Chapter 23 : * Brothers Bond *

As what Prince had promised the three of them left after two days by a ten seater aircraft owned by Sultan Sota with Aldes as the pilot. This is the first time he had bonding as brother to Aldes and Stefano it feels good to have brothers some guys you can enjoy the camaraderie being boys , though having two loving sisters is not bad. As always Prince enjoy the scenery below everytime he is in an airplane , he loves looking at the tall buildings below as well as mountains and trees that looks like toys when you're up in the air , as well as the sea that looks like a big and long swimming pool, the blue water always amaze him when he look at it ,he loves it when he was in the air he enjoy the accompaniment of different kind of birds that seems to compete with the airplane , he feels like he was a bird also flying in the wide wide wilderness of the sky. Free from all the worries of life and just simply enjoying the beautiful scenery of heaven.

" You're good in flying an aircraft ,have you attended a pilot school ?", Prince ask Andes he is trying to build a friendly relationship with his two brothers. He had decided to accept that he has another family aside from his parents and two sisters.

" Yup! I studied in human school, just like most of the rich kids in our own world , besides father is a good pilot too, I used to fly with him when I was younger, besides I love it! being in the sky flying an airplane feels like I'm so carefree and stressfree ", Andes said.

" Good for you ! I never even imagine to be a pilot myself, but I love travelling and I just simply admire the beauty and wonder of nature!", Prince told him.

" Hmmph! you're both very sentimental ", Stefano sigh bored listening to their conversation.

Both Prince and Andes just look at him aghast,.

" We are just artistic by nature, we know how to value and appreciate things around us , unlike you! you just like to play around beautiful women ", Andes retorded towards Stefano.

" I'd rather appreciate women ,they makes me happy, birds ,mountains, sea , flowers or whatever can never make me happy! they're just decorations for my sight", Stefano said, both Prince and Aldes no longer commented with what Stefano said . What's the use of arguing about something that will cause an unending argument because of their opinions.

" We're finally home!", Aldes said ,after almost two hours of travel according to Prince calculation . When Prince look down he had seen still a part of water and he notice the two yacht in the dock which is in unactivity at that time, then a palace where many men in uniform are found in different part of the place.

They take off in the east wing of the palace where Prince notice for the first time that looks like a landing area for the charter plane, as their foot reach the ground the three of them had changes in their appearance as they look at each other, they look like human dalmatians which has spots in different part of the body just like the first time he came with Sultan Sota , aside from the one they use he found two more aircraft in standby. He remember that when he come here in this place together with Sultan Sota, they travel by land and by car, for now as they walk down from the airstrip ,they pass through a big garage that contain almost ten different expensive cars.

" He must really be rich, anyway he was the king of mt. Canla so there's nothing surprising about it!", Prince said and answer to his own thought.

" Yup, that's true! everything that you look at around here was own by our father , handed down to him by his ancestors back at the time of his great great grandfather!", Stefano told him, which amaze Prince.

" Wow! I couldn't keep any secrets from you guys, you can definitely read my mind!", Prince said in amazement.

" Not all of us has one of our father's power which is mind reading, actually only six among the fiften children of Sultan Sota in different woman has!", Aldes said.

" That's cool! I also want to have such power! I can read every minds that I meet at ",

Prince exclaimed childishly.

Both Aldes and Stefano smile at his reaction, they did not expect him to act in such a way. They know him to be a sucessful and respected businessman, always serious and never acted so dumb.

" Fiften? there are fiften of you?", Prince wonder.

" There are fiften of us! in different women just like with me and Stefano, I am from his first and original wife and I have two younger sisters, Stefano's mother was the second wife and he is the second child ,he has an older sister which is a year younger than me, and two younger brother.

The third wife has two children, the fourth wife has three children also and the fifth has two children." Aldes explained.

" Now I got it ! then I am the fiftenth child though not the youngest ! Sultan Is such a womanizer ", Prince commented as he counted and shown through his fingers the total children of Sultan.

." That's right ! Just like Stefano! he already has three wives and five childrens at this time!", Aldes said looking teasingly at his brother Stefano who just scratch his head in admission.

" I just can't ignore their love and admiration towards me! I am an admirer of beauty, not so heartless as you are!", Stefano told Aldes.

" Having one wife is not being heartless, just like most humans I wanted only one woman that I had promised to love ", Aldes explained.

" Hmmph! That is because your wife is very possessive and controlling , that's why father had eyeing to give to Philles the privilege of leading the kingdom when he retires ", Stefano replied.

" I'm wondring why he needs to retire ! remember he is immortal, he got sick but he'll never die!", Aldes said.

" Really! he is immortal? then how old is he now?", Prince ask in wonderment.

" He is more than a thousand years old already", Stefano said.

" Then how old are you?", Prince ask Aldes.

" I don't know if you'll believe me but I am more than nine hundred fifty five years old already!", Aldes replied.

" Whoaa! I can't believe it! you look so young, then you are also an old man ?", Prince ask as he faced Stefano.

" No! we're almost of the same age!", Stefano replied.

" I don't know that you are already married , but why is it I heard some rumors that you have a relationship with one of the marketing department staff?", Prince ask Stefano.

" What's new? you can not stay in one place without a woman ! ", Aldes retorded.

" I don't have a heart to break a woman's heart ", Stefano replied.

" Then if you have three wives , then she will be the fourth?", Prince ask.

" That makes life exciting, having plenty of wives to love and take care of you! how about you Prince? why is it I had never seen you with a woman? or even heard that you have a girlfriend?", Stefano ask back Prince.

" I don't have any idea why it seems having a relationship with a woman is not my priority at this time, I'm too busy with work at my grandfather's company." Prince replied, they had talk about many things, Prince discovered a lot about Sultan family , this is the right time to know more about his family in the other side of the world. He would like to know how he had been concieved , he hate to think that his mother had been unfaithful to his father , but knowing how much his mother loved and cared for their father he had doubt it , but he know the right time will come for such revelation..

As the three of them enter the palace, Prince cannot understand what those creatures are saying, they are staring at him and bow their heads , only Stefano and Aldes are talking to them. In his observation there are almost hundreds of them and they hold something golden sharp and adorned with silver designs which he thinks is their weapon, they must be guarding the whole palace.

Again they enter a big living room which has a lot of golden appliances, even the seats and pots were made of gold.

" Come on ! father had been waiting for us !", Aldes said. Many had come out to greet them and again Prince comprehension is very dim, even the childrens are staring at him and saying something , obviously he know for a fact that they must be related to him because of their spots, only one of the girls of about twelve years old has no spots, she's pretty and has a silky long hair and beautiful skin she is staring at him with a smile but her words are like the buzzing sounds of the bees. They all gather around him, some of them he had met before when he first came here but the younger ones are new to his sight.