Chapter 17 : * First Date of Prince *

For the first time Prince will be dating a girl and Karen is more excited than her son.

" Look! this shirt looks good on you! ",she said ,helping her son in choosing the clothes he will use for his date.

" Mom! I'm the one that will go on a date ,let me be the one that will choose my clothes to wear! ", Prince complain as his mother raided his closet for a clothes to wear.

" I'm just excited son ,this will be the first time you'll go on a date, she must be very beautiful to get my son's attention! ", Karen said.

" She's the one who set up this date mom, I just can't turn her down because that will be insulting for her ", Prince explain.

" Wow! my son is very goodlooking to have girls swoon over him and asking for a date ", Karen mockingly joked.

" Yes! that's the truth mom, I don't want to offend her by saying no at her invitation ", Prince said.

" How different girls are these days, they're the one that court their men and initiate to start a relationship ", Karen told her son.

" Mom, it's just a date! no relationship had been started yet, there's nothing serious about it!", Prince said.

" If you say so! of course I believe you! is she goodlooking?", Karen ask.

" She's pretty! but there's a lot of guys in school that pursue her, I don't want to compete with any of them just to be her boyfriend ";Prince said.

" Why? it is you she had obviously fallen in love with, enough to ask you for a date ", Karen said.

" Mom, we're still too young ! besides she's attractive but I don't have that special feeling for her, for me it's just a friendly date and I just don't want to embarass her when she ask me in the presence of my friends and many others ", Prince explained.

" What? but..that's right son, I'm glad you had choosen to be a gentleman, by reconsidering what she'll be looked at by other people when you turned down her invitation ", Karen said.

" Yup! that's right mom!", Prince replied.

" Wow! atta girl, I like her guts! ", Karen exclaimed smiling.

" Ma! I hate it when someone put me in a compromising situation and very crucial decision , so disgusting!",Prince said.

When Prince arrive Cords Resto at exactly eight pm, the place that Lula told him, she hadn't arrive yet. She was late for about ten minutes but Prince doesn't mind it a bit, he's not so particular with time.

She looks regal in her floral design princes cut dress with matching shoes, she looks beautiful and classy as usual and the gaze of

other guys in their direction had made him proud unexpectedly as he was ordering their food in the counter for it was a self service food resto.

She was talking in the phone when he place their food in the table.

" I was talking to my mom, she wants to talk to you ", Lula pass her phone to him.

" Hello! Joseph , right?", her mom on the phone ask.

" Good evening ma'am, yes it's me! "; Prince replied a bit stunned for being on the spotlight at that instance.

" Please take good care of my princess! can you please bring her home safely after your dinner? ", her mom told Prince.

" Yes ma'am! I will!",he answered.

" My daughter likes you so much, she always talk about you and I'm glad that you finally dated her ", her mom said. He don't know what to say at that moment..

" Your daughter is very pretty ma'am and I can see that many had intention to take her out for a date ", and that is partly true.

" Really? but she had all eyes on you only ", her mom said.

" T..thanks ma'am ... I don't know what to say....", he said lost for words.

" Okay! have a nice date, bring my daughter home just in time and drive safely" , the woman on the phone said.

" Yes ma'am, goodnight ", Prince replied and returned the phone back to Lula.

" Sorry for that, my mom is so nosy and she and dad wants to meet you tonight after dinner, but I don't know if they can wait til we arrive home because they usually sleep early", Lula said.

" What? I don't know what to say infront of them! anyway we don't have such serious relationship ", Prince argue.

" Please!... don't disappoint my parents, they just want to meet you personally, because I told them I like you a lot! ", Lula told him. He just stare at her beautiful face ,he don't know what to say and how to react to what she said. She's beautiful but he don't love her, he couldn't understand why he is not attracted to this woman if infact she's very pretty and charming. Obviously he will be oblige to show up to her parents and have a tete- a- tete with them tonight after dinner.

Lula talks a lot, he just laugh at her jokes and stories of adventures as a child til she grows up. From her green jokes to her holy fascinating stories. He seldom butt in, what can he say to her childhood experiences? they were not even neighbors, he don't even know where she lives. She's funny and tricky, and most guys find it awesome for sure, but not for him. He had no idea that she had kept bunch of secrets in her eighteen years of


" How you become friends with the triplets?", all of a sudden Lula ask.

" I just smiled at them they smiled back at me, we exchanges hi and hello , then we talk and click as friends without any reasons, I just like them and they like me as well that's how we started as friends ", Prince replied.

" They are very mysterious , before I don't like them that much because they're very serious and seems they don't need additional member in their sisterhood and friendship, just the three of them seems enough for each of them, but seeing how they adore you and you treat them as well makes me think I might befriend them to be close to you too ",, If there's something that Prince like about this woman is her honesty.

" Whewww! you're very straightforward ", Prince said.

" I am just being honest to what I feel, I just don't know why I like you this much, infact it must be love ! would you believe me if I'll tell you that I love you?" ", Lula boldly ask. Prince shook his head because of what he heard, imagine for the first time he heard a declaration of love from a woman personally, and it gives him a chilling effect.

" Don't you like what I said? ", Lula ask.

" Ha,ha,ha I like your honesty ", Prince laughingly said. Actually he felt awkward because of the boldness of the lady with him. Prince instead give his attention to the foods , he felt the hunger because of the delicious foods he smell in the table, he decided to start devouring the foods, he is not ashame to show her that he eat a lot , and the same with Lula they had eaten everything they had ordered.

When they were in his car and on their way to Lula's home ,she tried to seduce him by kissing him on his lips but he suddenly evade and turn his face in the direction of the road so her kiss landed on his right cheek.

" Hey! please behave! I'm driving you know "; he told Lula.

" Kissing is just a normal thing for people who likes each other , many even ended in bed on their first date! ", Lula said.

" We're not that kind of person! I respect you as a woman , I will never lead you to a sexual relationship , which I am not ready at the moment", Prince said.

" Are you gay? ",, Lula ask.

" What?.. of course not! what kind of question is that? just because I will not hit it with you I am gay? I just want to be a responsible person ",. Prince annoyed replied.

Because of what he lashed out ,Lula behave and never try again to seduce him until they arrive at her home which she lead the way for this is the first time he will enter the private subdivision where she reside . No one was around when he halted his car infront of Lula's porch.

" They must be sleeping already", Lula said.

" It's late! so I'd better get going too, " Prince told Lula.

" Thanks for the wonderful night and delicious foods! I hope we could do it again some other time!", Lula said.

" Sure! some other time maybe!", Prince agreed .

" Goodnight, drive safely", Lula smiling as she planted a kiss on his cheek which caught him offguard again.

" Goodnight! thanks!" , he said thankful because it is nightime for sure Lula will caught him blushing if it's daytime. Then he drove off home while listening to a mellow music , like that of Barry Manilow's all time hits which he borrow from his dad too old for his age but he can't explain the fondness he had for his music.

" How's your date?", Prince heard his mom's voice asked as he enter their house.

" It's late mama , why you're still up?", he ask her instead.

" I'm just excited to know how's my unico hijo's date goes on! did you enjoy the night with her?", Karen persist .

" Ma, it's just a dinner date and a getting to know each other conversation, nothing more", Prince replied.

" Why don't you bring her home sometimes? so we will know her personally", Karen requested .

" Mom! she's not even my girlfriend! I will just bring home to introduce to you and papa my girlfriend or the woman I will marry someday! but not now because there's nobody I want to take seriously for a relationship", Prince answered.

" Son, you're already eighteen and I don't want you to miss the exciting part of being inlove to someone of your age!", Karen said.

" Ma, I hadn't meet the woman I'll fall inlove with, if ever there is I will definitely introduce her to our whole family", Prince laughing told her mother.

" Of course! how you will get married without our knowledge? no matter what happened we will take part in your marriage and family, we will insist on your being a family oriented because that's how we are raise as our family culture, and that's how you'll raise your own family ", Karen told her son.

" Ma! why are we talking such things right now? I am not yet ready to reveal my secret to any woman at this point", Prince said.

" Son there's nothing wrong with your appearance, you are a very good looking and charming young man, any girl will fall inlove with you!", Karen said.

" Unless of course if they saw my true colors, I'm sure those women like Lula will be disappointed when I transform into my other persona ! ", Prince reminded his mom.

" You're my son! and the person you truly is the most important, you have many lovable qualities like you are hardworking, honest, kind, considerate and many more positive attributes which most women will love ", Karen told her son.

" But no one can tell what Lula's reaction will be if I turned into my monster persona ", Prince said

" You're not a monster son! you had never been , actually you still look good even you turned into that two colored Prince, I had never seen you transformed again but I know you will still look good ", Karen said.

Prince knew that his mother want to console him by her words. But he know that nothing can change the fact that people before called him a monster and maybe he looks like one. He is just thankful that he had never been provoke to be into that two colored creature again. He is very grateful for the family that he have, for the love and protection which opted for their family to go away from their homeland for their family's safety.