, anytime that you'll need my motel for decoy ", Sandy the gay hotel owner and friend of Biance said when Joseph called him.

" It's okay cuz, that's no big deal , Karen and the kids can used my car as long as they need it", Biance replied when he called her also.

" I felt bad that I am the last one who had been informed what you're goin through as family!", Joseph's mom said when he called him after talking to Sandy and Biance.

." Thanks for the concern mom, but we still need the car, it will be picked up by Karen at the motel when she and the kids goes to the immigration to process their travel papers , they will leave Biance's car at the motel and bring your car home again", he told his mom.

" Sure that's fine with me ! what's important is your whole family's safety", his mom said.

" You're the best mom!" , Joseph said.

" That's nonsense! what I'm wondring is just because of that mall incident, your family's life had been endanger! why? what's the real problem?" his mom wants to know.

" I don't know too mom, I have some idea why but for me it's senseless! ", Joseph answered.

" What a harsh heart they have, your family had been the victim then you're stilll the one that will suffer the consequence of their bad actions," his mom retorded.

" Do you remember that guy that save Maggy and Kate from the holduppers? the what they called as the monster? the holdupper assumed he is close to our family, they even assume that was me!", Joseph admitted.

" How pathetic of them to think that way, as your mother I had never seen you transform into that two colored thing, then you'll be in danger because of what they thought of you?", his mom reacted.

" Then if that's the case why not prove them wrong? why run away?", his mom suggested.

" Right now what I'm worried about is the safety of my wife and kids", Joseph told her.

" As for me, I don't want you to go because I will surely miss all of you, Maggy had been so cute and tender the last time I visited them. Prince is unbelievably taller than you and Karen, he is such a good looking young guy, even Kate is growing up beautiful and very worried about her pets, how's the dogs?", his mom asked.

" As of now they're all dead, all three of them!", Joseph replied.

" What?why? what happened to them?", his mom asked again with panic in her voice.

" They were killed by the burglars that attack me in the house after I had transferred Karen and the kids in Biance's vacation house", Joseph informed her.

" You mean? as bad as that? Oh my! then how are you there? oh you make me so worried of your situation there", his mom said

" Mom, mom, we won't be talking like this if I am not okay, stop worrying about me!", Joseph said.

" Did they hurt you? oh my, I hate the thought of you being hurt by those people", his mom said.

" Mom, I'm okay! it's no big deal , I'm very much alive and kicking, if they had hurt me it's not as bad as you imagine", Joseph assured his mom.

" What if they come back to your house and hurt you again?", his mom asked.

" No mom, besides I have some of my trusted workers who stays with me in the house!", he decided to keep some information to himself, it's enough that his wife know ,he don't want to give some more reason for worry to his aging mom .

" Any assistance that I can provide, do not hesitate to tell me! eventhough you have your own family I am still your mom , I am still part of your family , okay?" his mom told him before they end their conversation.

" I will mom, you're really was the best mom for me aside from my wife!", Joseph told his mom.

The next weeks that follow, Karen had been busy processing their papers for abroad, the government had been a bit strict because they are applying for immigrant visa abroad and not just for vacation or as tourist.

But with proper documents and proof from Joseph's dad they have a house abroad and Joseph was a dual citizen they had been approved and soon they were scheduled to leave the country.

Karen felt as though a heavy load was lifted up from her shoulder.

" At last we can bring the children to safety," Karen told Joseph.

" Then you're right, that's good news!", Joseph agreed.

" Are those bad guys still bothering you?", Karen asked.

" They're still observing me , but they no longer come near me specially that I'm always with my men here in the farm", Joseph said.

" Then who will manage the farm while we're away? how about the finances? who will deposit and withdraw from the bank ?", Karen asked.

" Everything taken cared of now, Garce will manage it, anyway he is always the one who is incharge when I am away and he is good at his task", Joseph replied.

" But it's different because you'll be away for longer time and we don't even know when we will be back", Karen reminded him.

" Garce and his family will live in our house so they can look for it too, and dad will look over the finances, anyway he will just check on the bank if payment had been deposited ,and the salary of the workers had been taken cared of, he don't need to go to the farm always, sometimes maybe just for checking!" , Joseph said.

" Then we better leave as soon as we can, I'll booked a ticket for all of us together", Karen decided.

" Yes! please do that and just inform me when we'll leave", Joseph said. Then the couple agreed on a certain date to choose if it was available for all of them, so Karen had booked a ticket for such date and luckily they had been accomodated on that certain date for their flight abroad..Saying goodbye to their family is the hardest thing for them to do.

" Why do you have to migrate in a faraway place? why you didn't inform us of such decision !", Karen"s mom asked with tears in her eyes.

" Mom, t'was just a sudden decision, it is just a mutual decision from both of us to bring the children abroad for their education", Karen explained, she don't want to involve any members of her family to the problem they're goin through right now, anyway they're leaving for the benefit of everybody in their family.

" We'll be missing my grandchildrens, let me carry my pretty angel Maggy !", her mom had taken Maggy and hugged her so tight.

" Mom, please! just visit us abroad if you want to see us or call us anytime, anyway you have our landline abroad and even through my celfone", Karen told her mom.

" Stop sending Karen and the kids with crying and lamentation!", her dad scold her mom.

" You're such a hardhearted man, I will miss my daughter and grandchildren, let me cry , because I don't know when we'll be able to see them again!", her mom told her dad.

" Mom, dad is right! please don't send us with crying, just wish us goodluck please!" , Karen plead.

" Come my Prince and Kate let's have a group hug!", Karen's mom said and they do just as what she wants Kate and Prince together with Maggy have a group hug with their grandma.

" Big mommy, you can visit us next month with Dada , we will wait for you in the U.S.", Kate told her grandma.

" Honey, I'm so ashame to admit it but now I better spill it out, I have fear of heights not just claustrophobic, that's why I am scared of travelling abroad ", her grandma admitted..

" Big mommy is so scared of so many things, that's why" ,their granfather said.

" Pity for you big mommy, but why? it is exciting to be able to ride an airplane, I always dreamed if it, now I can finally ride a real one not just in online game", Prince said..

" Glad you're such a brave young man, I am so proud of how you become, I still hope I can visit you at home when I misses you all",

their grandma said.

" Mom please, why don't you just send us with goodluck? not crying? please be happy for us, not all people have been bless of this opportunity to be able to live abroad and it is for greener pasteur you know as well as for the benefit of the kids, they'll have a better chances in life if they graduated abroad , besides daddy Gil is waiting for us to arrive before he came back home here ", Karen said.

" How about Joseph, why is it you don't come here together?", when Karen's father notice Joseph's absence.

" He was in the farm before we came here dad, he told us just to wait for him here in the airport", Karen replied.

" But how about your cars , who will pick it up when you're using two different cars?", her dad ask.

" Mom Laly will bring home this car because that's her car which she lends us, and Joseph's car you will pick it up later and you can use it while we're away,we will leave it under your care ", Karen explained to her dad, they know that she's referring to Joseph's mom. As for Joseph at that time, he was in a hurry and his suit case was already packed in his car the night before, his unknown guards had been quiet tight as days goes by it seems they had the feeling their family was up to something they couldn't tell what it was..He came from the farm and he goes directly to the motel owned by Sandy .Again he notice a car following him, but after he had gotten inside the motel's garage he waited for an hour before he left with Biance's car goin to the airport. His protagonist was still waiting outside of the motel's gate when he drove past them.Gladly they hadn't notice him when he pass by, he drove directly to the airport because Karen and the kids had been waiting for him for more than two hours now and three hours more and they'll be off. They needed to board the airport earlier because his baggage had to be checked before he will be boarded on the airplane. Karen just left his plane ticket in his mom waiting for his arrival because they had already boarded to avoid more sentimental crying from her own mom.

" Karen and the kids had already boarded , they had been waiting for you for three hours already.", his mom said when she handed him his plane ticket passport and visa, his mom is not sentimental as Karen's mom because she can always go visit them abroad anytime she wish.

" Don't worry son, everything will be alright, we will take care of your farm because we were also earning from it, just take care of your wife and childrens", his mom said as she kissed his cheek.

" I know mom, this is a new adventure for me and my family! a new place to live, anyway Prince and Kate were very excitef for this move because they wanted to see blondes and redhead in person", Joseph told his mom.

" Ha,ha,ha, silly kids of yours ,hurry up go to the checking in counter, before the airplane left you, your dad had been waiting long enough for your arrival", his mom said.

" Yes I know! then bye mommy take care of yourself please while dad is away", Joseph said as he walk inside for his baggage check in.