Chapter 24 : * Meetiing Philles *

A banquet had been prepared for their arrival, all of the childrens and grand childrens of Sultan had come to welcome Prince with his two brothers. Sultan was unable to attend because of his health condition he cannot be waken from his nap , Two of those sons of Sultan who came are wearing military uniforms of the palace, introduce themselves as Ono and Barri , they are generals ,who help protect and keep order to the palace , they look strong and very disciplined. Among the children of Sultan only Basia his youngest daughter in his third wife looks insolently at him, in her eyes and the way she stared at him , she obviously hated his presence. Each of the children of Sultan was introduced to Prince, and one of them is the girl that he had seen earlier who had no spot in her body, she do not have a trace of being Sultan's child because she don't have a spot unlike everybody from Sultan's ancestors as seen in their hanging portrait in the wall of the palace down to all his childrens including himself and his grand childrens , he notice that many of them are weak and coughing obvious sign of sickness. Stefano had decided to go home to his wives and children after visiting his father to check on their conditions.

" She is Philles?", unbelieving Prince asked Aldes when the girl was introduced to him , staring at the beautiful girl, he is a bit anxious of what he had learned about her as the next ruler of the kingdom.

" She is Philles , the favorite daughter of father ", Aldes said while the girl with no spots is smiling at his reaction, Prince laugh at himself for assuming Philles was a 'he' but surprisingly turned out to be a 'she'..

" But she's too young and I believe in gender equality , but I think it won't be easy for a girl like her to rule a kingdom as big as this !" , Prince said.

" She's too young but do not be deceive by her looks and ways, she's very young but tough and brave, she's the only one who had gathered all seven powers of our father ! actually she's not the only female ruler of the kingdom, our great great grandmother Queen Sansa had also been a ruler for more than one thousand years until she retired and pass to our grandfather the ruling and later pass down to our father ", long explaination of Aldes pointing at the portrait of the queen displayed in one corner, their conversation was interrupted whan a young lady who had been introduced as one of Aldes daughter earlier came and talk in a broken english inform them that Sultan had waken up. They brought Prince to a big and spacious room full of diamond, gold, and silver wall paintings the same with the bed and other furnitures found in his room. Surely if he was in human worlds he will not be exempted from burglars illegal activities. He was surrounded by his five wives that tend to his needs .

" It's good to see you again Prince , I'm so sorry that I cannot welcome you properly because of my weakness and forgive us if we need to bother you just to help us with the kingdoms problem , but only you and Philles has the power to close the faultline created by earthquake that cause leak so that the chemicals human use for their experimental test in the nuclear plant make us sick !", Sultan happily exclaimed after sending his wives and other servants out of the room.. Obviously he was sick just looking at his pale coloring and slow movement.

" It's okay ! I am grateful to be able to help you, how can I help you?" , Prince asked.

" An illness had spread in the kingdom and many had been infected that cause weakness even death to some of my creatures even myself was infected ,and according to our palace scientist it is because of the nuclear plant that was built by human 6 miles radius away from the palace, they had tested it every after three months and since then a bad chemical was inhaled by the creatures under my ruling, aside from that a faultline was found so when the nuclear plant became fully operational a year from now there's a tendency of a big explosion that will create a big damage not just from the palace, but in the the whole kingdom and it is also dangerous for humans living near here it wiill cause explosion and volcanic eruption that will kill a lot of humans.!", Sultan long explanation.

" I understand what you mean , okay ! then I will do it as soon as possible so that I can go back to my family !", Prince agreed.

" Because of my present health condition I assign Philles to be the one that will assist you in your task of closing the earthquake faultline !", Sultan said.

" I might be able to do it alone ! I better try it on my own! ", Prince told Sultan.

" You will need Philles assistance in doing it , the process will be power draining in nature ", Sultan warn him.

" Actually , I had never tried it before, but I'm afraid the task is very dangerous and wrong move will cause a big explosion ", Prince said.

" That's why you will need Philles , she will be the one that will guide you to do the task safely ", Sultan said.

" Really? but she's too young ! and she's a girl !", Prince said in obvious dislike.

" Son! do not under estimate your sister Philles , she has seven power, you only have two, she will become very powerful when the right time come , she will be my successor specially now that I feel I'm getting older and weaker, soon I need to retire and leave her the responsibility of being the ruler!", Sultan explained.

" Okay! I get it , then I will make it sure we will do it properly!" , Prince agreed.

" Thank you! and one thing more, why not call me as father? you already know the truth of your excistence , you know that obviously I am your father !", Sultan said, Prince just stare

at the big man infront of him, he is not ready to call him father at this time and Sultan just nod without saying a word, he already know what he thought , no need to spill it out. He met Philles on his way out of the room of sultan while Philles is going inside of the room.

" Father called me, Patu is waiting for you outside, he will be your personal assistant during the duration of your stay here in the palace", Philles told him. A dark tall man but half of his body is that of the goat bow infront of him and respectfully introduce himself as Patu his personal maid on the palace.

He was provided a place to stay, a spacious room with comfortable bed and he had an assistant named Patu, who is a faun or half human half goat , he ask whenever he need anything and one thing good about him is he can talk fluently in english, so communication is much more easier.

" Wow! this is the first time I have a personal assistant that work for me, since my childhood I hate being treated like a baby! but here I couldn't refuse to one!", Prince retorded.

" Sorry for that my Prince! I am your father's personal maid ,but he told me to serve you while you are staying here in the palace" , Patu explained.

" Okay! it doesn't matter now, anyway I am a stranger here so I really need someone to assist me!", Prince said.

" Don't worry, I will serve you the way I serve Sultan!", Patu promised.

" Can I visit Aldes in his home? is his mansion far from here?", Prince ask Patu.

" We need to ask Prince Aldes for permission if you want to, but his mansion is farther than prince Stefano " , Patu inform him, obviously all of the childrens of Sultan are referred to as prince and princess down to his grandsons and granddaughters.

" I want to visit their homes! I had never asked how many childrens he had ", Prince said with a sigh.

" Prince Aldes have four childrens, two daughters and two sons.and Prince Stefano has five childrens with his three wives", Patu relayed to him, who is a bit talkative , Prince had learned that Philles had seven powers just like what Sultan said which had been manifesting since her childhood , the power to read mind, she can possess anybody if she wants to, the power to hipnotize , the laser eyes, he can also copy other countenance a decoy she usually used against her enemy., another is the power which in her hands comes out a sticky liquid which she used in climbing walls like a lizard but it is also a very strong poison, whoever will be striked accidentally or intentionally will be in great danger, , another power is she can be invisible to everybody. if she wants too. A power only she have and begat from her father.