Chapter 30 : * Love in The Midst *

Prince and Larene had develop a deep bonding since the day they had a physical relationship, but they do not see each other everyday they have certain schedule such as three times a week. He was complaining because he wanted her to come everyday but she just smile sweetly at him and say "be patient " which he hates the sound of it, he assume it means he had no choice but to wait for her to have time to come and be with him. Larene visited him every tuesday, and friday which is an exciting day for him because she stays til saturday. He decided to formally ntroduce her to his parents so they will not ask about her existence in his room when his mother accidentally found her naked sleeping in his room.

" What's the meaning of this ?", Karen was very upset when she saw a naked woman lying in her son's bed.

" Mama, she's my girlfriend ", Prince automatically was trying to explain.

" Girlfriend? why we have no idea about this? are you bringing your girlfriend home when everybody's asleep? you have no respect for us Prince ! ", Karen bewilderedly slash at her son.

" Sorry mama, I don't want to hide it from you but our heart can no longer bear to be away from each other ", Prince apologetically told his mother, he don't know how to explain to his mother the siruation who is very upset .

" Is that all you have to say? how about the reputation of your girlfriend? are her parents aware she's sleeping with you?", Karen ask.

" Her parents are lives far away from here and she's still studying ", Prince explained.

" What ? you're a student ? ", Karen ask Larene as she opened her eyes obviously woken by the loud voice of Karen and look at her who's anger was visible in her face reddening in disgust. Larene nodded her head confirming her son's words.

" Did your parents know that instead of studying you are here in our home doing something inappropriate ?", Karen insolently told Larene.

" Mama please ! stop insulting her ,I love her and I want her here with me !", Prince beg for understanding from his mother.

She was introduce to Prince parents as his girlfriend and luckily Karen and Joseph welcome her in their family warmly eventhough Karen was very skeptical when she first discover about Larene.She was disgusted by the thought that their son made them a fool in their own home by laiding a girl from nowhere. But she also realize later this is the first time their son had introduce someone as a girlfriend and they are happy for that.. Anyway Larene is very pretty and seems so kind , just the right girl they want for heir son.

Though at first they're a bit skeptical of the fact that the girl secretly come and sleep with their son, they are both very conservative and they will never allow their son to disrespect any woman specially his girlfriend, they prefer them to get married before they indulge in a sexual relationship.

" Son, why don't you get married first ? anyway you're already living with Larene like that of a married couple but we prefer if you make it formal and official ", Karen told her son, when he came home early and join them for dinner.

" Ma, Larene is still studying, besides her parents do not know yet about our relationship ", Prince reason out.

" Yeah I know that's why the more reason why you should talk to her parents and promise you will marry her , talk to her parents and let them know about your relationship, you are just putting your relationship in a more proper perspective if you really love her", Karen advice.

" I'll talk to Larene about it ma, when she came on tuesday ", Prince assured his mother

he is happy that his parents do not notice about Larene's identity.. He know they will be devastated when they know what kind of creature Larene is, but for now they better hang on to their love for each other and hope that they'll be able to pass through the trials that will go their way in the future. Prince and Larene had been more open to their relationship with his parents , they were always seen holding hands or kissing by his family. Prince parents are fond of Larene,she's such a kind and beautiful young lady , the kind of girl they want for their son. Kate is giggling for the couple's sweetness. They adore each other and it can always be seen by the way they stare at each other as though they were always on honeymoon. As though they both were always in love trance.

If Larene did the first move into their relationship now it was Prince who always do the first move , he love to indulge in a sexual act which Larene willingly cooperated. When Larene was around they always stay in Prince room and stay on close door , which makes Karen and Joseph annoy and trying to talk to their son to put some sense into his mind for Larene's well being as a woman..

" papa ,mama, in this generation having sex is just a common practice so don't worry about us !" , Prince told his parents amuse of their reaction, though he wanted to marry Larene as his forever, it should be a mutual agreement between the two of them and they need to talk about it. The fact that he loves to indulge in her warmth and bury himself in her body freely and always was a good possibility for him when they get married but Larene was asking for more time and she ask him if he is ready to tell his parents that she's not real human? and he thought she's right because he is not sure if his parents will accept the fact that the woman he love is a fairy that exist only in fairytales. But there is no difference between her and human she has a beautiful face and body that he craves so much . Sometimes she complain that he was too aggressive but everytime he touch her she always give in and enjoy the trip towards the heaven they both created.

" It was your fault, you started this you made me a sex addict and you should bear it when I want you so much ", he once told her which she just laugh in surrender to his demand.

" It seems that we can no longer stop them in their relationship ," Karen complain to her husband when she saw Larene and Prince comes out of his room holding hands.

" Yes, our son is madly inlove with her ", Joseph agree.

" But I want them to get married first , what if she get pregnant ? she will cause shame to her family!", Karen said.

" Honey! let them decide for their relationship , if they want to get married or not it is their choice !", Joseph told his wife.

" Hmmp, what kind of thinking this children have these days , they had no respect for themselves !", Karen sulk.

" Why are you complaining? if she get pregnant, then good ! we will be grandparents!

don't you like the idea of being called granny?"

Joseph tease his wife.

" You're right granddad !" , Karen tease back her husband.

" Mama, papa ,sulking again about our marriage ? ", Prince ask his parents with Larene holding his hands firmly and hiding at his back.

" Yeah, when would you like to get married? we don't want that you'll do that after you have children!", Karen said. Prince look back at Larene and tag her hand letting her decide .

" My parents live very far from here, but I guess we can do get married but by a local ceremony only ", Larene said.

" What? I want a big grand wedding for my only son !", Karen disagree.

" Mama, that is just to make this union official, if Larene want a simple quiet wedding

let give it to her , there's nothing wrong with that !", Prince argued.

" Yes honey, besides it's their wedding, they can always have a grand and big wedding someday !", Joseph told his wife.

" Then good, prepare all of your papers so you can get married soon !", Karen said happily as she look at Larene.

" Thanks babe," Prince said as he kiss Larene's forehead unexpected of her decision but happy that she'll finally stay with him always after they got married . No more days that he will sleep alone in his room and just wait for her to come when she's free.

Larene was relieved that his mother finally agreed in the marriage that she had in mind.

She does not argued that much for them to be married by judge.

" But aunt Karen ,I have another problem , I have my maid with me, when I'll marry and stay here ,I cannot abandon her in the condo unit we're staying right now ", Larene said.

" No problem ,let her stay here and live with us ,we have spare room for her to stay here, , besides you will be my daughter in law why not start calling me mama now?, " Karen told her which make Prince smile.

" Thank you for that mama," Larene shyly

said looking in his father's direction waiting for his father's reaction.

" Yeah, that's right we will be family soon , we will be your parents too , I'll be your papa too ", Joseph said, his wife is really one of a kind, she never hesitated in welcoming Larene to be part of their family and even eager to have her maid to stay with them.

" That's much better !", Prince said, he is happy that his parents approved of his relationship with Larene .

" You have wonderful family ! they made me feel welcome as well as my maid." Larene said, her face lit up in happiness.

" Yeah ,I told you mama and papa are the best parents there is ", Prince proudly agreed.

" Where are you going now ?", Karen ask the two of them.

" We'll go shopping mama, Larene needs new clothes while staying here in the house ", Prince replied. This is the first time that Larene will go shopping just like normal humans are.

" Okay, that's better going on a date than just staying in your room for the whole day ", Karen tease her son that smirk upon hearing her words.

"We're going now mama,papa ,bye !", Prince said with Larene just wave her hand goodbye to the older couple.

" K, enjoy both of you !", Karen said while Joseph just nod his head.

" Honey, we're getting older ! sooner than expected we will have grandchildren running around our house ", Karen said after a sigh.

" Just wait til Kate and Maggy grew up ! you surely will be too preoccupied in taking care of your grandchildrens ", Joseph said grinning imagining the chaos it will cause when their little grandchildrens comes and play running around their house. Though their house four rooms and can surely accomodate

additional members but he is not sure if they will also stay with them.

" We want them to stay with us forever !", Karen said.

" Of course they can stay with us forever, we love that! but they also have a life to live ,if they wanted to have their own homes and family we can do nothing but support all of their decisions ", Joseph told his wife.

" Hahh! you're right honey! but is it okay that I decided to let Larene bring and live with us her maid?", Karen ask.

" Of course ! for the sake of our son's happiness it's fine with me !", Joseph said.

" Thanks honey ! you"re the best ! you never disagree with my decisions infront of our children ",Karen said as she gently hug her husband and kiss him on his cheek.

" I love you that much ! there's nothing wrong with what you said, if Larene want her maid then let her bring her along ", Joseph said so happy that her wife show him so much affection.

" You're the best husband and father ever , I'm so bless to have you !", Karen emotionally told him.