Chapter 22 : * Brotherhood Begin *

For more than a week now the company hired and welcomed additional employees, Prince had notice one of their new employee a Stefano Schew , he is quiet an attention drawer especially for girls , a very goodlooking younger Antonio Bandera look alike but with long shiny black hair , as company they were not imposing strict criteria on their employees hairstyles they're more stricter with their uniforms that's why they follow strict compliance so that they will be distinguished on what department they belong just by looking at their uniforms ,he is a goodlooking big guy , like himself Stefano is almost 6' 2 ; inches tall , who always throw him a friendly smile , he is such a lady charmer seems an interesting guy who had always tried to peep through at him especially at his eyes which is always covered with dark eyeglasses. he had the feeling that this guy wanted to talk to him but he had no idea what he wants to tell him every time they meet across the lobby, making Prince wonder who he really is because he seems familiar but he can't remember where he met him until Stefano approach him one day .

" Hi! I'm Stefano! ", the big guy introduce himself to Prince .

" Hi! you are the new hired personnel in accounting department right? ", Prince asked as he stared at his uniform.

" Yes boss, I am the newly hired accounting staff ! ", Stefano replied.

" Have we met before? you look familiar. ! ", Prince ask

" I'm sure , we had ! ", Stefano confirmed.

" Really? Then where it might be?It seems I had met you before but too bad I cannot remember where or when! ", Prince retaliate.

" Actually, it's... ", as usual before he can say anything they were interrupted by his secretary.

" Boss ! Mr. Morey is on the phone ! ", Martin Rudd , his secretary suddenly informed Prince.

" Okay! I'm coming! .... Stefano I'm going now , we'll just talk some other time ", Prince apologetically told Stefano and go to his own office.

" Yes boss! ", Stefano agreed with a nod of his head sadly.

" What a bad timing! ", Stefano murmur while heading to the accounting department office. While Prince was trying to dig in his brain where he had seen Stefano.

" I can't remember where I had seen him ", Prince thought, and he had forgotten about Stefano as the day progress cause he had been busy the whole day , he had a lot of business meetings, product testings that he need to attend to base on his schedule.

In the afternoon after lunch he and his staff had spent most of their time listening to the reports regarding the company's expenditures, sales and new product endorsement in the market. He had lost count of the time ,it was Martin, his secretary that reminded him of the time. For almost everyday he has a busy schedule and it seems twelve hour is not enough for him to attend to their business. His dad and grandpa had trusted his business instinct and decision making that they let him have his own way , as what they usually say to let the young and fresh mind works for the business and of course that's himself because he was the youngest manager of the company and he is thankful for letting him have a chance to apply his new ideas. His mother had express her worry over him for being a workaholic and always complaining that he should spend with them more quality time.

" We always miss you during eating time, why not spare to us your dinnertime?", Karen ask her son when she called.

" Ma , I'm trying but I have a very hectic schedule at work, that sometimes I even lost count of the time", he replied.

" Son! Maggy is always asking when you'll goin to eat with us again ", Karen said of course he know it is just an alibi made by his mother .

" Ma, I'm always at home on sunday , then why it seems it had been ages ago that we hadn't eaten together as family ? ", Prince ask his mother.

" You're always busy! since after you work fulltime in the company you had always been busy! you know that what we want is to have you and your sisters dine with us every night and have a sweet talk about your daily activities at work during dinnertime just like before " , Karen complained. Prince understand that his parents are very family oriented , eating together as family was a big deal for them, and that is what they like to inculcate to them as their childrens.

" The earlier you tell him the better, father want to see him, we should not waste time! your cowardiice will just put everybody back home in danger!", Andes scolded his brother Stefano .

" I am still looking for the right opportunity to be able to talk to him in private, you know he was always surrounded by other people , and he is always busy, I couldn't talk to him privately ", Stefano depended

" You're just so slow! you work in his company , you always see him, but you can't tell him that your father want to see and talk to him personally ", Andes scold Stefano.

" I think he had hints that he had met me someplace, cause he said that I look familiar but he don't know where we meet! ", Stefano said.

" Then I will be the one that will talk to him!", Andes retorded.

" What ?.... then how you'll do that?", Stefano wondered.

" You know me! just watch and learn!", Andes told his brother.

" Okay! then do it your own way! ", Stefano agreed ,he know that Andes had the power to possess other animals or humans to get what he wants.

" You'll make him sleep then bring his spirit while his body was left in their home sleeping? ", Stefano ask.

" No! we need both his body and soul, he couldn't use his power without his body! ", Andes replied.

" Ahmm, ...okay ! ", Stefano said.

" Martin, what is my first appointment for today ? ", Prince ask his secretary, he is done reading the latest news in the morning newspaper and he had been waiting for his secretary to inform him, but Martin is just standing staring at him as if he was in a trance.

" Prince, I want to talk to you! ", Martin said which surprise Prince because he has different voice and Martin had never talk to him in a first name term.

" Who are you, why you're bothering my secretary ?", Prince ask courageously.

" I don't want to bother him, I just want to talk to you! I am your brother Aldes , the eldest son of sultan Sota ", the voice introduce himself. Prince had doubt if Sultan Sota was real but because of his power he know he is real and now hearing his secretary introduce himself as his brother confirm the reality of his doubt.

" What do you need from me?", Prince ask.

" I know you have doubt! but right now our father needs your help , all of us in the family had to work in fighting our uncle that wants to take over our palace because our father is sick of unknown illness that our royal doctors are studying the cause until now ", Aldes explained .

" How can I help you?", Prince ask again.

" The scientist that works in the palace discover an earthquake faultline in a 6 miles radius that connects the lower portion of the volcano from the new nuclear power plant human built , we need your power to close the faultline so there will be no harmful minerals leak that make our people sick, includung our father ! ", Aldes emphasize the word father.

" Is there no other than can do that in the family?", Prince ask.

" You are the only one in the family that has laser eyes that can melt even the heaviest metal !", Aldes said.

" But before that I would like to introduce to you another brother who works with you", Aldes continue, after a few minutes someone is knocking on his office door.

" Come in ", Prince said.

" Hi! good morning! ", Stefano greet him as he entered the crystal sliding door.

" Okay ! that's why you look familiar", Prince retorded as Stefano get inside his office,

" He is our brother Stefano! ", Aldes told him.

" We had met before when father brought you home but we are much younger during those time! ", Stefano reminded him as he nod his head.

" He is suppose to be the one that will ask your help and we had been waiting for the result but until now we receive no positive information of what had happened to his assignment so I had been prompted to come!", Andes explained.

" Sorry, but everytime I tried to talk to you you're always busy !", Stefano said shyly.

" If you really think that I can help you, then who I am to abandon you! but let me first ask my parents permission so they will not worry about me, I know that my parents will be very worried if I just vanish in thin air without letting them know where I'll be, I have to put things in order before I leave, give me about two days! ", Prince told Aldes and Stefano.

" Okay thanks for trusting us, we will give you two days to prepare ", the two brothers agreed.

" I want you two to come with me as I talk to my parents tonight! and Aldes will you please leave my secretary's body ? I want you to show your real self when we talk to my parents tonight !", Prince said.

" Ahh ... sure.!... sorry for that but this is the fastest way I can talk to you! ", Aldes replied.

" Okay, I understand it , but I want you and Stefano to come with me tonight in your real body! ", Prince again told him.

" I will! ", Aldes said.

" But for now, will you please bring back my secretary so that we can do our work properly? ", Prince urge Aldes.

" Sure! ", as he say that , Martin sit down in the sofa found in Prince office, and after that Martin lay unconscious . Prince had to wake him up for about fiften minutes before he opened his eyes..

" How d'you feel?", Prince ask Martin.

" Sorry boss! I don't know how I had fallen asleep during office hours ", Martin said apologitically.

" It's okay Martin, just don't do that again", Prince told him laughing at how his secretary blushed in embarassment.

Karen was very surprised when Prince come home that night and introduce his two brothers as his friends. Three of them had almost the same height only Aldes is a bit slimmer than the two of them but like Stefano and Prince his goodlooks is exceptionally satisfactory.

" This is the first time I had met the two of you, I am glad to meet two of my son's friends , if I hadn't known better you can be mistaken as brothers ", Karen told them which make them glance at each other secretly with a smile.

" It's because this is the first time I brought them home ma, and we are going on vacation the three of us the day after tomorrow!", Prince told his mother , he decided to introduce the two as his friends to avoid confrontation and misunderstanding.

" It's okay son! how long would that vacation be? " , Joseph ask.

" I'm not sure papa ! we are planning on a mountain trekking ,that stuff you know for a new adventure! ", Prince said

" Whatever that will make you happy then go for it! ", Joseph encourages.

" That might be dangerous! ", Karen exclaimed disgustedly.

" Honey! it is normal for guys like us to have those adventures! you will miss half of your life if you hadn't experience it!", Joseph told his wife.

" But I heard that there are accidents that happened during those mountain climbing activities which sometimes even cause death ", Karen didn't hide the worry that she feel.

" Don't worry ma, we're all grown up and besides these guys are well knowledgable of mountain adventures so don't worry ", Prince assured his mother pointing at the two big guys beside him.