Chapter 29 : * Larene , My Love *

According to one of his mythical friend a big and tall entity living in a big tree in their neighborhood , even those who live in the mythical world cannot comprehend the difference of time they just accepted it as it is without asking why. Only the elemental Gods and Goddesses of Realm knows the truth so that is one of the miracles and wonder of life.

Since he came back from Canla kingdom and that is a week ago ,Prince is always come home tired and bring home most of his paperworks.

In the middle of the night he was awaken by a feeling of the presence of somebody that he could not express what, when he opened his eyes he had seen the illumination of a woman which he thought was a product of his imagination. But when the illumination moves in his direction while he is lying in bed, his breathing was suspended in the air and his heart jump in excitement and anticipation when he heard a familiar sweet voice of a woman, a voice he 'll never forget his eyes automatically opened and focus in the direction of the owner of the voice and he find out Larene was standing infront of him and bend while stroking his face .

" Oh , hi !", he said trying to focus his sleepy stares at the face of the beautiful lady bending and stoking his face gently.

" Hi ! you must be so tired that you had difficulty in opening your eyes " , Larene said.

" Yeah , a lot of paperworks had been left for me since I arrive back here ", Prince replied, apologetic cause he was caught up by Larene in his most sensitive state.

" Pity for you, do you want me to lessen the tiredness you feel?", Larene ask him with a

natural flirty voice.

" Oh....wait....are you real ?", he ask , he is confuse but the familiar flowery scent of Larene that envelope and scattered in the whole confinement of his room tell his mind it is true., but right now he felt something strange with his body because of the soft touch of Larene that roam in his face down his body . He don't want to stop her being a gentleman, and he don't want also to offend her by stopping what she's doing because of that delicious touch she's doing in his eager body.

" Yes.... I .... am... ", I love you Prince and I am willing to do this wonderful thing with you !", Larene whisper in his ear and she lick the hollow of his right ear. that makes all hairs of his body raise up automatically. The beautiful lady rouse a primitive desire within him that he can not explain.

" But Larene.... wait... this is wrong.!", he get up and try to stop her before he lost his sanity because of the aggressiveness the lady is exhibiting at him.He held her hand in place but the softness of her skin awaken a carnal desire deep down his body.

" I want you to be my first lover ", Larene said, when she hug him he no longer care, she push him down the bed with her on top and kiss him. His body was on fire under her fingertips which is busy feeling his abs down his stomach . He close the gap between them with his lips and she slightly moan at his sexual attack, something down his body woken for the first time and it is ready to devour Larene.

Larene, was a fairy ,a mythical creature and in their world she is engage to be married to one of sultan's son Ono , a courageous warrior and military general in their kingdom. She is suppose to be the third wife of Ono ,her parents had agreed because of a sumptous amount of dowry such as gold , but she despise it. Ono pursue her since she is a teen ager but she don't feel anything for him, he is tall ,handsome and he has the same divided color of Sultan. The difference is sultan's divided color is in the middle of his body, as in the left side from head to foot is black and the right side from head to toe is white Ono has white color from head to waist, black from waist to toes. He is aristocrat ,arrogant and ruthless but he is very patient in his dealing with her. Anyway she won't be a big loss for Ono, because he had two wives already.

" Third wife? ow come on! I hate the title , I wanted to be the first and only wife of the man I'll love ", she thought.

Prince had woken her interest since the first time she saw him and she rather choose him over Ono his brother. Beside Prince is half human and she know that humans take only one wife.. Anyway I'm doing Prince a favor for she can see Prince had been attracted on her since their first meeting , his reaction is something unexplainable , he keeps on staring and throw her glances she knows that he felt something for her and she will grab that opportunity to seize his heart and love.

And she hope Sultan will not punish her for choosing Prince his other son over the other. She had never dreamed of competing the love of Ono over his wives if she choose him to be her husband that will surely happened but right now she has the right to choose whoever she wants. Because of Ono's persistent and bribery to her parents they agreed to bethrotted her to him but she despise him so much , no matter what ! she will not be a part of his harem , so she will make this drastic decision with no turning back. Her parents will surely be very angry but she no longer care. She will seduce Prince and will be his wife forever if Gods and Goddesses of Canla kingdom forbade even if her parents will punish or even disown her. Anyway she had seen how Prince reacted to her presence and it will be a big advantage for him if she did the first move he will be spare from the effort of courting her , she had been observing him if he has a girlfriend but luckily she had never seen any girls that can be called as his girlfriend so she's on the right track.

Prince was happy and contented wrapping Larene's body in a warm and tight embrance after an hour of hot and satisfying sex as they both lay naked in his bed.

" Wow ! I feel great ,how I wish can make it out with you always !", Prince whisper in her ear grinning.

" Don't worry we will ! cause I will always visit you here", Larene promised.

" Really? promised?", Prince excitedly asked , he seems like a child being offered a delicious candy.

" Yes of course !", Larene said smiling sweetly at him.

" How do you feel ?", his eyes show concern as he see her wince when she move out of his embrace and stretch her limbs in bed.

" My body is sore in all places , specially in my most private part ", Larene replied.

" Oh, I'm so sorry my love ! ", Prince apologetically said.

" It's okay, I'll get used to it anyway ", she said, loving the tenderness and concern she heard from him. His arms automatically hug Larene's body.

" I am not sure if this is just a dream ,but I can feel your physical body and it felt great ", He whisper as he cup her face with his hands.

" I am here with you , I am real I assure you !", smiling Larene replied and kiss his lips gently at first then got deeper when he moan and can't stand the temptation offered to him.

He is excited for this new relationship with Larene, actually they hadn't started a serious boyfriend and girlfriend relationship yet but they become bed buddies sooner than expected but of course he prefer it.

Who would say no to a beautiful temptation

offered infront of him? Eventhough she's not a normal human but still she's a woman and like her he half of him is not human, no matter how much he deny the truth that he is human but the truth screams in his face that other part of him is not human . Though he had to keep the truth secretly from his parents because for sure they will be deeply hurt if they know what he thought..

For now his first sexual relationship is with an elemental beautiful Larene , and it is her own decision though she's a virgin she bravely come to him in his sleep and let him take her innocence.

When he wakes up in the morning he couldn't find her anywhere inside his room.

" Larene ! Larene ! Larene!", he called her name and come out of his room to look for her around the house.

." Who is Larene? are you looking for somebody?" , Karen ask her son when he entered the kitchen where his mother is cooking for breakfast. Their mother personally take care of their family like cooking, they just hire someone to do the laundry , cleaning the house or gardening. But cooking and taking care of their family needs was done by their mother. She's a super woman in their family and he loves her very much.

" It might had been a dream ma, I thought she's here", Prince replied.

" Is this Larene someone special to you?", Karen ask in a teasing tone.

" Yes ma , I might had assume she is here ", Prince said , then he go back to his room to prepare for work.. In his bed he notice the bloodstain which prove he had taken Larene's innocence last night , so he smiled at himself as he go to the bathroom to take a bath. Now he had seen the proof that the blissful union he had with Larene was real and not just a product of his imagination. he was in a good mood and smiling to everyone he comes across at work .

He was very happy and full of energy that day nothing can break the good vibes he has today. He never thought that having sex will give him this wonderful feeling if he had known it he had done it before but it's okay he had Larene now, she had promise to come to him often to make it out with him and he expected it to be as good as it is now.

Larene kissed Prince before she left at dawn , she had a wonderful night. They had sex before Prince doze off at dawn and she decided to leave because she had to go back to attend school in the morning . Just in a snap of her fingers she was back in her apartment like magic. As mystic being she had the ability to get in and out of any homes that she wants to enter , which Prince can't do being half human and she's thankful for that characterestic of her being elemental. She can show her physical body if she chooses to do that to anywhere or anybody she wants .

She had promise Prince that she will always visit him to have this satisfying sex with him always and she'll do that. She's willing to bring this relationship to much higher level or even to have children with him.

She had already fallen in love with him since the first time she saw him.

She wanted this to be lasting and binding kind of relationship. She is willing to use her body in order to get what she want , and now what she want is the unadulterated love of Prince which makes her unable to sleep for many nights since she saw him just thinking of how to get him to fully fall in love with her.

And now she had found a way to get him

and that is by the use of her body. Soon after Ono discover her relationship with Prince Ono will surely broke up the bethrottal he had bind her with him and Prince will be there to stand up for her. Her love for him was true and she expect the same from him.