Chapter 16 :* World With the Unknown *

Like other young man of his age, Prince had his own particular hobby which is collecting different kind of sunglasses which he usually used whenever he is driving to protect his eyes. Yes that's right, Prince at eighteen is driving his own car, his dad bought him his own car as a gift for being hardworking in his grandfather's company since last year and he is rewarded with his own salary to be spent for the things he want.

After his eightenth birthday he found out so many strange things that he hadn't notice before specially with his naked eyes . He found out that some of his classmates are not humans, not just one but they were usually in groups or more than one pretending to be friends or sisters or brothers . Before his eightenth birthday Prince had some unusual sightings in his classmates, and he had proven it right , he found out that aside from humans there are many other creatures that lives in their neighborhoods or in school. Like the Ri triplets, his classmates who are actually fairies because they have wings on their back, or two of their best soccer players in school were centaurs, but everytime he put on his sunglass they just look normal as humans, but when he remove his eyeglass with his naked eyes he saw their real looks .

They were actually aloof and keep a distance away from him , and they just stare at him everytime they met in school, he is the one who initiated to befriend them by smiling with a friendly hello.

" Are you one of the son of Sultan Sota?" ,

one day one of the triplets who introduce herself as Rose ask him.

" Why did you think so?", wondering he asked.

" Because you have two divided colors in your body just like him", she said , he had no idea they saw him the way he saw them.

" How do you know him?" , curious he asked again.

" We all move in one circle, royal blood like them are known and famous in our world, just like the kings and queens and princesses of this human world, in our world they are the famous royalties ", Xanna the other triplet explained.

" Really? but I just look normal", he said after checking both of his hands and foot and confirm he has normal color but actually he also see it differently in the mirror that's why he always wear sunglass.

" You can't fool us like those humans! we see your real color , and we know you are Sultan's son with a human mother", Xanna insist.

" I'm not sure because what I know is that my father is Joseph Roxin the human, that's why I am Joseph Roxin jr ", Prince said.

" We saw you in our fairlish television before, when you save your two sisters from a

holdup incident when you are younger", Rose told him.

" Really? you also have television in your world ?", aghast he asked, he don't have an idea he was featured in other world.

" We also have modern facilities and gadgets like humans, whatever you have in this world we have in our world", Rose explained .

" I can't believe fairies like you also studies in human Universities but now I believe everything is possible " , Prince laughingly said.

" Of course! our parents send us to school and study what you have in this world and bring the technology in our world, for us we choose this school to study", Xita replied.

" That's great! that's why you're all intelligent and you got the highest spot in our class, we can be friends here in school because we all have a secret to keep ", Prince said. From that day on they became close friends and they were laughing secretly over some even petty things.

" Lula, really like you! she told us yesterday he wants to be our friend because you're our friend", Xita told Prince looking at the beautiful lady goin their way sitting at the bench in the little park of their University.

" She's elegant and pretty but I don't want to be involve with her, I don't want to mess up with Gustav and Gerlu ", Prince said referring to the two centaurs that play soccer .

" Yup! you're right, their kick will surely knock you out", Rose laughing said.

" Look at the way they stare at Lula goin this way," he said pointing at the two tall and goodlooking young men with his lips, the two young men stare at him as though they heard what they are talking about.

" We're just having fun, guys", Xita made a peace sign with his fingers to the two centaurs who just smile .

" Can they hear us even in a far distance from us ?", Prince asked.

" Yes, they can!" , Rose answered nodding her head.

" We didn't say anything bad anyway", Prince said.

" Hello Joseph! how's your day?", Lula ask as she come closer to where they are.

"I'm fine Lula, nice to see you again , by the way my second class is in a few minutes I'll better go girls ", Prince take his backpack said , in a hurry to get away from them.

" Are you scared of me Joseph? that's why you're always running away from me?", Lula mock.

" Of course not! don't get me wrong Lula, as beautiful as you are ? why should I run away from you?", Prince ask back, the girl smile sweetly as she heard his praises .

" I've the feeling you're avoiding me, but why? I don't have a contagious illness that you should avoid", Lula retorded in a hurt tone.

" I am not avoiding you, it's just about time for my next class and I don't want to be late", Prince reasoned .

" If that's the true, let's have a date tonight at Cord's resto bar at eight pm, ", Lula told him.

" Ha? wha.. ....", Prince at first was astonish to know how straightforward Lula was, he look at the centaurs direction that looks back at him, waiting for his reply .

" You see? you are avoiding me!", Lula said, ready to burst in tears anytime.

" Ahhh.... sure!... what I mean okay", but he realized it is impolite to refuse her invitation for a date so he agreed.

" Then it's a date , tonight at eight!", Lula confirmed excitedly.

" Yup!", he replied before he walk away from the girls going in the direction of his next class, this is the first time he will go on a date.

" Do you hear that? he agreed to have a date with me gurls!", Lula told the triplets who are just staring at her in disbelief.

" Yes, we hear it! but look around you there are many guys who wanted to have a date with you, they want to devour Joseph alive with the way they look at him, they might get insulted and misinterpreted Joseph and hurt him physically because of you!", Xita said.

" I don't care about other people grievance or what they think, what's important is that at last Joseph agreed to hang out with me tonight", Lula replied happiness was shadowed on her beautiful face. The triplets just shook their head in disbelief, they are aware that Prince is very attractive to humans and not humans eyes, because of his trimmed goodlooks and 6'3" height. They are witness on how girls swoon at him everytime he is around, but he just don't give them much attention. But they cannot believe that Lula will be very aggressive in initiating the first move to take Prince on a date.

" Don't give me that looks as if you loathe me gurls just because I made the first move, but please understand how I feel! my heart seems to burst at any moment everytime I saw him and I feel so lonely whenever he's not around, if I'll wait for another time I might never have another chance ", Lula explained.

" Of course we admire your courage ", Xanna said smiling.

" Thanks gurls, for your understanding but right now he is the most attractive guy in the whole University in my eyes , and no matter what happen I will get his attention and make him aware of my feelings for him", Lula told them.

" Wheeww! you're too aggressive and assertive", Rose said emotionless.

" I will no longer procrastinate the opportunity to spill out my true feelings for him" , Lula was very determined.

" Okay, no matter what happened we'll support you, because we are already friends", Xita said at last.

" Thanks for your understanding guys, I don't know why my heart beats so fast when he's around, I really found him attractive as a guy and it will cause much pain to me if he had refuse my invitation, this must be what they called as love", Lula thrilled opinion.

After his classes was over Prince go to his martial arts class, and there he met Alfon the "Faun" or human with goat legs student.

" Prince, Gustav and Gerlu wants to talk to you after our practice ", he whisper to him so their coach will not hear him.

" How... d'you know?", he was surprise because he called him Prince, a nickname he left at home, he always introduced himself as Joseph and that's how he wanted to be known in school.

" They told me to tell you before I came here because they know we both attend karate practice after our classes ", Alfon told him.

" Are they goin to beat me because I agreed to have a date with Lula?", Prince boldly ask.

" Of course not! you're one of the prince of Canla a respected clan in our world, besides we know you are well equipped with power and self defense practice, no one would dare to fight you from those who came from the other dimension ", Alfon explain.

" Really? ", come to think of it, he never thought that here in America he will be treated like royalty by other creatures, he never give it a thought but now it seems he is really one of the son of Sultan Sota, but his human father loves him very much too ,he is actually the best father for him, ah, he is very lucky to have the best of both world , he had no right to complain about anything.

" Prince, this is the first time we will talk to you , because we're ashame to approach you here in school", Gustav and Gerlu said when they met after his karate practice.

" Why? I want to befriend you all, like us who are different from everybody should join forces, specially here in school which serves as my second home where I usually spend most of my time ", Prince replied teasingly.

" Don't worry about us, we will never have bad feeling towards you just because Lula wants to have a date with you ", Gustav said.

" Besides we know that she's the one that have a big crush on you, we will never intervene with your relationship if you will have a more than friend relationship with her", Gerlu said..

" Ha? ...ha,ha,ha , guys we will just date tonight there is no serious relationship yet!", Prince told them laughing.

" But it seems she's planning a serious bait just to have you, just be careful with her, we discover she's someone very determine when she wants something or someone, she sternly follow the motto, she got what she wants", Gustav told him.

" Thanks for your concern guys, I will be grateful for your concern and warning, but she's just a weak girl, I am much more stronger than she is, " Prince assure them.

' We want you to be safe, and it is not the right time for you to have serious relationship with her , you will lose your focus and be a slave to worldly desire if you give in to her charm ", Gerlu warn. They have talk about so many things and Prince discovered that those creatures who are send to study in their schools are well known scholars and from rich family in their world, they are sent to learn about the modern technology and they will introduce those technology in their world.

" Each of us has our own specialization like the triplets will be educators in our world, and Alfon will teach about self defense in our world ,we will teach them about sports like soccer ! ", according to Gerlu which Gustav agreed..