Chapter 27 : * When He Meet Her.*

Prince and Philles had been training on how to close the faultline, by the instruction of Sultan.Though Philles had been trained by Sultan on how to use her laser eyes power since at a young age , Prince hadn't. Though Prince had already use such power on some unfortunate events when he was very young , but their mission was so delicate that even a small mistake will cause a big explosion in the whole Canla kingdom and surely the whole kingdom will be in chaos or will be totally removed from the whole elemental world, it's existence will be unknown forever incase such haopened.

Prince thought it will be an easy process but it's not , just melting and flatten the soil to be used for closing the faultline is hard actually melting a metal is much easier than soil , it takes a lot of patience and mastery because safety is at stake and time is a big deal in this mission, it had to be done meticulously and ahead of the target date of the human government to open the power plant to avoid unfortunate incidents. In addition to that using continously his laser eyes power is no good for him , using it for more than two hours cause him an unexplained headache which he doesn't know because it is the first time he use it longer than before.

" Are you ready for your mission?", Sultan summon both Prince and Philles after a week of practice .

" Yes father , we are ready to start closing the faultline", Philles assured Sultan.

" How about you Prince ? are you ready to take the challenge?", Sultan ask.

" Yes! but I'm wondring why do we need to use our power in closing it, if in fact if you can just get some workers to close it manually?", Prince asked.

" If it can be done as easy as that , then why not? remember this faultline is connected to Mt. Canla which is a home for many creatures like us! it should be done properly and that's why both of you undergone training, only both of you who has a laser eyes that can do it faster and properly you just need proper coordination ", Sultan explained.

Philles had been very helpful during their training because everytime he make some minor mistake she's always on the look out to correct him. He is very impress to the young lady intellect because when he arrive she was just mimicking his language but now she can talk as fluently as Aldes and Stefano. She has the cool attitude which surely will make her a great leader in the future. After a couple of days of practice he is already prepared anyway Philles was very knowledgeable on how to use her power ,she will be there to remind and instruct as well as assist him. On the day of their mission , Aldes and Stefano accompanied them and it was Aldes who was the pilot of the four seater charter plane they use , the location was found in the midst of many tall and big trees , with a lake nearby a few distance away from the faultline. When they arrive at the location there are many creatures who was happily swimming at the lake compose of childrens and womens which surprise Prince as though they wete not affected by the natural phenomenom near them. The creatures run and hide in different directions as the plane take off in the open space. When they reach the actual location of the faultline and they check and planned on where they'll start to close the open faultlines which is a long lines of leak that reach the inside of the Canla volcano , Prince notice three ladies hiding in the big tree and observing them.

" Philles?", one of the lady comes out and called Philles.

" Larene! ", Philles face lit up as she saw the lady , the two ladies also comes out and greet them all when they realized there is no danger.. Prince was mesmerized by the beautiful lady who Philles called as Larene. A tall , slender with long straight hair and smooth fair skin lady wearing white clothes with flowers on her head with the face of an angel coming their way.

" Are you going to close the faultline now?", Larene ask.

" Yes! father summon my brother Prince to help us close the faultline !", Philles explained. As Larene stare at Prince , he felt that his heart was beating so fast as their eyes meet. For the first time his heart beat sp fast and seems hard to take away his stare from her , he cannot explain why he suddenly felt excited and want to impress the beaultiful lady he couldn't stop himself in stealing a glance again when the lady smile at him, the attraction he felt towards the beautiful lady is new to him, when the lady come near them he smells a sweet flowery scent envelope the air and reach his nostril. Both Aldes and Stefano smiled at his reaction.

" So our brother finally found the woman he will love ! ", Stefano tease him.

" Ha ! ha! ha ! you're really belong to us because you are also attracted to a fairy like Larene !", Aldes commented.

" Why? what's wrong with her?", wondring Prince asked.

" She's the one you called as elemental just like Philles and her mom ", Stefano said.

" Really? you're attracted to my aunt?", Philles turned to² ask him in disbelief.

" She's your aunt? ", surprise Prince ask.

" Yes! she's my mother's younger sister ",

Philles confirmed.

" Hmmph! don't mind him ! he's just joking!", Prince told Philles about Aldes comment.

As they are nearing the faultline they smell a strong chemicals that can almost make them unconcious . they had found a big tube and trace it back from the the power plant.

" What a smell ! ", Stefano said covering his nose.

" So this is the chemicals that makes father and others sick in the palace, it can make anybody lost consciousness if somebody was exposed in this bad smell it will surely give you pulmonary disease being expose to this chemicals ", , Aldes said.

" Yah, you're right ! so we must also do something about it by burying it at the volcano

riverbed ", Prince agreed.

" No we can't do that , that's dangerous we must use enchantment and enclose this in unseen containment so that this smell will not affect the palace , father is the God of Canla volcano but he is not exempted from illness because of his age and nobody in the palace expected it to be this worst , let us fix this temporarily and when he is back to his good health he will be the one that will do something about this permanently ", Philles explained.

" Okay ! you're smart !" , Prince praise the girl idea. Once in a while he is sending stolen glances at her aunt who is one of the onlooker on their mission. He don't want to raise a bad impression to Philles aunt who is just listening and observing him secretly.

As time pass by Philles and Prince begin their task by carefully closing the faultline by the soil that they had also taken from the fault , Stefano and Aldes join the onlookers and talk to the different elemental creatures that surrounds and observing Prince and Philles task , they just rest for sometime and continue again. Prince and Philles agreed that they will do and finish it right now so that Prince can go back to his family and when the creatures in their world will hear that the problem had been fix,they will surely rejoice and there will be no more war among their land. They also listen to suggestions which Stefano and Aldes gives which they had used some of it and had positive results. When the faultline was done all four of them join hands to enchant the tube that releasing chemical waste so that it will not affect the creatures living in the palace including Sultan Sota.

" Mission accomplish!", Prince said and very happy at the result of their task. For sure no one will notice that there had been a faultline before and another is, there will be no more chemical waste that will cause illness to their father and their fellow creatures, onlookers were applauding because of their job that had been done well .

" Hi ! can we be friends ?", for the first time Prince approach and talk to Larene which had been of help because he was inspired to do best because of her presence.

" Sure !", Shyly but Larene replied with enthusiasm.

" Wow ! you"'re really had been enchanted by Larene's beauty !" , Stefano jokingly said.

" What a good choice! Prince had an eye for beauty !", Aldes approved of his choice.

" What's your plan? are you going back home ?" , Stefano asked.

" Yeah! for sure my family was very worried about me now !" , Prince told them.

" Sorry Larene! your love story with Prince will end here for now, just visit him at home when you go back to school in the human world ", Stefano adviced.

" Really ? you're studying in the human world ? then visit me so that I can take you for a date !", Prince told Larene.

" I will try sometime ", Larene replied .

" Yes ! Prince love life will bloom now!", Stefano said rejoicing at what he heard.

" How about you, are you coming back to work ?", Prince ask Stefano.

" No! I just work there to be able to talk to you, there's no reason for me to go back there because my family lives here ", Stefano said.

" How about your new girlfriend? you will leave her that easily?", Prince tease back.

" Huhmmn! I already have three wives and when they're quarelling for my attention is really a pain in the ass !", Stefano told him.

" Okay! just come and visit me if ever you pass by in the human world , you're always welcome in my home and my parents are good humans ,you'll surely enjoy their company!", Prince told Stefano and Aldes.

" How about me? can I visit you home when I go to the human world four years from now to further my study in there?", Philles ask.

" Sure ! I have two younger sisters that you'll easily get along with for sure !", Prince told Philles.

" Really? I'm excited to meet them, for sure father will separate me from Basia, but I don't know if Philo will be with me because he'll go with Basia two years from now !", Philles said.

" You will surely be in danger if you'll lived with Basia, better stay away from her!", Aldes adviced.

" Yeah Aldes is right ! you will just give her a lot of chances to plot grimly against you !", Stefano said.

" Thanks for your concern but I know that our ancestors Gods and Goddess of Canla Volcano will always protect and watch over my safety ", Philles positively expected.

" Anyway, me and Stefano will bring you back home and present you safely to your parents tomorrow !", Aldes told Prince.

" Thanks ,I already miss my family, I know my papa and mama is already worried about me ", Prince told them.

" How about Larene? it is hello and goodbye then?", Stefano ask him.

" Hmmp , you told me that she's studying in the human world, so there's chances for us to meet uf she really wants to see me!", Prince said.

" Yeah! I can sense that Larene also likes you as what I see in her gestures , she also send you stolen glances when you're not looking in her direction and the way she smiles at you is full of charm!", Stefano said.

Prince just smile at what he heard, he will surely love it if he will have a chance to further her relationship with Larene. He is excited to see her in the human world and introduce her to his family. When they arrive at the palace all four of them come to visit and reported to their father and Sultan is very happy listening to their stories.

." Thank you very much my son! thanks for your help, eventhough you never call or treated me as your father but being here to help us is a big thing for me !", Sultan in a very sentimental way said as he turn to Prince.

" Welcome !", Prince replied.