Chapter 26 : * Basia, d' Blacksheep *

When she stare at her reflection in the mirror she saw a girl with fair skin and big brown spot that scattered in her whole body, though her face was void with this genetic spots that their family have since time memorial. When she is younger her mother spoiled her by giving her everything she wants, she is aware her mother adore her being the youngest among her two children while her brother Barri is serving as general in the palace miilitary together with their other brother Ono from the fourth wife of their father but that was before, since after she push Philles to fall down the stairs when she was six year old her mother had been indifferent and cold towards her. She had been jealous of her sister Philles since she's a little girl because her skin was very smooth and fair clean from spot that complimented her shiny long black hair. How she wanted since before to scratch her beautiful face so that she can no longer hear from anybody compliments such as Philles is very beautiful. Her mother and friends said she is beautiful with her long curly brown hair and fair with brown spot on her skin , she never heard words such as "very beautiful " she's just the "simply beautiful ".

" Stop bullying your sister Philles! she will be the future ruler of our kingdom! give her the respect she deserve !", her mother always reminded her.

" I hate her! besides it is not my fault if I only have two powers and she has seven ! ", Basia reasoned out.

" You're so ungrateful brat ! I don't know how I had such a bad daughter , am I being curse by my ancestors?", her mother angrily lamented.

" Stop being over dramatic mother !", Basia said unmoved by her mother's words.

She hated Philles for she had always been scolded by her mother in favor of Philles and her father never notice her because his attention is solely focus on Philles. If she'll be given a chance she will kill Philles so her father will give her more attention. But she had to be careful she should make Philles untimely demise as noticiably as it can be.

" Stop doing things that will drag you out of our lives , I can't bear to see you suffer because of your wrong choices ", her mother reminded her always, but such words just enter her right ear and goes out the other ear. I hate the thought of her being the queen of the kingdom someday, she's the favorite of their father ,just like with Prince who spend most of his life in the human world but she always heard their father praising his good works in their world.. That's why when their father instructed Stefano and Aldes to bring him home then she's so piss off because another favorite will be coming..

" Hyssstt, it's so irritating seeing two of her most hated siblings will be working together and connive to fix the problem for the whole kingdom. Her father openly and verbally admitted that she's his most ungrateful daughter among his childrens. But honestly she hate this feeling of jealousy, but she don't know how to stop this feeling, she just want that their father will give her time and ask how's your day Basia? unlike now that she was just treared like unwanted trash ,she never remember her father worry about her.

She understand that being selfish is bad and she's acting very selfish, she hate this feeling of being treared like a villain by her own parents and trampled out of their home to protect the so called " future ruler" .But that's what she felt and she just openly executed what's in her mind. She also wanted to be the future ruler of the kingdom and she will be the best and no one will be allowed to rebel against her ,everybody will be working hard with her to keep the kingdom secure and prosperous.

" Just wait til I can get back to you ! you'll diffinitely lose your precious life and no one's there to pester me around by simply looking at your face !" , full of hatred Basia swear .

" Plotting again against your sister?", she doesn't notice her mother behind her.

" Mother , how long have you been there?" , she's a bit jumpy when her mother talk beside her.

" When would you stop being hard on your sister? I am no longer happy with what you're doing ", her mother said , she had already transformed into a horse and kicked Philles but luckily , she can read her mind and had evade the incident. In two years time she will be send to humans world to study and she will no longer have a chance to eliminate Philles from Canla kingdom.

" By the look of her she's not my sister!", she sarcastically said.

." How she'll have powers if she's not? I hope when you stay in human world you'll mature and being away from home you'll change and be a better older sister for Philles and your other siblings ", her mother hoped.

" Hmmpp ! when I come back , I definitely show father that I will be a more better ruler than Philles!", Basia told her mother.

" Don't push too much on your luck! you are not fated to be a ruler by your attitude you will be a very abusive and sadistic ruler , and just accept with a grateful heart that Philles is the future queen of the Canla kingdom acceptance is the best thing for you to do!" , her mother said. At this early her mother deny her the possibility of being the future leader of their kingdom ,she don't even give her the motivation to work harder on her goals but shamed and discouraging her .

" Don't worry, you drag me away from the palace , your favorite Philles is safe from me !", Basia replied sarcastically.

" That's the best thing to do , to protect Philles from harm and to prevent you from doing an evil plan ", her mother said, because after they transferred to Simone manor, they can rarely enter Sultan Palace, during family gatherings only and to visit their sick father if he allow her. Even her own mother was on Philles side not on her own daughter and that added to the pain and hatred she felt.

." Why you always connive on hurting me? I am your daughter and you should be on my side and support me!", she once confront her mother.

" No! no! no! as long as you're doing bad things I will never support you , just do good and I will fully support you!", her mother said.

" Mother! you're hurting my feeling by what your saying" , she yell at her mother.

" Basia, you're already fourteen years old , at that age you can already discern what's good and bad, as your mother am I that bad to tolerate your bad deeds, what do you think of me, stupidly blind? unaware that you are at fault of all your bad intentions towards your sister?" , her mother ask her.

" You're always like that what you see in me is the bad side ,you never see the good side of me!" , she told her mother in anguish.

Earlier today before they left the palace she saw Philles and Prince talking and she hated seeing both of them seems close at each other. At least Prince is not a pain in her heart because he will never stay in the kingdom , for sure he will come back to his human family after they fix the faultline .

He loves his human family very much , his eyes twinkling brightly ,obviously adored his human family whenever he talks about them. He might have a loving family in human kingdom, and she doesn't doubt his affinity to Sultan's family because he has a spot in his body, unlike Philles who has no single spot in her body that's why she's wondring how she becomes Sultan's daughter ! but how come she had seven power! her father power has been bestowed on her her father talk to Prince and Philles, he had never done that on her he never call for her , he just talk to her whenever he scold her when she did something bad to Philles or any of her younger siblings of course she can't bully her older siblings all of her brothers were very tall like their father , and all of her older sisters were all married and have their own manor even Philo who is the same age with her is very tall and she couldn't pick a fight on him they'll go to school together when they tranferred to human world.

How she hate the idea that even her own loving mother turned her back against her and she no longer felt her love and affection. She always stare at her in disgust and disapproval and she hate it! Philles had steal her mother's adoration and love away from her.

Her relationship with her mother doomed because of Philles ! She will never allow her to be the ruler of this kingdom , even if it will cost her own precious life, she will stop it.