Chapter 15 : * Recovery in a Strange Land *

" At last we're free, no more surveillance that makes me nervous";, after a satisfied sigh Karen said.

" We are in a strange land kids, as I told you before our lifestyle will change , but I want you to always bring the good values we taught you ", Joseph reminded his children.

" Yes papa! ",, Prince and Kate answered together.

" Papa you promised to bring us to eat in the best restaurant here, do you remember?", Kate reminded Joseph.

" Okay, but not right now, I have a headache , I need to rest , maybe a jetlag ",, Joseph replied. Just like what they agreed a day after they arrive in their house located in washington d.c. apartment owned by his dad, his father Gil, left to go back home. The family had been left on their own they felt much more closer and Joseph had taken over their business. But Karen had notice that her husband was getting sickly lately ,he always complain of a severe headache mostly at night time and in the morning, they thought it was just a migrane.

" Since when did you have that migraine?", Karen ask worried at the pale face of her husband.

" After the burglars hit me in the head", Joseph said.

" #@*... those bastard, may they suffer in hell , they have no respect for others lives", Karen curse.

" Honey, it's just a headache, I can beat it", smiling Joseph told his wife trying to lighten up Karen's mood.

" Then from now on I will go with you in the office, I wanna learn how to manage dad's business, so that when you're not feeling well I can take over ", Karen told him.

" I think that's a good idea, but Maggy is still too young", Joseph protested.

" Honey, dad's business will be our bread and butter while staying here, besides I want you to be able to have some rest, anyway I can take her in the office sometimes so you can rest properly besides Kate and Prince can take care of her when I'm out ", Karen told him.

" You're right! anyway as my wife I also want you to learn the in and out of our business ", Joseph agreed.

" And we need to consult the doctor regarding that headache , why you did not tell me about that before?", Karen scold him.

" I'm just okay, it's just a headache that can be cured by pain relievers and a good sleep ", Joseph reasoned out.

" No! I want to know the reason why you develop that headache, you never had it before as for now as long as I don't know what's your real condition I can't sleep properly", Karen insisted.

" No need for that , I'm just okay!", Joseph assured his wife.

" Everytime Joseph is unwell Karen is the one that take over his work in the office, until one day after a day of work, Karen discovered Joseph was unconscious in the bathroom, Karen was so nervous that she was trembling with fear as she was dialing the emergency number, .They are in unfamiliar place, she don't know the way to the hospital , they have a car but she don't have international driver's license yet , actually t'was Joseph that drive her to work this morning.they have money in the bank, but she had no idea if it will be enough for hospital bills, a lot of things worry her these days.

" Honey please don't leave us! Prince hold your dad head ", , Karen instructed her nervous son.

" What happened to papa, mama?" ;, Prince ask.

" He lost his consciousness, why you did not check on your papa? I already told you to take care of him when I am out of the house ", she scold her son.

" He was in the sofa a while ago mama, then he go to your room, he doesn't say anything so I thought he will just sleep", Prince said. Luckily the ambulance arrive after twenty five minutes, Karen doesn't know what to do at that time, it is the first time they will go to the hospital because of Joseph, she have the feeling his headache is something serious because he seldom get sick.

" Those devils who had threaten my childrens life had inflected a lot of pain to my husband, ", she thought as she stare at her husbands frail condition , Joseph had already regained his consciousness, after the ambulance arrive they apply first aid to Joseph after checking his vitals.

After a thorough examination, they had been recommended to a specialist ,a Neurologist , after he undergone Neurological examination which are facial xray, MRI, CT Scan which can provide a detailed 3D image of his brain .

" After the examination even his eyetest shows that he has a swelling of the optic disc as a sign of raise pressure inside the skull which is a sign of brain tumour ", Dr.Lewis explained.

Karen felt as if her whole body was shaken because of what she heard.

" Was it deadly?", she asked in a low voice.

" He has Meningioma which is a benign brain tumour, I will prescribed a steroids, to help reduce the swelling in the brain, but if it doesn't work on him we will perform a neurosurgery to remove all parts of the tumour but he also needs to undergo biopsy, chemotherapy and a radiotherapy which is strength draining and painful ", Dr. Lewis told her.

" Yes doc, whatever that can alleviate the pain that he is suffering right now", Karen responded. Karen's life had practically in a turmoil because of those problems that arises right now, she's a very dependent wife to her husband she doesn't foresee this illness of Joseph to come. She had to inform her inlaws to let them know of what was going on with their son, she don't want to take the blame of keeping such serious thing from his parents.

" How are you in there?", Joseph's mom asked.

" We're just okay mom, the kids are all healthy and coping up with their life here in america, but frankly I'm just worried about Joseph right now!", she told her mother inlaw.

" Why? what happened to Joseph?" his mom asked worriedly.

" We 've just finish his labtest, after going thru MRI, and Ultra sound check up, we had been recommended to see a specialist a neurologist actually ", Karen told her.

" Have you visited the neurologist? Don't worry about the money! we will help you with all the expenditure!", Madam Laly said.

" Yes we did," Karen replied.

" Then what's the doctor diagnosis?", his mom asked.

" Please calm down mom! when I told you what's goin on with Joseph right now", Karen told her mom in law.

" What's that? stop making me nervous! I hate secrets and unwanted surprises you know, right?", Joseph mom warned.

In a shaking voice with teary eyes, Karen told her mom inlaw what's happen.

" He had Meningioma a brain tumour" , Karen said.

" So what's the doctors said? is there a chance that he will recover?", surprisingly in a strong and calm voice Joseph mom said.

" There's a big change for recovery mom because the tumour is benign he will just take steroids to reduce the swelling of his brain , but he needs to undergo tumor removal if ever it doesn't respond to treatment according to his doctor.", Karen said.

" Okay, just let us know if he needs a neurosurgery, we will go there as soon as possible to assist you and the kids", Joseph mom said.

Karen had been grateful for the encouraging words that her mother inlaw promised, she was in a panicky situation but she notice that her kids become more responsible, they take care of their younger sister and Prince learned how to cook for his sisters. The only positive effect this trial had made they become much more closer as family , her childrens become obedient and loving children , they become more independent, they take care of their father whenever she's at work, she sometimes bring Maggy at work. When there's no important transaction at work, she just spend half of the day at home to take care of her husband.

She had to take over everything, since Joseph illness persist and they are waiting for his total recovery and she wants him to relax and be stress free while recovering.

" What are you doing?", one day Karen ask when she saw Joseph changing into his office clothes.

" I will go to work, I feel better now and it seems I am getting better", Joseph replied.

" No! you need more rest, I want you to recover fully!", Karen stop him.

" Honey, in almost three months that I am staying at home I am already bored doing nothing", Joseph replied.

" It's okay, if you really want to, but I will accompany you to make sure you can take your medicine if you need it", Karen agreed at last. From that day, Karen accompanied her husband to make sure he is fit to go back to work , and she notice that Joseph regain his strength and he no longer suffer headache like before. After a week of going with him at work bringing Maggy with her, she had let her husband go to work by himself just like what Joseph had insisted. The usual happy and healthy environment little by little go back to their home. She can no longer see sad faces in their children, the playfulness and kiddy antics of her kids had come back.

" Do you like to eat thai cuisine? ", Joseph ask Karen when he called from work.

" I prefer korean foods, suchi perhaps", Karen answered.

" I also love korean, but I think it's time we try thai foods, that is the most famous here in Nevada ", Joseph said.

" Okay!", Karen easily agreed.

" Bring the kids here in the office, we will have dinner at a thai restaurant", Joseph told Karen.

" Okay, they'll be thrilled when they heard that, they had been waiting for this treat since we arrive here in America.", Karen said smiling . Just like what she said Prince and Kate are very happy when she told them to be ready for their dinner tonight in a thai restaurant.

" Are Thai foods delicious mama?", Kate ask.

" Actually I have no idea , this will be the first time I will try Thai cuisine as well", Karen answered honestly to her daughter.

" For me I want to try it, must be delicious too because that's famous here in this place", said Prince.

" There's nothing wrong with trying it for the first time we might like it too", Karen told her children.

" That's right mama , even Maggy might love it too, right Maggy?", Kate ask Maggy that answers in a giggle and mumbling brrrrrr! everybody laugh at Maggy's reaction, seems she would like to talk but cannot say a single words.

" Don't worry honey, soon you'll be able to speak and talk to us, just wait for a few months more", Karen said as she lifted higher her youngest and talk to her while in the air.

" Burrrr! ", Maggy answered again trying to grasp her mom's hair.

Later that night, at seven in the evening they were already in the office of Joseph and just waiting for him to finish his work.

" Hello handsome and pretty girl!", one of Joseph employee told Prince and Kate.

" Hi!", Prince replied with a smile at the middle aged redhead woman.

" Thanks!", Kate replied at the same woman.

" You're boss kids?", the woman asked.

" Yes!", the two kids replied together.

" Are you goin out for dinner?", she asked again.

" Yes!", they both replied.

" She's nosy!", Kate whisper at Prince.

" Stop that nonsense, she's just being friendly", Prince countered the woman soon disappear and they assume she had been out of the office to go home.

" Wow! I love this it taste good!", Kate said while taking a big bite at the chicken she's holding.

" This is Kai Yang,a thai styled grilled chicken ", Prince replied.

." I like this Som Tum ", Karen said.

." That is a spicy green papaya salad ", according to Joseph while reading the menu he is holding in his hand looking at the names of the foods.

They ordered more foods a celebration for his recovery in his brain tumour which Karen and his kids enjoyed.