Chapter 25 : * Sultan's Favorite Daughter *

She's the youngest in Sultan's fifth wife, she has an older brother Philo , she's not the youngest in the birth order of all of Sultan children, she's the twelfth, the fouth wife two younger childrens are the thirtenth and fourtenth and the fiftenth is the second wife youngest daughter Haliah, they are actually playmates since childhood, She love all of her brothers and sisters but one of her particular sister make it sure she felt hated that is her sister Basia.

" I hate you!!!... Basia told her everytime their path cross, only Basia was indifferent to her since they are younger maybe because of her appearance she treat her as an outsider.

"Basia ! stop that ! why are you treating your younger sister like that?", the third wife scold her daughter when she heard what Basia said.

" I doubt it if she's even my sister!", Basia answered staring in her direction with contempt in her eyes.

" Who are you to judge if she's your sister or not?", her father's third wife said. Everytime Basia was caught bullying her she was punish by her mother but those punishment doesn't stop her in bullying Philles.

Specially when their father give her more attention and he personally taught her how to use and control her powers.She can do a lot of things which she enjoyed , the first time her power discovered on how to climb walls was when she's about six year old and she was intentionally push by Basia from the third floor of the palace, she was suppose to fall head on the ground, luckily a sticky damp moisture came out of her palms and she didn't fall down to her death because her hands stuck up in the wall , and her father had witness how her hands stick in the wall like that of a lizard. She had touched Basia's arm accidentally and Basia had been immobile for a week because of an unidentified poison , Since then she loves climbing the walls, the ceiling ,the roof and the best thing about is she can climb trees and pick her favorite fruits to eat. She do not hate Basia because the incident of her fall was a disaster that turn out to be a blessing because of her power discovery. Another of her power that manifested was her ability to be invisible, she and her siblings are playing hide and seek and because of the intense game and she don't want the idea of being caught, she became invisible. Her siblings had been very worried in looking for her while she was laughing at their back.

" Philles ! Philles ! where is she?", Mossi, her thirtenth younger sister calls her..

" She 's just here a while ago, standing in our back ", Philo said.

" I'm here!", she replied.

" Where are you?", Mossi ask, they hear her voice but they don't see her.

" What's wrong with you guys? I'm standing at your back ", she said unaware that she's invisible to prove she's just behind them she touch Mossi right arm.

" Yah ! I can feel you , but we can't see you ", Mossi said.

" I'm here !", she replied, so as proof she took a piece of white cloth and show it to them, everyone of them run away in different direction scared of the dancing white cloth in the air including herself wondring why they are running away. She can also copy countenance , because there was once in their play she tried to copy Basia and imitate her ways that's the first time she realized she was not the only one being bulied by Basia , though her hatred towards her was worst and permanent, her siblings were very scared of Basia , she end up going back to her own countenance laughing so hard.

" Philles? I was so scared ! ",her eight year old the fiftenth, younger sister said.

" What? you are scared of Basia?", unbelieving she joked .

" Of course! she's a scary bully, she even bully you a lot !", her younger sister said.

" Ha,ha,ha, but she can't harm me !", Philles answered.

" You're right! having six powers you are already undefeated , but she can harm us, now you can copy countenance! that's another power you have!", Philo told her.

" You're at the same age , you're both fourteen! so why are you afraid of her?", Philles ask her brother.

" She's very scheming and notorious , the worst sister we ever had!",Philo retorded. When she reach the age of ten her seven powers had already been unfold she wonder if she can do more but no more had added.

Now , at her age ,she can do a lot of things , Basia had only two powers and she can do a lot of things than Basia, besides her father spends more time with her than any of her siblings, teaching and training her on how to use properly and control her power and that raise jealousy specially Basia who lacks attention from their father and always scolded by her own mother because of her bad attitude.

She want to understand her sister but it's hard to comprehend her, because even she's doing the best she can to be close to Basia, but her sister also keep on plotting dangers against her. But she's thankful for having a very loving and supportive mother and her father always send for her to be trained personally.

" You only love Philles! she's your favorite daughter ! is it because she has seven powers?", Basia once confronted their father.

" I love all of you ! you're all my children but Philles will be my successor the future ruler of our kingdom she needs more guidance ", Sultan replied that stunned Basia.

" What? that's unfair father! ", Basia reacted violently and wanted to hurt her more since then , but she had never been given a chance because their father had separated her third wife and children from the palace, at first she's wondring why but now she realize it is to protect her away from harm and danger.

When her father got sick and the reason of his illness was revealed , she had tried to convince her father to let her close the faultline anyway she already know how to do it, but her father will not allow her and decided to call Prince for help who had the same power as that of their father. Luckily Prince was a good brother, though he doesn't talk to them because of language barrier, not all of them had been sent to study in the human world to further their education yet, they have to reach the age of fifteen before she will go , Basia and Philo will go in the coming year and she had to wait for three years more because she's only twelve years old. What's important right now is their father will get well from his illness to regain his strength. Some places under their ruling were restless and war is on the brink because they thought their father was incapable of holding his position properly as of this time.

" Father, why do you have to separate your third wife family?", her older brother Aldes once ask during a family gathering.

" Basia was getting uncontrollable at this time , she was plotting a lot of danger for your other siblings specially to Philles ", she heard her father replied.

" Because you favoured Philles among us all! she's your favorite!", Basia angrily retorded, she's the only one that has the gut to

talk to their father in such a way.

" How dare you talk to me that way! do you think you can beat Philles with your power?", their father scold Basia.

" She has seven powers but she's dumb and a weakling!", Basia insolently smirk in her direction.

" You're such a villain ! if she really fought you , you can never beat her ! besides she's not the only one you bully but all of your siblings specially the younger ones , and that's your mother decision to avoid major disaster in the palace !", Sultan explained.

" I wanted to come back here in the palace!", Basia decided.

" No! you are the blacksheep in the family and I therefore decided to separate you from others specially to Philles who is the future ruler of our kingdom !", Sultan announcement, which stunned everybody.

" Sultan ! Aldes is your firstborn, he is suppose to be your successor!", the first wife reacted.

" But Philles is the one that has seven powers, and that is the most important sign of

the next ruler, so when she reach the right age she will be the ruler of the kingdom and I will retire and live at the seniors palace with my five wives together with my ancestors ", Sultan said, verybody look at Philles and give her an approval look.

" We're so happy for you Philles, don't worry, we will always protect you ,no matter what!", Ono and Barri promised.

" Thank you father for your trust, thanks brothers for your oath !", she's a bit scared of what she heard from her father, she's in doubt if she has the capability of being a ruler.

" Your kindness will make you a good leader, and fate had design you to be one!", her father muttered at her.